


The hate U give Characters







starr carter
> protagonist and narrator
> 16 year old black girl
> lives in Garden Heights (poor neighborhooon)
boyfriend chris
> lost two c

starr carter > protagonist and narrator > 16 year old black girl > lives in Garden Heights (poor neighborhooon) boyfriend chris > lost two childhood frienols > goes two Williamson high school two brothers: sekani and Seven friends: Maya and Hailey > the hate U give a Black lives Matter novel Maverick carter > dad from Sekani, Starr, Seven > wife Lisa > works at his own store > was in prison > wants to stay in Gardun H. UNCLE CARLOS > Starr's uncle; Lisa's brother > police officer > served as alad for Starr (as Maverick ->prison) > live in a suburban > inserts into the white community (would like the same for Lisa's family) Devante > black teenage boy > live in Garoun H. > was member of King Lords Gang > has a crush on Kenya > cares for his family + live Hailey Grant > High school friend from school > white teenage girl > has a crush on Luk > feels strange with the racism things of Starr's life wants everyone do what she wants Mr Lewis > Old black main > is the barber in Garden H. > complainer of gang violence > fight's with Maverick about his "gang past seven carter > Older Brother from Starr, Kenya, Lyric and sekani > will go to college girlfriend Layla dad: Maverick (same as Starr, Sekani) mom lesha (same as kenya, Lyric) > > > sekani carter > little brother from Star and Seven 8 years old > goes to Williamson...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

high school > fights with the feeling of death an the problems of her Sister and tries to > king > Leader of King Lords gang > drug dealer in Garden H. does not care about family and community, abuse his family understand it kenya > friend from starr > live in Garden Heights > half-sister from seven > would like Starr duciding between white > and black people Maya yang > close friend from Star wants that starr speaks loudly about Knalil mediator of Starr and Hailey > is Asian American > has a black boyfriend Ryan > fights with Starr at Hailey's racism comments MS ROSALIE > khalil's grandmother > looked after Khalil and star in their childhood Lisa carter > mom from Sekani + Starr (+Seven) > husband Maverick > works at the hospital brother Unde Carlos > wants to move from Garoun H. > Khalil Harris > childhood friend from Starr > was shot by a police officer ecome a drug dealer lived in Garden Heights Chris > boyfriend from Starr > white boy from Williamson > love the show "The fresh prince" > hears and sings rap songs > like playing basketball April ofrah > attorney from Starr > has a community "Just us for Justice" > she is the key that Starr speaks about Khalil lesha > Seven's, Kenya's, Lyric's mother has a relationship with king victim of King's abuse Brenda Harris mother of Khalil > drug addict > was often addicted during Khalil's childhood What's the point of having a voice. If you are going to be silent when you shouldn't be? the characters