


The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time: summary Chapter 2-13







Chapter 2-13
The Chapters 2 up to 13 of the Book ,,The Curious Incident of the Dog in the
Night-Time" by Mark Haddon which was published in

Chapter 2-13 The Chapters 2 up to 13 of the Book ,,The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" by Mark Haddon which was published in the year 2003 is about Christopher Boone. Christopher finds one night Mrs Shear's dog which was stab to death by a garden fork. After some time, Mrs shears finds Christopher holding the death dog. She calls the police and when the police officers arrived they started questioning Christopher, but he has not enough time to think properly about the questions of the policeman. In the same chapters, we also learn a lot about Christopher. He is a smart boy he's very fascinated in astronomy, and he knows all prime number up to 7,507 and also all country's and the capitals. He also makes reading others feeling difficult for himself. Not only that, but he also can't understand jokes because of that he is not able to tell jokes.

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