


The Declaration of Independence







The Declaration of
declaration= Erklärung;
independence Unabhängigkeit Backround of the Declaration of Independence
The conflic
The Declaration of
declaration= Erklärung;
independence Unabhängigkeit Backround of the Declaration of Independence
The conflic
The Declaration of
declaration= Erklärung;
independence Unabhängigkeit Backround of the Declaration of Independence
The conflic
The Declaration of
declaration= Erklärung;
independence Unabhängigkeit Backround of the Declaration of Independence
The conflic
The Declaration of
declaration= Erklärung;
independence Unabhängigkeit Backround of the Declaration of Independence
The conflic
The Declaration of
declaration= Erklärung;
independence Unabhängigkeit Backround of the Declaration of Independence
The conflic
The Declaration of
declaration= Erklärung;
independence Unabhängigkeit Backround of the Declaration of Independence
The conflic
The Declaration of
declaration= Erklärung;
independence Unabhängigkeit Backround of the Declaration of Independence
The conflic
The Declaration of
declaration= Erklärung;
independence Unabhängigkeit Backround of the Declaration of Independence
The conflic

The Declaration of Independence declaration= Erklärung; independence Unabhängigkeit Backround of the Declaration of Independence The conflict between the colonists and Great Britain Boston Tea Party - Why do the Native Americans threw tea into the water? • British raised taxes¹ on goods2, so colonists were angry • Effect: boycott³ of British goods and imports • As the British excluded4 colonists from tea trade, they threw expensive tea into the water (ca. 45 tons) This action is called 'The Boston Tea Party' ● Why do you think the colonists did not want to pay taxes? Because the colonists are not in the parliament, but they should pay taxes they felt oppressed ('No taxation without represantation was their slogan) 1= Steuern erhöhen; 2= Güter; 3= Boycott; 4= ausschließen; 5= Repräsentation Which possibilities do the colonists and Great Britain have? They could make a fair deal win-win situation Possibilities6 The colonists could protest again 6= Möglichkeiten They wanted to make their own country War of Independence War of Indpendence When?: 19th April 1775 to 3rd September 1783 Where?: North Coast, North America Effect: Foundation of the USA Who won?: The thirteen colonies of the colonists ● ● 7= Gründung; claimed³= beansprucht Huron Erie Georgia Claimed by NY and NH Ontario South Carolina Pennsylvania Virginia North Carolina New York New Hampshire Massachusetts (Part of Mass.) -Rhode Island -Connecticut -New Jersey Delaware -Maryland Atlantic Ocean War soldiers which are defending they are shooting at the rivals flag of the USA →head of the army soldiers (Soldaten) with horses and weapons cannons corpses end of the battle The Declaration of Independence (4th...

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July 1776) PART 3: Wrongs of king Louis XVI PART 1: The purpose of the PART 2: Human rights Declaration of Independence • Five leaders explained their decision declaring ¹0 their independence ● ● ● Equality Unalienable¹¹ rights (liberty, life, pursuit ¹2 of happiness) Right to elect their government PART 4: Cancel the connections People are free and independent 9= Zweck; 10= erklären 11= nicht wegnehmbare; 12= das Streben; 13= Tyrann; Tyrant ¹3 • Did actions without ● agreement of people • Wanted to repeal¹4 parliament Introduced taxes Started war of independence ● ● 14= widerrufen The document IN CONGRESS. JY 0. The unanimous Declaration States of Americe de State of Please decide which part of the declaration belongs to the excerpt. [...] that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.' Resulution: Part 2, human rights Sources ● ● https://quizlet.com/15223478/parts-of-the-declaration-of-independence-flash-cards/ https://quizlet.com/101806854/the-five-parts-of-the-declaration-of-independence-flash-cards/ https://www.leo.org/englisch-deutsch/ https://sites.google.com/a/wcsga.net/ms-hebert-s-classroom-website//rsrc/1472679225601/home/2010- 2011-digital-portfolio/social-studies-help/colonization/13%20colonies.png?height=400&width=325 http://www.ushistory.org/declaration/document/ https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:National Archives Declaration.jpg History folder (22nd January 2018)