


,The Hate U give‘ von Angie Thomas







Angies Thomases the Nord
• neighboorhood both with drugs, crime, police,
violence, shootings, drug dealer
•gangs and drug dealer frustrate

Angies Thomases the Nord A • neighboorhood both with drugs, crime, police, violence, shootings, drug dealer •gangs and drug dealer frustrated by police violence, black people - drug dealer, drugs to earn money school and friends both went to better schools and don't want their friends to come over, beeing scared of speaking up I'Harr is a representation of Thomas •splaking up against rasion and injustice Ilong series of similar events, Angie Thomas because of the shooting of Oscar Grant and Starr because of Khalil) → death blaming for what happened (Hailey thinks Khalil has done something wrong to get shot movements motivates to speak up loudly →>> garden Heights At Mr Reubens shop, a partition seperates the costumers from the cashier •People from well-to-do neighbourhoods are afraid to go there. "Hailey wasn't allowed to sleep over at Starr's) → Metal bars protect the windows of Maverick's shop (looks like a jail) Break in and robberies, Domestic violence ER -> ↑↑↑ literary devices in the hate u gives • Garden Heights· community / helgin- each other gang violence, drugs. harshness think of a pleasant suburban part of a city) •The fresh prince of Bel Air: allegory (live with hir wealthy aunt after a fight starr goes to Williamson) foreshablowing shootings at the party and Harr's concern over what to do it a police officer stops her sitting in a car (Khalil's death) • Black Jesus: symbol of Afro-American...

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strength in fav of oppression (black identity + faith) characters can be considered symbols as well Khalil's hairbrush symbol of distrust by police in minorities informations aboud places Carter's home the house is old use to be Vana's (Lisa's mum) house before moved to uncle Carlos • Odour of notpurri, flowered wallpaper, pink in almost every room • image of Black Yesur on Hallway wall • image of Malcolm X with a shotgien •Drug money BMW's →>> →>> →>> Englisch-Klauzur 26.04.2021 Residents → King + lescha → The Carter's Mr. Reuben → Mr. Wyatt #blue lives matter different movements #black lives matter →>> supporters African Americans, liberals and leftists(+beyond); close links to other civil rights movements protesting against institutional racism and police violence against African Americans, mainstream media's coverage of cases of polic violence, reducing a person's life to the crime he / she (may have) commited • forms of protests demonstrations, posts and petitions on social media → in the novel: protest's against Khalil's death; Harr's speaking up for Khalil and telling people what kind of person he was • Chardderk: 1.9. Mrs. Ofrah, Starr →>> supporters: conservatives • protesting against violence and disrespectful behavior tow ards the police, lack of respect for the sacrifices police officers make on duty (some of them get shot) → forms of protests demonstrations, posts and petitions on social media → in the novel: 115- father, Hailey expressing sympaty for 115 · characters: Uncle Carlos, Hailey Sense of community • Feeling of responsability → importance of family (Seven refuses the 8 # all lures matter offer to live with the Carter's because he feels responsable for his siblings) Mr. Wyatt lired Maverick although he had been in prison Loyal costumers • Me. Reuben offers a free meal to students with great grader • supporters: conservatives (Donald Trump in 1. election) > plottesting against · # black lives matter's exclusive focus on African Americans → forms of protests demonstrations, posts and petitions on social media in the novel. Hailey expressing sympaty for 115 → characters: Hailey