


Terrorists vs Revolutionaries: What's the Difference?


Terrorists vs Revolutionaries: What's the Difference?
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1.367 Follower


A group of students plan a cyber attack, debating ethics and methods. What is the difference between a terrorist and a revolutionary movement? is a key theme explored. The play examines motivations behind hacktivism and its potential consequences.

Key points:

  • Students discuss hacking a powerful organization
  • Debate over whether their actions constitute revolution or terrorism
  • Technical details of routing attacks through proxy servers
  • Ethical concerns raised about potential harm to innocent people
  • Tension between idealism and real-world consequences



Page 2: The Debate Unfolds

This page presents the core dialogue between Archie and the other characters, revealing the group's plans and Archie's opposition.

Archie argues against the group's actions, calling them terrorism rather than revolution. The others defend their plan, explaining their technical approach to avoid detection. The debate escalates as ethical concerns are raised about potential harm to innocent people.

Example: The group describes routing their attack through "dozens of hacked proxy computers" and using Tor routers to multiply traffic, illustrating what is revolutionary terrorism in simple words - using advanced technology for politically motivated attacks.

Highlight: The line "This isn't a game. This is real life." emphasizes the serious consequences the students may face.


  • Foregone conclusion: A result that is obvious before it happens
  • Collateral damage: Unintentional harm to uninvolved parties during a conflict
  • Technocratic junta: A group of technical experts ruling by force

The scene ends with tension as the group decides to forcibly prevent Archie from leaving, showing how quickly idealistic plans can lead to unethical actions.

The digital Age EF
EXAM No. 1
1. Outline the situation the group is currently in and how they deal with it.
6th October 2

Page 3: Escalating Tensions

This page continues the confrontation between Archie and the group, with the situation becoming more serious.

Archie persists in trying to convince the others to abandon their illegal plans. The group, however, remains committed to their course of action. The debate touches on themes of responsibility, choices, and the potential consequences of their actions.

Highlight: The physical restraint of Archie marks a significant escalation, demonstrating how the group's idealism is leading them to cross ethical lines.

Example: The mention of using duct tape to restrain Archie illustrates what are the problems with hacktivism? - namely, how quickly online activism can lead to real-world criminal behavior.

This page emphasizes the moral complexity of the situation, showing how what is the difference between a hacktivist and a cyber terrorist? can become blurred when idealistic goals lead to increasingly extreme actions.

The digital Age EF
EXAM No. 1
1. Outline the situation the group is currently in and how they deal with it.
6th October 2


Page 1: Setting the Stage

The first page introduces an exam based on Ben Ockret's 2015 play "Hacktivists". Students are tasked with analyzing an excerpt, focusing on characterization and thematic elements.

Key assignments include:

  1. Outlining the group's situation and actions
  2. Characterizing Archie based on his attitude, behavior, and dialogue
  3. Commenting on Archie's quote comparing revolution and terrorism

Highlight: The central quote "What you're talking about isn't a revolution. It's terrorism." sets up the key ethical debate of the play.


  • Revolution: A very important change in how people see and understand the world
  • Terrorism: The unlawful use of violence and intimidation to achieve a certain goal
The digital Age EF
EXAM No. 1
1. Outline the situation the group is currently in and how they deal with it.
6th October 2


The digital Age EF
EXAM No. 1
1. Outline the situation the group is currently in and how they deal with it.
6th October 2


The digital Age EF
EXAM No. 1
1. Outline the situation the group is currently in and how they deal with it.
6th October 2


The digital Age EF
EXAM No. 1
1. Outline the situation the group is currently in and how they deal with it.
6th October 2


The digital Age EF
EXAM No. 1
1. Outline the situation the group is currently in and how they deal with it.
6th October 2


The digital Age EF
EXAM No. 1
1. Outline the situation the group is currently in and how they deal with it.
6th October 2


The digital Age EF
EXAM No. 1
1. Outline the situation the group is currently in and how they deal with it.
6th October 2


The digital Age EF
EXAM No. 1
1. Outline the situation the group is currently in and how they deal with it.
6th October 2


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Terrorists vs Revolutionaries: What's the Difference?
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1.367 Follower


Terrorists vs Revolutionaries: What's the Difference?

