


The Hate U Give- Characters







Starr Carter
Maverick 'Big Mav'
Lisa Carter
Physical appearance
big brown eyes and
little to much forehead
Starr Carter
Maverick 'Big Mav'
Lisa Carter
Physical appearance
big brown eyes and
little to much forehead

Name Starr Carter Maverick 'Big Mav' Carter Lisa Carter Seven Sekani Carlos Physical appearance big brown eyes and little to much forehead Black curly hair Protoganist starrs father Bald dark brown person - Thick eyebrows Tattoos on his arm He is 36 years old Major character - starrs and sekanis mother - Married to maverick Big brown eyes - She is a nurse Major character starrs stepbrother Has long dreads - Looks like his father 17 years old - Minor character - starrs younger brother 8 years old - Short hair Thick eyebrows Minor character starrs uncle - he is a police officer - Major character - Lives in a gated neighborhood(whitesu burb)riverton hills 64 two kids Ava and Daniel Pams husband Personality - like basketball - Is focused and overthinks a lot Very emotional - very religious person (p.34) - has a emotional side and does not hide it (p.43) Protective(p.37 and p.48) - is strict (p.43) does not like a relationship between black and white people - has his grocery store (p.40) loves nature (p.39) - Gives advices to his - children(p.27) jealous of Carlos p.56 p.149 p.191 p.219 Helpful p.152 p.62 handsome and nice wants to protect her children p.84/p.32 is/was very determined p.57 education for her is very important p.103 Wants to move away from garden heights p.152 protective p.126 - Does not care about others Can not play basketball p.124 - - loves starr and is shy does not treat starr differently just because Khalil is dead p.39 is honest and optimistic p.191 is loyal Tries to motivate everybody no matter how hard the situation is p.52 p. - Is protective p.51 p.55 Important events her best friend Khalil dies Ten years ago her friend Natasha got shot he was a king lord (p.22) p.148 He was in prison (p.57) p.149 - she helps starr during the...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

night (Khalil) p.31 - takes on the father role while maverick is in prison p.191 p.105 Name Chris Hailey Maya Kenya King and lesha DeVante Physical appearance - White boy Starrs boyfriend - Highschool student He loves to wear sneakers Major character - white girl Starrs friend She likes basketball Minor character white girl (asian/ american roots) - Starrs closest friend Minor character dark brown Brown eyes Perfect height as starr says Major character - killed someone Father of Kenya He beats his children (abusive father) Major character major character Black teenage boy - Has a full-blown afro - Lives in garden heights Personality starr can be herself when she is with Chris - Is very careful - A big fan of African culture - starr thinks that she is racist but Hailey can not understand it p.99/p.100 p.96 does not like Hailey is messy and outgoing p.13 Is self-confident is the leader of the king lords Sells drugs - Killed people he is a member of the king lords gang p.126 - Has good grades in school p.150 - Protective p.185 Gets help of maverick p.211 Important events - she must comfort her best friend starr he almost got killed His brother was killed p.143