


The Death of a Salesman 1st act + Timeshifts + Characters







Willy Loman
- insecure, self-clelucted sales man
belies wholeheartedly in the American Dream
4 easy success & wealth he never ach
Willy Loman
- insecure, self-clelucted sales man
belies wholeheartedly in the American Dream
4 easy success & wealth he never ach

Charaktere Willy Loman - insecure, self-clelucted sales man belies wholeheartedly in the American Dream 4 easy success & wealth he never achieves it his sons fulfill his hope that they will Successed where he failed his mental health begins to unravel Biff Loman 34 years old oldest son of Willy led a cha life in high school. 4 football star; good male friend; fawning female admirers failea math did not have enough credits to graduate. has uleptomania 4 got fired from every job represent willy's vulnerable, poetic, tragic side can't ignore instincts fails to reconcile. his life with Willy's expectations for him Linda loman loyal, Loving Willy - seems to be taken in by willy's self-deluced hopes - other sicles she seems far mor realistic and less fragile than Willy - her emotional strength & perseverance Support Willy until his collapse Lernettel Englisch Happy Loman - 32 years old - younger son of Willy has lived in Biff's shadow represents. Willy's sense of self-importance, ambition & blina servitude to societal expections works as an assistant to an assistant .buyer in a department store presents himself as supremely important practices bad business ethics & sleeps with the girlfriends of his superiors Charley willy's next-door neighbor owns a successful business his son. - weathy, important lawyer willy is jealous of Charley's Success gives Willy money to pay his bills Willy reveals at one point → charley is his only friend Bernard - son of Charley - important. Lawyer Willy used to hard mock Bernard for studying .- Loves Willy's sons dearly & regarded...

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Biff as a hero - his success is difficult to Willy to accept because his own son's lives don't measure up Ben Willy's wealthy older brother recently died and appears only in Willy's "daydreams" willy regards Ben as a symbol of success that he so desperately craves for himself and his sons The woman Willy's mistress when Biff & Happy were in high-school her attention & admiration boost Willy's fragile ego.. Biff catches Willy in his hotel room with her Biff loses faith in his father ↳ his dream of passing math and going to college clied iner Howard Willy's boss inherited the company from his father. Willy regarded as "a masterful man" & "a prince" Howard treats Willy with condescension & eventually fires him Stanley A waiter at Frank's Crop House friends he & Happy seem to be 4 at least acquaintances Miss Forsythe & Letta Two young women. Happy & Biff meet them at Frank's Cop House are prostitutes judging. Happy's repeated comments about their moral character and the fact that they are "on call". Jenny Charley's Secretary Act 1 Introduction of the protagonist. Willy 4 he's exhausted from work His wife seems worried (ignors his mad taluing) Introduction of. Biff first timeshift. → Willy's perspective 4 changes constantly throughout conversations • Biff and Happy in their childhood room: talk about their dreams and hopes 4 Biff feels like he isn't able to compete in. the dog - eats- dog society 2., Happy isn't fulfilled either chevy (old car) is a big topic for Willy (flashback: his kids look up to him; he's a well knowm. salesman in. New england → but has a lot of. dept and doesn't mave enough money, is certain. Biff will be very successfull, Suddenly changes mind." I'll whip him", Happy tries to gets his fathers attention • Willy wants to be like his brother (Lives the American Dream in Africa) (flashback. Ben comes to visit (first. and only time), willy asus him about his father, receives answer ecept his father played the flute connection the introduction) Ben to Lersettel Englisch meaning Happy is constantly over heard e.g. "I. Last weight Pop.... his. engagement Willy tells. Biff "Gee" is a boys word. but uses it at the end of act one willy tries to relief his dreams through. Biff .Ben represents the Dream all of them are chasing (just one visit is a symbol for the ideal ·beeing unreachable). Chevy is a symbol for the better day • Neighborhood is over populated / house is often asociated with cage. Biff at the end Act. I willy sees the moon through the норе window → Timeshifts 1st Timeshift: -conversation between willy & Linda. (present → -Willy drifts into a reverie. transition → . past 1 → • Biff, Happy and their mother talk about Willy's bad mental health Isvized atempts etc.),. Biff decides to stay and find work, when Willy hears the news he is satisfied • Happy has the idea to open a sports equip-. ment shop as partners (the Loman brothers). everyone feels like it's, a million dollar iclea", both brothers. plan to Lend money. → willy gives Biff tips how to asu • All go to bed. End Act 1 4. returns to the room 2nd Timeshift: - willy begins to think of a woman (Transition → whom he has had an affair Pask 1 4th Timshift :.. .(Transition. → present +. past) L 4 he remembers his grown sons as teenagers. · Willy's memories of past events are revealed Linda Interrupts the memory 3rd Timeshift: - Timeshift in Timeshift (Transition post)- neighbor's son, Bernard, informs him that Biff is going to fail highschool math urges Bernard, who is much more studious than the loman boys, to simple give Biff the test answers has given her gift of stockings. 4. overcome by guilt when he sees Linda mending stockings "I won't have you mending stockings in this house! Now throw them out!" transition to present + past thinks of grown son Hap followed by memories of willy's brother, Ben had pressed. Willy to company him to Alaska. 5th Timeshift - Transition to present (Transition present) - agrue with Biff rejected opportunity to travel.. but Ben became wealthy ↳ Learns that Biff plans to speak to Bill Oiver about starting a buisness. bebins to advise Biff on how to act when he goes. to Olive's office tells Linda, he will ask to be. reassigned to New York Office so he won't have to travel anymore Biff finds rubber tubing concealed behind the heater in the kitchen ↳, looks ominously at willy's room and then takes tubing upstairs.