


The Embassy of Cambodia







The Embassy of Cambodia (2013)
the story of a modern slave
setting: London + begins in August 2012,
at the time of the London Olymp

The Embassy of Cambodia (2013) the story of a modern slave Contents setting: London + begins in August 2012, at the time of the London Olympics tells the story of a young African woman, Fatou works in the Derawal's household (wealthy Pakistani) author Switches back forth between. Levents related to by an omniscient narrator comments of a Willesden woman L reminiscences/memories of Fatou (main ch.) visits swimming pool memory Carlo Beach Resort +raped by Russian tourist remembers seeing a children drowning in the ocean "quietly accepted tragedy one year later: A boy on his bike, Italy Rome, has worked cleaning toilets at a commotic girls school initially envied uring statues * earn money → realises she is better off -Characters Fatou holds a passport -refugee, not an undocumented migrant, from the Ivory Coast (North London) "Live-in nanny for a Pakistani middle class family, Deawals, in Willesden -E is exploited doesn't get paid (her wage is kept by the D = for letting har live there -Fis treated w/disrespect BUT doesn't feel like a slove -Africa: is raped by a Russian tourist or rebel Guna direspectful however: Fatou does not despair or endures humiliation, discrimination (Accra Hotel Derawals), loneliness to survive: accepts menial dont f gotas (chambermaid) "but she is overqualified. P. reads English, speaks a little italian, knows little about world history politics discussed w/Andrew - A persuader her to get baptised -end despite her disappointment about...

