


The Giver Reading Log







Lote Lovry First impression........
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Another Point of View Father Chapter 14.
Lote Lovry First impression........
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List of characters:
Another Point of View Father Chapter 14.
Lote Lovry First impression........
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List of characters:
Another Point of View Father Chapter 14.
Lote Lovry First impression........
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List of characters:
Another Point of View Father Chapter 14.
Lote Lovry First impression........
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List of characters:
Another Point of View Father Chapter 14.
Lote Lovry First impression........
Titles for the chapter:...
List of characters:
Another Point of View Father Chapter 14.
Lote Lovry First impression........
Titles for the chapter:...
List of characters:
Another Point of View Father Chapter 14.
Lote Lovry First impression........
Titles for the chapter:...
List of characters:
Another Point of View Father Chapter 14.
Lote Lovry First impression........
Titles for the chapter:...
List of characters:
Another Point of View Father Chapter 14.
Lote Lovry First impression........
Titles for the chapter:...
List of characters:
Another Point of View Father Chapter 14.
Lote Lovry First impression........
Titles for the chapter:...
List of characters:
Another Point of View Father Chapter 14.
Lote Lovry First impression........
Titles for the chapter:...
List of characters:
Another Point of View Father Chapter 14.
Lote Lovry First impression........
Titles for the chapter:...
List of characters:
Another Point of View Father Chapter 14.
Lote Lovry First impression........
Titles for the chapter:...
List of characters:
Another Point of View Father Chapter 14.
Lote Lovry First impression........
Titles for the chapter:...
List of characters:
Another Point of View Father Chapter 14.
Lote Lovry First impression........
Titles for the chapter:...
List of characters:
Another Point of View Father Chapter 14.
Lote Lovry First impression........
Titles for the chapter:...
List of characters:
Another Point of View Father Chapter 14.
Lote Lovry First impression........
Titles for the chapter:...
List of characters:
Another Point of View Father Chapter 14.

The Giver Lote Lovry First impression........ Titles for the chapter:... List of characters: Another Point of View Father Chapter 14. Diary Entry: Lily Vocabulary....... Interview with Rosemary before she get's released. Comment: ........ Characterization of Jonas:.. Character file Jonas ...... The Perfect society. Jonas and his memories... The Giver Quiz:............. 3 4 5 .7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 First impression First of all I expect from the novel a young boy and a old man,since that can be seen on the cover of the novel. They have a tight relationship to each other and the young boy learns from the old man. The old man gives the young boy his knowledge about his life or experiences, because the title is the giver. Maybe the young boy is a important or a special boy in the world from the novel. I could also imagine that the young boy has a perfect character and that's why he is so special. He speaks well, he is smart and he likes to learn things. What I also expect is an interesting and impressive story told in the novel. I think the boy on the cover is maybe 13-14 years old,since he is not so big and that means he must be a young one. The background from the cover is really empty. There are no sky's, forests or hills, there is darkness and only a light beam on the young...

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boy on the left and on the old man on the right side from the cover. They stand in front of each other. The interesting point is that they show each other their hands. Maybe it's forbidden to teach each other in the world from the novel. I'm really expectant to read the book ,because I'm quit interested to know in which world the two People on the cover live and how the relationship is between this two people. What I also want to know is their rules or their laws. Do they have laws at all or do they live in peaceful world with no crime and violence? I think,because of the background from the cover, that this guys live in an other world as we know. Would they live in a world as we know there would be houses, streets, trees or a sky, it would be a normal world. But it isn't. Or maybe the people in the world from the novel are blind, since the people on the cover have no eyes. Titles for the chapter: Chapter 1: The Family Chapter 2: Decision for life Chapter 3: The little wonder Chapter 4: House of the old Chapter 5: Pills Chapter 6: Ceremony Chapter 7: Forgotten ? Chapter 8: Incredible ! Chapter 9: Everything will change Chapter 10: The receiver Chapter 11: The first experience Chapter 12: Fiona's hair Chapter 13: The Choice's Chapter 14: Responsibility Chapter 15: War Chapter 16: Love Chapter 17: A new depth of feeling Chapter 18: Rosemary Chapter 19: The truth about release Chapter 20: A plan Chapter 21: The impossible becomes possible Chapter 22: Look death in the eyes Chapter 23: The echo List of characters: Character: Jonas Lily Jonas father and Jonas mother Asher Gabriel Benjamin Fiona Larissa Roberto (old) Edna The Chief Elder The Giver Birthmothers The elders Andrej Yoshiko Katya Instructor Philipa Bruno Thea Fritz Caleb Pierre Madeline Harriet Inger Isaac Chapter in they the characters appear 1-23 Jonas's group leader 1,2,3,4,5,6,9,13,14,16,17,20,21,23 