


The hate u give







The Hate U Give
by Angie Thomas
BARY Judging a book by its cover
a) Describe
The Hate U Give
by Angie Thomas
BARY Judging a book by its cover
a) Describe
The Hate U Give
by Angie Thomas
BARY Judging a book by its cover
a) Describe
The Hate U Give
by Angie Thomas
BARY Judging a book by its cover
a) Describe
The Hate U Give
by Angie Thomas
BARY Judging a book by its cover
a) Describe

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas ANGIE THOMAS The Hate U Give Cornelsen USANALISA SENION THELISH BARY Judging a book by its cover a) Describe the teenager on the book cover. Make notes in your exercise book We see a black girl looking down and she seems to be sad. She has her hood on her head and her hands are in her pockets. Her dark blue Hoodie matches with the dark blue background. b) Explain what strikes you about the arrangement of the title. If we look closer we can see the acronym "THUG" and it is related to the main title "The hate U give". c) Speculate what the teenager might be thinking. She might me thinking what she did wrong or what was her fault. She may even be bullied because her face expression tells us directly that nothing nice happened to her. d) How could the title and the acronym (THUG) be linked to her? It may or may not be an irony but it is absolutely linked to our title because a thug mostly gives hate and this girl might be getting hate from a thug. e) What was your fault? What's the problem? Why are sad? Did anybody do something to you? The political, historical and personal background Angie Thomas a)Read the quote below and explain Angie Thomas's motivation and inspiration to write The Hate U...

