


The great Gatsby







the great Gatsby
• novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald (published in 1925)
•Set in Jazz Age New York, the novel tells the tragic story of Jay Gatsb

the great Gatsby • novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald (published in 1925) •Set in Jazz Age New York, the novel tells the tragic story of Jay Gatsby, a self-made millionaire, and his pursuit of Daisy Buchanar, a wealthly young woman whom he loved in his youth CHARACTERIZATION OAISY ·money is important • emotion and compassion are merely second place •for Gatsby, Daisy is part of the green light he seas accross the bay •selfish, childish (laugh), careless, shallow • Nick's first visit: she appears pure in a world of cheats and ciars-D she is routinely ein- ked with the color white (white dress, flowers, car...) + she is addressing people with only the most endlearing terms - given Gatsby's obsession with Daisy and the lengths to which he has gone to win her, she seems a worthy para- mour •Throughout the story, one becomes less of an idade o fully aware of her husband's infideli- ties, she does not do anything she has money + power ·Daisy's lack of concern for her chied "beautiful little "god" • interest in material.com charming beautiful ·Daisy changes sides for three reasons: G. asks too much of her, G.'s in- volvement with the underworld, fear of losing her social status DAISY'S PAST very wealthy family background • much courted beauty deeply in love with G. TOM portrayed as a highly unlikable character throughout the novel ·arrogant GATSBY from Nick's point of view: Gatsby possesses the extrodinary quality of...

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hope Sincere, natural, polite ·personality that makes the narrator feel valued reflective person who tends to talk in a sophisti- cated way ·shy, romantic lover •dubious means: tries to establish an upper-class identity (Oxford), knows about the effect of his omile and was it deliberately, is connected to outright crim- inals NICK CARRAWAY Silent, reluctant and objective doserver • honest, tolerant inclined to reserve judgement • Speaks little o could be a third person narrator CHRONOLOGY о 1917: courted by many officers, esp. • deep sorrow about his absence marries Tom in spite of her love for G. tries to distract herself unhappy marriage still interested in G. good listener-o others tend to talk to him about their secrets · patient, open-minded - 1914: her parents prevent her from going to NY • 1918: "gay" - happy again 1919: marries Tom LANGUAGE ・imagery, emotive words, vivid ・long sentences extremely wide range of words The novel is written in a first-person limited perspective from Nick Carraway's point of view. He describes events as he experienced them and uses the personal pronoun "I". Nick is not the main protagonist who recounts his own story but Nick as a secondary character describes a stage of Mr Gatsby's life. The narrator writes the story mainly in the past tense since he is retelling his story. • 1919: seems in love with her husband who is already having affairs 1921: Chicago - 1922: hears the name Gatsby again