


the embassy of Cambodia







The Embassy of Cambodia
Plot summary-
This story focuses on Fatou, a refugee from the Ivory Coast who is telling her story. She is working a

The Embassy of Cambodia Plot summary- This story focuses on Fatou, a refugee from the Ivory Coast who is telling her story. She is working as a maid for a family in northwest London. Every Monday she slips out from the home and uses the family's guest passes to get into the swimming pool at a nice club. She becomes fascinated by the Cambodian Embassy, which, somewhat incongruously, occupies a suburban villa in Willesden. She feels relatively free when she reads about a Sudanese "slave" in another rich London home. On the other hand, just like the girl in the newspaper, she had not seen her passport with her own eyes since she arrived at the Derawals, and she had been told from the start that her wages were to be retained by the Derawals to pay for the food, water and heat she would require during her stay, as well as to cover the rent for the room she slept in. In this state of servitude, Fatou doesn't leave the house often, but she does spend Sunday mornings with one of her friends from church, Andrew Okonkwo, from Nigeria. They talk about such things as whether Africans are born to suffer. He's a doctoral student, smart, yet he's...

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friendly. Both Fatou and Andrew are reaching for answers to questions that sometimes test the limits of their knowledge. Fatou saved one children's life on which she has to look up to. But this situation changed everything. Mrs Derawal decided to throw her out, because they do not need a nanny but a housecleaner. When Fatou has to leave the house she firstly called Andrew who has a solution. After the call she went swimming one last time and then waited for hours at the bus stop hearing the shuttle cock and seeing buses come and leave. Fatou - a refugee from the Ivory Coast - worked in a Hotel, was raped there by a Russian guest - was able to come to Italy / London, because she can read a little Italien and speak English - is live-in maid - is passionate about swimming and the badminton -gets baptized - saves the life of one children of the family for which she is working for - has a good relationship with Andrew - she is smart, clever, creative Andrew - a student -wears glasses - the only friend of Fatou - spends a lot of time with her, especially on Sundays - he is already in church and baptized - they two have nice and political discussions - invites her and pays for her - attentive, because he does researches for her Family Derawal - they are immigrants thereself - behave bad to Fatou - does not appreciate the saving of her daughter - does not want to make a big deal out of it - the dismisses her after that, because they need a housecleaner, not a nanny Her dad - helped her to get a better future/helped her to flee - docile not come with her - did not hear anything afterwards from him