A group of students plan a cyber attack, debating ethics and methods. What is the difference between a terrorist and a revolutionary movement? is a key theme explored. The play examines motivations behind hacktivism and its potential consequences.

Key points:

  • Students discuss hacking a powerful organization
  • Debate over whether their actions constitute revolution or terrorism
  • Technical details of routing attacks through proxy servers
  • Ethical concerns raised about potential harm to innocent people
  • Tension between idealism and real-world consequences



Page 2: The Debate Unfolds

This page presents the core dialogue between Archie and the other characters, revealing the group's plans and Archie's opposition.

Archie argues against the group's actions, calling them terrorism rather than revolution. The others defend their plan, explaining their technical approach to avoid detection. The debate escalates as ethical concerns are raised about potential harm to innocent people.

Example: The group describes routing their attack through "dozens of hacked proxy computers" and using Tor routers to multiply traffic, illustrating what is revolutionary terrorism in simple words - using advanced technology for politically motivated attacks.

Highlight: The line "This isn't a game. This is real life." emphasizes the serious consequences the students may face.


  • Foregone conclusion: A result that is obvious before it happens
  • Collateral damage: Unintentional harm to uninvolved parties during a conflict
  • Technocratic junta: A group of technical experts ruling by force

The scene ends with tension as the group decides to forcibly prevent Archie from leaving, showing how quickly idealistic plans can lead to unethical actions.

The digital Age EF
EXAM No. 1
1. Outline the situation the group is currently in and how they deal with it.
6th October 2

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Page 3: Escalating Tensions

This page continues the confrontation between Archie and the group, with the situation becoming more serious.

Archie persists in trying to convince the others to abandon their illegal plans. The group, however, remains committed to their course of action. The debate touches on themes of responsibility, choices, and the potential consequences of their actions.

Highlight: The physical restraint of Archie marks a significant escalation, demonstrating how the group's idealism is leading them to cross ethical lines.

Example: The mention of using duct tape to restrain Archie illustrates what are the problems with hacktivism? - namely, how quickly online activism can lead to real-world criminal behavior.

This page emphasizes the moral complexity of the situation, showing how what is the difference between a hacktivist and a cyber terrorist? can become blurred when idealistic goals lead to increasingly extreme actions.

The digital Age EF
EXAM No. 1
1. Outline the situation the group is currently in and how they deal with it.
6th October 2

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Page 1: Setting the Stage

The first page introduces an exam based on Ben Ockret's 2015 play "Hacktivists". Students are tasked with analyzing an excerpt, focusing on characterization and thematic elements.

Key assignments include:

  1. Outlining the group's situation and actions
  2. Characterizing Archie based on his attitude, behavior, and dialogue
  3. Commenting on Archie's quote comparing revolution and terrorism

Highlight: The central quote "What you're talking about isn't a revolution. It's terrorism." sets up the key ethical debate of the play.


  • Revolution: A very important change in how people see and understand the world
  • Terrorism: The unlawful use of violence and intimidation to achieve a certain goal
The digital Age EF
EXAM No. 1
1. Outline the situation the group is currently in and how they deal with it.
6th October 2

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The digital Age EF
EXAM No. 1
1. Outline the situation the group is currently in and how they deal with it.
6th October 2

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The digital Age EF
EXAM No. 1
1. Outline the situation the group is currently in and how they deal with it.
6th October 2

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The digital Age EF
EXAM No. 1
1. Outline the situation the group is currently in and how they deal with it.
6th October 2

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The digital Age EF
EXAM No. 1
1. Outline the situation the group is currently in and how they deal with it.
6th October 2

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The digital Age EF
EXAM No. 1
1. Outline the situation the group is currently in and how they deal with it.
6th October 2

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The digital Age EF
EXAM No. 1
1. Outline the situation the group is currently in and how they deal with it.
6th October 2

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The digital Age EF
EXAM No. 1
1. Outline the situation the group is currently in and how they deal with it.
6th October 2

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