1,2,3,4,5,6,9,13,14,16,17,20,21,23 1 2,3,4,5,6,9,12,13,14,16,17,19,21,22,23 4 4 4 4 7 10 3,7 Asher's father 5 Asher's mother 6 4,5,6,7,9,10,12,14,17,18,20,23 2,6,7,8,13,14,20 2 2 2 1,6,7 6 6 6 6 6,8,18,20 7 7 7 7 7 7 Chief elders Children specialist The Giver Storyteller Landscape worker Tanya Rosemary Kathrine 7,8,9,11,13,14,18 7 2,10,11,12,15,16,18,19,20,21,22,23 17 13 17 18,19,20 20 Another Point of View Father Chapter 14 I don't know what's happened with Jonas. As he came home,he looked very depressed and sad. I'm worried about him. He's behaving kind of weird and he's so quite tonight. I think something is wrong with him. I ask him once what's happening. "Is something wrong Jonas? You're so quit tonight. Aren't you feeling well? Would you like some medication?" Well at the time for sharing-of-feelings ,he said that he's tired from the school lessons. Somehow I don't believe him,since Jonas is a boy with much energy and school lessons don't make him tired. I think something's depressing him. Maybe he's ill and with no energy. Whatever it is he has to relax a little bit and then I will talk with him. Diary Entry: Lily Dear Diary: Today is a great day,since Gabriel comed home. He's is our new child and he's so cute. I like him. I really enjoy the time when I be by him. He has funny eyes like Jonas had. I know that he don't like that when I talk about his eyes, but it's the truth. As I saw his little hands and his little face I was really happy that he's now in our house, because then I can see him all day. He's so beautiful. I hope that I will get assigned to be a Birthmother, because then I will have little,cute and wonderful children too. Mother said that having children isn't easy ,because it's hard physical work, and that's not what I want. I want cute children. Maybe when I'm eight,I can make some volunteer hours in the Nurturing Center. What I'm really want to know is, how children are created. Where do they come from? I think not from the Committer of Elder. They have to be produced or something like that. I mean they don't fall from the sky. And who is making them so cute and adorable ? I think work with children will be the best work for me and hopefully I will make my volunteer hours in the Nurturing Center ,since that's what I'm really want. It makes me happy to see little children and work with them would be amazing. Nevertheless mother is right. Having children or work with them isn't easy I guess ,because a responsibility is given to you over a little sweet children. I admired Mother,since she has a little sweet children. Vocabulary release: in the novel,it means that a person like a old person, a baby or a criminal get to be released. They are killed or kicked out from the community. aptitude: it's the quickness in learning and understanding things, you could also say it's intelligence. For example in the novel Jonas has a good aptitude transgression: A violation of a law, principle, or duty. interdependence: That means the dependence of two or more people or things on each other. For example Jonas and the giver are interdependence. relinquish: It means to give up. For example Rosemary gives up in the novel, since she couldn't deal with the bad memories. Interview with Rosemary before she get's released Interviewer: Hello Rosemary. How are you? Rosemary: Hello thank you that I can be here. I'm fine how about you? Interviewer: I'm fine and I'm really happy to make an interview with you, since yesterday you have been chosen to the receiver. What can you say about this and how is it for you to be the new receiver? Rosemary: First of all it's an honor for me to be the receiver and I'm really happy now. I can't really handle it right now,since the whole community is looking now at me. There is so much attention now at me ,that I don't know what's to do next. (laugh) Interviewer: Did you ever expect that you will be chosen one day as a receiver? Rosemary: Not even in my dreams. I'm still amazed why I was chosen, because I mean I'm nothing special. Interviewer: Maybe you don't know if you're something special. However, how will the future look for you? Rosemary: I think great. I'm really motivated to do the tasks that are given to me and I will make them. I will give 100% for the community. Interviewer: I can already hear that you're really excited. (laugh) But which Expectations do you have to this special job? Rosemary: I think that I will learn a lot of new things and hopefully I will get better and better at this job. Interviewer: I think that's a good intention. Rosemary I'm done for today thank you for your time and good luck at your new job. Rosemary: Thank you very much and see you again. Interviewer: Bye bye ! Comment: Jonas, the main character from the novel,lives in a seemingly society where everything is in order and everybody's life has been perfectly planned. In this community, where Jonas and his family unit live ,there are no seasons,nature or any form of environment. Everything in the community is perfect organized and everybody is the same. The people in the community are don't have feelings and they don't see colors. One day Jonas gets chosen as a receiver of memory. This is he most prestigious occupation in the community. He will bear the knowledge of secrets known to no other until he passes them over to his successor. He has to deal with the pain and sorrow that the memories carry. At first Jonas receives good memories from the giver. This makes him very excited but he must also be informed of the memories of fear,loneliness,grief and pain. Jonas has never experienced those things in his life. He realize a lack of freedom