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Give. Write about 30-50 words. Actually, Angie Thomas dedicated her novel to all her "friends", who got hurt. The book was a short story at the beginning but cases kept happening to other "friends" of her and she was inspired by them. She thought everything was done but then some things didn't happen as she imagined, and she wrote this novel to speak up for her friends. b) Emmett Till Michael Brown Tamir Rice Trayvon Martin Oscar Grant Eric Garner Emmett Louis Till (July 25, 1941-August 28, 1955), African-American boy who was murdered by a racist murder at the age of 14 in 1955 in the US state of Mississippi. The murder of Emmet Till led to the establishment of the African-American civil rights movement. Michael Brown (May 20, 1996- August 9, 2014, Ferguson, Missouri), an African American black-American teen who was shot to death by a police officer in the town of Ferguson, 2014 Start of → Ferguson protests. The death of Tamir Rice was a case in Cleveland, Ohio, in which a 12-year-old black boy was killed by a white police officer on November 23, 2014. The case sparked protests in various parts of the United States. Cases of African-American❘ s killed by police in suspicious circumstances. → In the town of Cleveland, police shot and killed 12-year-old Tamir Rice, who was having fun with a toy gun in the park. On December 28, 2015, the grand jury reversed its decision to avoid blaming the police. The Trayvon Martin shooting is the case of George Zimmerman shooting to death 17-year-old African American Trayvon Martin on February 26, 2012 in Sanford, Florida, USA. George Zimmerman, 28, was the neighborhood guard at the site where Martin was staying and was shot. According to his statement, Zimmerman shot Martin, who was unarmed, as a result of an argument. The chief of police also stated that Zimmerman used lethal force to protect him. Zimmerman, who started trial for murder on 10 June 2013, was acquitted on 13 July 2013. In the early hours of January 1, 2009, Oscar Grant III. (February 27, 1986 - January 1, 2009) In Oakland, California, BART was shot several times from behind by police officer Johannes Mehserle. The case occurred in buildings at the Fruitvale BART station in Oakland and was captured with cell phone cameras by numerous witnesses. This image, which recorded the shooting of Oscar Grant, was later viewed by millions of people on the internet. In the days that followed. protests and marches were held against the shot and the judicial authorities. Johannes Mehserle was charged with murder, but was later found guilty by the jury only of negligent murder. He was sentenced to two years in prison and was released on parole eleven months later. NYPD officers approached Garner on July 17, 2014 on suspicion of selling single cigarettes from packs without tax stamps. After Garner told the police that he was tired of being harassed and that he was not selling cigarettes, the officers attempted to arrest Garner. When Pantaleo placed his hands on Garner, Garner pulled his arms away. Pantaleo then placed his arm around Garner's neck and wrestled him to the ground. With multiple officers pinning him down. Garner repeated the words "I can't breathe" 11 times while lying face down on the sidewalk. After Garner lost consciousness, he remained lying on the sidewalk for seven minutes while the officers waited for an ambulance to arrive. Garner was pronounced dead at an area hospital approximately one hour later. Video footage of the incident generated widespread national attention and raised questions about the appropriate use of force by law enforcement. c) In your opinion, which of the incidents is the most shocking? Write your explanation in your exercise book In my opinion the most shocking story is Tamail's story. He was just 12 years old and he was playing with a "toy" gun. He didn't have any idea about what was going to happen at that moment. Maybe, he was imagining what he was going to eat for dinner or maybe what film he could watch with his family. But all of sudden a police comes and shoots you. I don't think it would be fair. And the officer was placed on paid administrative leave. Yes, there is absolutely equality and justice there and the US is the best country you can ever see in your entire life. e) In your opinion, which of the movements has been the most successful in drawing attention to the unequal treatment of black people in the U.S.? Write your explanation in your exercise book. I think it is Black lives matter because when the other movements happened social media wasn't a big thing and at that time it would be really hard to cause a sensation in the public. Murder cases that continue to be experienced today; THE EVIDENCE that the old events weren't that effective. The public became aware through the internet and made protests. Thanks to social media, the mask of "white" America has also fallen and even Trump got dethroned. g) In your opinion, which of the three people had the biggest impact in the fight for equality of black people? If I liked rap I would say Tucan but Martin Luther King is on a different level with his speech called "I have a dream". << I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character. » He is known worldwide for his anti-violence and racial equality vision and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. He was an African American politician and leader of the American civil rights movement. In addition, in 1977, 9 years after his death, former US President Jimmy Carter was awarded the Presidential Freedom Prize, and Martin Luther King's Day began to be celebrated in his honor. He was shot dead by an assassin who could not stand his innovative speeches and policies. So he had political power and a politician's impact on people. Back then he was really well known. Even now he is still well known and many people memorialize him still. i) In your opinion, which of the three deaths had the biggest impact on the black community? His speeches had a strong influence on his audience - mainly African Americans living in northern and western American cities. He even rejected the non-violence strategy of the civil rights movement, arguing that black people should defend themselves and be on guard. Most of the audience - those who were tired of talking about freedom, justice, equality, and respect felt that Malcolm expressed their grievances better than the civil rights movement. His comments on problems and events were now broadcast on the newspaper, radio and television. In my opinion It is very normal for such a person to have a great influence on the black community. Most probably he was the spokesperson for black people and there were many reactions to Malcolm X's assassination after his death. P. 357-371 a)In your opinion, what is unique about the way Angie Thomas addresses the issues of #BlackLivesMatter in The Hate U Give? b)In what way is Angie Thomas's own life linked to the issues of #BlackLives Matter? Many autobiographical experiences have flowed into the story that make the book real. Angie Thomas knows how one feels as a colored person, she knows what discrimination, what racism is and what both feel like, and she knows what it is like to live in where gangs fight. She changed the names of the characters but the characters are still not fictional characters. She wrote this story inspired by reality and I think you can fell her pain thoroughly. It is the same issue and the right time at the right moment. After black lives matter blew up the media we can say that the book is on its time right after there. There have been several cases in the last few years or decades where white-policemen shot black Americans for almost no reason, and it is also known that many cops are not prosecuted for doing so - this is the conspiracy of "Hate U Give". Is The Hate U Give going to be an interesting book to read? I think so because personally I have never experienced racism as much as black people have been experiencing it. Empathizing and hearing a different life story can always change our perspective of life.