


The Handmaid‘s Tale







The Handmaid's Tale is a story of life in the dystopia of Gilead (used to
be the US). Due to a low fertility rate,

THE HANDMAID'S TALE PLOT The Handmaid's Tale is a story of life in the dystopia of Gilead (used to be the US). Due to a low fertility rate, women are forced to reproduce for the high rank of society, the so-called Handmaid's. Offred, the main character, gets assigned to a Commander and his wife. Each month when Offred is most likely to conceive, she has to have intercourse with the Commander during a ceremony. Before Gilead, Offred and her family tried to escape, but after they got caught she hasn´t heard of her family. She breaks routine on the orders and becomes close with the Commander. When she wouldn't get pregnant, she decided to have intercourse with Nick. Later they start a risky relationship. In the end, a black van arrives to take Offred to freedom, as Nick has told her. MAIN CHARACTERS OFFRED narrator and protagonist; belongs to the class of Handmaids, which she chose to be in; has a husband, Luke, and a daughter, which are no longer in her life COMMANDER - head of the household; plays Scrabble with Offred; involved in designing Gilead SERENA JOY - Commander's wife; used to be a gospel singer; in a high position for a woman, yet unhappy; feels jealousy towards the Handmaid's; anti-feminist MOIRA- Offred's best friend from the past; lesbian and feminist; several escape attempts; later prostitute in a club for Commanders NICK Guardian;...

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gardener; sexual affair with Offred; suspected to be an 'Eye MARGARET ATWOOD THE HANDMAID'S TALE RECOMMENDATION ★★★★ Personally, I enjoyed the novel. The concept is very new and interesting. The detailed descriptions made the reader feel as if you were in Gilead yourself. Bringing back methods from the past into the modern world showed how different women used to be seen and treated, and also how the concept of childbirth changed. A very good feminist dystopian novel. MAIN TOPIC / MASSAGE Power manipulation of power; power entirely from the top; system takes power from women Sexuality - Gilearden regime is in control of sex and sexuality → they execute gays and lesbians; destroy pornography and sexual clothing; kill abortion doctors; outlaw divorce and second marriage Feminism Moira as a representative; women teach each other about the new regime THE HANDMAID'S TALE CONNECTION TO THE TOPIC "SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY" Gilead is a science experiment; based around a 'natural' way of life; dehumanization of women, due to lack of freedom and strict control; women as `baby ovens'; men as sperm donors; system based around radical Christianity; "A rat is free to go anywhere, as long as it stays inside the maze"; "eyes" act as cameras; lives are routinely and systematic