


the escape







Short summary
Samir protagonist, born in Pakistan, moved
to the UK and lost his wife; has 4 children
he had a bad start in the UK (London),

Short summary Samir protagonist, born in Pakistan, moved to the UK and lost his wife; has 4 children he had a bad start in the UK (London), worked his way up and build a life with his children in the beginning, he doesn't know where he visits Pakistan does not feel home there elther; recognizes that the UK (England) is his home made a friend on the plane and refers different to the term 'home' Moves to an eldery people's home with his friend Ibrahim he made on the plane feels like he belongs to Pakistan as well as to England time une his life Pakistan THE ESCAPE topics I themes! ensonflicts sense of belonging hospitility in Pakistan! generosity Immigration UK wise beard in Parishad but intaksav poverty in Pakistan/ economic inequality family - death, grief cultural differences social mobility visiting Pakistan UK setting UK his house with five bedrooms •Maqbool's house - Pakistan his brother's house at his sister's house (he visited ver • at the widow's house on the plane Umbrella Information -titleThe Escape" author: Gaisra Shahraz published in June 2009 information about the author born in 1958 in Pakistan lived in Manchester since She was nine novelist, screenwriter an journalist narrative perspective third-person narrator limited many flashbacks a lot of curedt speech characters Samir: 73, lonely, overweight, eldery people's house Sabiya was samir's wife; dead; charity work 4 Children: Live in Britain and feel British Samir's Siblings: Live in Pakistan, poor? Widow: poor; uves in Pakistan with her children; gets financial help from samir Ibrahim: old, overweight, exlery people's home Short story characteri SHCS short glimpse of a life changing event direct...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

Start limited number of characters - concentration on one characteri situation idilemmal problem - focus on one single aspect which undergoes a change in the course of the story Samir's working life •declines a job at a special nursing home for mentally ill people owe to wis candlord job at the parwen textile mill mov petitive and not changingi, well paid secairly) to boys old factory → starts his knitwear business working his way up; so that his Children will have a good life