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the Derawals ingratitude +her dismissal difficulties life might have in store for her prepared for whatever -Themes/Interpretation but - after baptism happy but not for long -recognises the evil in the Russian tourist Derawals •"Don't give the Devil your anger, it is it's food" - People's indifference to pers. tragedy / suffering. L'Willesden woman" → frustrates F. -A: Africans do the same "We cry for Africa, because we are Africans." even nowadays Racial conflict + racism - London: multicultural many immigrants - The Embassy of Cambodia, villa, North London district continous influx of newcomers → UK: unique diversity, but tensions increase (locals & immigrants; ethnic groups &) -Fatou & Derawals (Africans & Pakistani) -built in 1930s, surrounded by a red brick wall when 1th opened -associate Cambodia genociate committed employers/ away ; Fatou gors swimming -On Mondays: Derawals - Café: F.A. talk about the policies of the "Big Men", strategies of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, rulers in Nigeria tell people what to do/think + crush them F. not attracted to A but thinks A=good man his good qualities outweigh his bad ones -Focs A. to go swimming winer mange to go in for free - enjoy time together La immigrants, succeeded, shop owners to Fatou feel superior due to achievements confiscate her passport, don't pay, intense work load, insults → ultimale disrespect: dismissal in the pool at the health centre next to the Embasty game as me Deraw for free uses a guest pass, wout the family knowing -taught herself to swir, while working as a Chamber- maid, at the Carise Beach Resort, Accra (Ghana) -walks by the Embassy + often sees a shutlecock fassinates her passing back form. 0.2 unseen players (beh brick wal) Pain, evil + lack of solidarity Fatou's+Andrew's conversations revolve around. - F. personal experiences: rape, discrimination, hard degrading menial work, exploitation, maltreatment (hostility, negled) proof of the vulnerability of the powerless poor + underprivileged in the modern world. consolation proiection F. helpless in the face of evil → turns to Christianity Andrew -F.'s church friend -3 years alder than P. - from Nigeria -devoted Christian, educated pesson in degree, studies a part-time business works as a night guard knows more about world than. →impresses F -A cases for F, is generous Sympathy for -A-body insecurities -listens patiently to her complaints, (master) (d) tries to console has saves from despair The game of Badminton Symbolises the continuous: / achievement. • up (acceptance, employment, peace) defeat down displacement, insecurity, fear) persistent pattern of life. Author: Zadie Smith -born in October 1975, North London - Black Jamaican mother - While English father newspaper article about a - One day: reads a Sudanese "slave", kept by a rich man Relationship: FA -have known each a. for a year. A-started their acquaintance ·since then: Sundays + Church - H Adolece -sometimes flirts but cannot maghe A as husband to thinks he is a dreamd - compares her situation with... L doesn't think she is a slave sapped was not beaten bace by MILD On Sundays: meets her church friend Andrew to worship at the Sacred of you often after LA invites F Timision coffee shop same evening. F. loses her job - doesn't understand why. -Mrs D.: no need for a nanny anymore. although F. never worked as a nanny -F. asks for her passport.D.confacated it when they employed her Mrs Doffended pretends to not know Woman on the balcony. - comment in 1st person plural. ("we, the people of Willeader" dressing gown Slavery + Exploitation economic + sexual exploitation refugees, asylum-seekers, immigrants I often do deaming work - Like slaves -emigrate often to find employment Las chambermaid supplement low wages by howing paid sex w/guests - Human traffickers + organise transport of Africans to Europe demand high sums of money (take advantage of) "To keep you is no benefit, to destroy you is no loss " Khmer Rouge, Cambodia ·applies today Mrs Derawal dismisses her (ruthless, disrespect) can overlook the Embassy expresses the attitude of the native population towards newcomers, world events, - much trouble + misery → don't want to get involved The Derawals -treat F. Like a stave -lur D •Ignores her -Mrs D Strich, sharp, Jealousy? Slapped twice! -children are rude Outline 0-1: Description of the setting: embassy and neighbouring buildings 0-2: Fatou passes the Embassy for the first time on her way to the swimming pool where she regularly swims 0-3 Woman on the balcony claims that inhabitants of Willesden associate Cambodia with genocide 0-4: Fatou Watches people at the Embassy, information about her employers w - one day: F. sees mysterious woman leaving the Embassy in a +pain L F. engages A conversation about suffering Ugrin Holocaust, killings in Rwanda, corruption gov "F. thinks "we (the Africans) were born to suffer more than all the rest" they of the Deawall F. returns home saves fama from choking Mr D. scolds Asma briefly thanks F in times Mis D. scolds F. for not having prepared dims no gratitude towards F. for soving Mama seem to feel guilty, awkward 0-5: A basketball hoop appears in the garden of the Embassy 0-6: Woman on the balcony describes the diverse neighbourhood of the Embassy 0-7: Faton compares her own life with the story of a 'slave girl in London 0-8: Fatou observes a mysterious Cambodian woman leaving the Embassy 0-9: Comment from the woman on the balcony: We cannot follow the history of every "little" country 0-10: Fatou and her friend Andrew talk about the suffering and the pain in the world 0-11: After a conversation in a café Fatou and Andrew part in the rain Fatou phones Andrew Loffers to let her sleep in his room while he is at work (at night) help her find a job as a cleaner (offices where the works) -F goes swinning + pass the time. until meeting Andrew. 0-12: Fatou saves the youngest daughter of the Derawals from choking 0-13: The ideology of the Khmer Rouge 0-14: Fatou thinks back to her work at the seedy hotel in Accra where she was raped by a Russian tourist 0-15: First meeting with Andrew; Fatou remembers the tragedy of drowned children 0-16: Fatou recalls her time in Rome, envy of Bengali boys; Fatou becomes a Catholic 0-17: Mrs Derawal brusque and ungrateful towards Fatou 0-18: Conversation with Andrew about politics: Fatou invites Andrew to go swimming with her 0-19: Fatou and Andrew meet at the health care centre 0-20: Andrew and Fatou in the pool together 0-21: Fatou is fired by the Derawals; cannot understand why; she phones Andrew for help Fatou's migration route-From Africa to London Ivory Coast - Ghana (Accra) - Libya - Italy (Rome) - UK (London) The Embassy - is it really? no cambodian... symbolises immigrants: don't fit in, + language barrier -high walls → excluded /outsiders indifference + hidden life in "Gratitude was just another kind of servitude. Better to make your own arrangements" -strength, independent - Story of emancipation? -doesn't (vulnerable → self-reliant, Umbrella A the middle of city confiscated + Is she a modern slave? + passport was taken no payment incredible work load + no access to the internet. + abuse of vulnerability + controlled, observed no respect. Chas to bring receipts food shopping Modern slavery -recruitment of helpless women, children, men through the use of force, abuse of vulnerability, deception,. -purpose of exploitation, servitude, forced labour - crime → Modern Slavery Act 2015 → The condition of being forced by threats or violence to work for little or no payment, and of having no power to control what work you do or where you do it. - free to go (out + away) can read, speak, write English - Oyster card owner doesn't feel like a slave