


The comeback of the written word - analysis







Analyze how the author convinces the reader of his opinion that there is a
,,comeback of the written word" (p.40/41)
The article "T

Analyze how the author convinces the reader of his opinion that there is a ,,comeback of the written word" (p.40/41) Analysis The article "The comeback of the written word" is an extract from "The joy of text - it´s words that matter in mobile age", which was written by Gideon Spanier and published on the 18th of July in 2012 in the London Evening Standard. It deals with the rise of text-based digital communication. In the following, the text will be analyzed to show, how the author convinces the reader of his opinion that there is a "comeback of the written word". Spanier begins his text with the statement, that text-based communication on a mobile device is now more popular than making phone calls or talking face-to-face (1. 1-2). To prove his thesis he gives findings from media regulator Ofcom's Communications Market report, to show that the average Briton uses some form of text-based communication to stay in contact with other people (1. 3-9). On the contrary, he also shows that the use of phone calls is decreasing, by showing that the overall amount of time that Britons spent making voice calls on both mobile and landlines fell for the first time last year, sliding 1% (1. 10f). In the next paragraph, (1. 12- 17),...

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Spanier addresses, especially those people, who care about reading or believe in the future of journalism. He uses this strategy because most of the readers would be enthusiastic about reading anyway. In this way, he can easily convince his readers, that the power of text would never decrease, but rather increase (1. 15ff). But Spanier also shows that there is a huge contrast between watching videos and playing games and texting in line 14f, to represent that nevertheless, text-based communication is as popular as playing games or watching videos. The next paragraph (1. 18- 22) is about the advantages of the new digital technology. Spanier just enumerates the positive effects of the technology to convince his readers even more that text-based communication hasn't died yet and to show that the written word is important to develop the digitalism. Besides, Spanier weighs videos and images against the use of words and tries to create a clear contrast, which not only emphasizes the importance of texts and words in the digital world but also criticizes the use and post of images, that the achievement is much lower than using words (1. 20f). Therefore, the comparison between words and images, makes his article more convincing. Spanier also illustrates that the invention of mobile devices is the cause of the increase of the power of text. To prove his statement, he also enumerates the findings from media regulator Ofcom's Communications Market Report (1. 27- 34). In line 35, he points to our media habits, to address every reader, so they can identify on his statements. At the end of his article, he also criticizes teenagers by using a climax "flop down on the sofa in the living room, ignore the main TV set, and immerse themselves in their smartphones"(1.38 f). He uses this climax to show that teenagers mostly use their mobile devices and don't look much TV. Therefore, the importance of images will decrease while the importance of the written word will increase and never die out. In conclusion, the author deals with the use of the written word in our digital age and shows that text- based communication hasn't died out, but rather increased by using.......