


The curious Incident of the of in the Night-Time-summary chapter 17-31







Chapter 17-31
The Chapters 17 up to 31 of the novel ,,The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time"
by Mark Haddon are about Christophe

Chapter 17-31 The Chapters 17 up to 31 of the novel ,,The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" by Mark Haddon are about Christopher and his knowledge. Chapter 17 starts with Christopher and the police officer. The police officer tells Christopher that he arrest him because of his silly and dishonest behavior. He tells him also that he should get in the car and he speaks into a radio that he will bring Christopher to the police station. For the rest of the chapter, Christopher tells us about the universe. In the next chapter Christopher explain us why the numbers of the chapters are so weird and the reason why is that all of the numbers are prime numbers. When they arrived at the police station Christopher had to give all his stuff away. the only thing he kept was his watch but the police officer said that he had to leave it in at the reception but Christopher started to scream and so he was allowed to keep it. Then the policemen started to question him about his family and Christopher tells the police officer that the only family he have is his Father. This uncle lives far away and his Grandmanhas senile dementia. In the Chapter, Christopher also decries us...

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the police cell and tells us his escape plan if he would be locked up in a cell. In chapter 29 tells us why he thinks that people are confusing. One reason is that people can communicate without talking. The other reason is that people are talking in metaphors. He explains to us the meaning of metaphors and he said that he thinks that metaphors are lies. Christophers also explains to us the meaning of his name but he doesn't like the meaning of his name because he thinks that the meaning of this name should mean him. In chapter 31 Christophers father arrives at the police station and when he meets Christopher they do their ,,fingers and thumbs touch" because Christopher doesn't like to hug people. Then a police officer asks Christopher in front of his father if he killed the dog and if the hit was an accident. Christopher said that he didn't kill the dog and the hit wasn't an accident. That they leave the police station.