and unhappiness that exists in the community. Through that he gains a different perspective of life and resolves to make a change. I think this novel could be really interesting for teenagers, since this novel shows how people live without feelings and with no choices like we know it in our world. Everything is perfect organized and everybody is the same,unbelievable in the world where we live now. My expectations from the beginning were completely different at the end,since at the beginning I was stretched and I thought that everything will be normal as I knew it in my world but nothing was normal. First I don't realized that the people in this community don't have feelings and they see no colors. I was shocked about this. In the course of the novel the word "release" is mentioned. This word means that people were killed or they were kick out of the community. I was surprised when I read this, since it was not clear to me why they have to kill peoples of which also baby's. At the end I was deeply impressed and shocked, since I read that Jonas took Gabriel with him as he flew from the community. It made me cry and it was a really sad end of this novel. Characterization of Jonas: Jonas is eleven-year-old and is the protagonist of The Giver. He is very sensitive and intelligent with strange powers of perception that he does not understand. Jonas is curious about what he observes but who does not really question the overall structure or rules of the society he lives in. He enjoys his friends and is content within his family unit and assumes that his community is a good one. Jonas chosen to be the new Receiver of Memory for his community when he turns twelve. As he receives the Giver's memories and wisdom he learns the truth about his community that it is a hypocrisy and that the people have voluntarily given up their individuality and freedom to live as robots. Jonas' character changes and becomes more complex. He experiences an inner conflict because he missed his old life, his childhood, and his innocence but he can not return to his former way of life because he has learned too much about joy, color, and love. Jonas knows that his life can never be ordinary again. Jonas is also angry because hew wants his fellow citizens to change and thereby give up sameness. He knows that the community and each person's life will benefit if only they would or could reclaim their individuality. Jonas realizes that his life would no longer be worth living if he were to continue living in the community as it is. Jonas is very courageous and have a brave character because he risks his life. He flees the community with the baby Gabriel. Jonas is afraid but he is prepared to fight for their survival. Although we do not know Jonas experiences ultimately affect him or his community, we do know that he matures and that he feels excited and joyful as he and Gabriel ride down the hill on the sled. Character file Jonas Name: Jonas Age: 11/12 Gender: Male Alias: Jonas-Bonus, Leader Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue eyes Allies: The Giver,Kira, Asher, Fiona, Gabriel Enemies: The community, Chief Elder Job: Special job as the receiver of memories The Perfect society Nobody break rules and laws The country helps the unemployed with money and social institutions Everybody show consideration for everybody The Perfect society No violence Everybody look after environment A lovely atmosphere Jonas and his memories Memory Snow (hill) Sunshine Sunburn color Animals (the elephant and the hunters) Bone fracture, pain Colorful memories of nature Suffering of the past: Destruction, Hunger, Warfare Love: families, holidays, happiness Impact on Jonas A very funny experience Very warm feeling It hurt him As Jonas saw his first color they have confused him. He liked them and is amazed him. He suffers from it Jonas liked them He don't like destruction As he has hunger the first time he has stomachache As he realized what warfare is he feels very sad. This is the givers favorite memory, which Jonas really likes. Why abolished? Comments They can't influence the weather With no sun you can't have a sunburn All the community livers want that all colors are the same. It is useless and they can be dangerous. After Jonas training every day he has one These memories are bad for Jonas It doesn't make a sense that your birthmother can behave you. The Giver Quiz: 1 What was the first memory that was given to Jonas • Sunburn • Sunshine A hill with snow and a sled • Warfare 2. How many children is each family assigned? . 4 • 2 • 3 ● 1 3 How does Jonas feel as he watches his Father do something to the smaller twin? • Happy • Sad • Neutral • Wondered 4 What objects were are out at the Ceremony of Elevens? New haircut New shoes • New clothing ● New watches 5 What object does a person received when they receive their assignment? • A name tag • A badge • A medal • A comfort toy 6 What object does a person received when they receive their assignment? • Shameful • Happy • Sad • Relieved 7 What does Jonas beg for at the end of his receiving of the war memory? • Water • Food • Death • TV 8 How old are you when you are assigned to a profession in the community? • 14 18 12 11 ● 9 Who was selected as a potential Receiver of Memory before Jonas? • The Giver's daughter • A boy named Zachary • A girl named Fiona • The Giver's son 10 Which of the following is not an exception associated with being the Receiver of Memories? • Jonas is not permitted to share his dreams. • Jonas is allowed to move to a separate house from his family. • Jonas is allowed to lie. ● Jonas is not permitted to apply for release.