


The Future of Work







locally independent work:
internet wifi >choose their own place to live I working from "home"
•Co-working markets
• bette

THE FUTURE OF WORK locally independent work: internet wifi >choose their own place to live I working from "home" •Co-working markets • better work-life-balance. • risk of getting distracted Imotivation? more possibilities lexperiences · easier to connect with others. • flexibility •Sustainable lifestyle -less travelling no real contact/socializing gets more difficult Changing offices: • Open working hours increasing productivity I motivation I happiness • building up communities I friendships • people from different industries come together. gig economy: competition/exploitation I no basic rights •creates new opportunities in developing countries ·can improve their living standard (i.e. technology) • imbalance between poor and wealthier workers. "the human cloud" → outsourcing of smaller jobs humanize sociometric badge: increasing productivity but also pressure privacy protection / monitoring • help vs. threat ² • will get more common. automation anxiety: erases jobs but creates new ones (clouble them erasing) • collaboration between humans and robots (~adaptable workers) • robots Imachines →>more efficient I can relieve humans

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Ich liebe diese App so sehr, ich benutze sie auch täglich. Ich empfehle Knowunity jedem!! Ich bin damit von einer 4 auf eine 1 gekommen :D

Philipp, iOS User

Die App ist sehr einfach und gut gestaltet. Bis jetzt habe ich immer alles gefunden, was ich gesucht habe :D

Lena, iOS Userin

Ich liebe diese App ❤️, ich benutze sie eigentlich immer, wenn ich lerne.