


„The Hate U Give“ - Reading Log







The Caster's Life in Garden Heights
P(B)- Chapter 4
1) Sum up the different views on wheter Starr should talk to the police and her final de
The Caster's Life in Garden Heights
P(B)- Chapter 4
1) Sum up the different views on wheter Starr should talk to the police and her final de
The Caster's Life in Garden Heights
P(B)- Chapter 4
1) Sum up the different views on wheter Starr should talk to the police and her final de
The Caster's Life in Garden Heights
P(B)- Chapter 4
1) Sum up the different views on wheter Starr should talk to the police and her final de
The Caster's Life in Garden Heights
P(B)- Chapter 4
1) Sum up the different views on wheter Starr should talk to the police and her final de
The Caster's Life in Garden Heights
P(B)- Chapter 4
1) Sum up the different views on wheter Starr should talk to the police and her final de
The Caster's Life in Garden Heights
P(B)- Chapter 4
1) Sum up the different views on wheter Starr should talk to the police and her final de
The Caster's Life in Garden Heights
P(B)- Chapter 4
1) Sum up the different views on wheter Starr should talk to the police and her final de
The Caster's Life in Garden Heights
P(B)- Chapter 4
1) Sum up the different views on wheter Starr should talk to the police and her final de
The Caster's Life in Garden Heights
P(B)- Chapter 4
1) Sum up the different views on wheter Starr should talk to the police and her final de
The Caster's Life in Garden Heights
P(B)- Chapter 4
1) Sum up the different views on wheter Starr should talk to the police and her final de
The Caster's Life in Garden Heights
P(B)- Chapter 4
1) Sum up the different views on wheter Starr should talk to the police and her final de
The Caster's Life in Garden Heights
P(B)- Chapter 4
1) Sum up the different views on wheter Starr should talk to the police and her final de
The Caster's Life in Garden Heights
P(B)- Chapter 4
1) Sum up the different views on wheter Starr should talk to the police and her final de
The Caster's Life in Garden Heights
P(B)- Chapter 4
1) Sum up the different views on wheter Starr should talk to the police and her final de
The Caster's Life in Garden Heights
P(B)- Chapter 4
1) Sum up the different views on wheter Starr should talk to the police and her final de
The Caster's Life in Garden Heights
P(B)- Chapter 4
1) Sum up the different views on wheter Starr should talk to the police and her final de
The Caster's Life in Garden Heights
P(B)- Chapter 4
1) Sum up the different views on wheter Starr should talk to the police and her final de
The Caster's Life in Garden Heights
P(B)- Chapter 4
1) Sum up the different views on wheter Starr should talk to the police and her final de
The Caster's Life in Garden Heights
P(B)- Chapter 4
1) Sum up the different views on wheter Starr should talk to the police and her final de

The Caster's Life in Garden Heights P(B)- Chapter 4 1) Sum up the different views on wheter Starr should talk to the police and her final decision Uncle Carlos: "We want the truth as much as anyone."(p.50, I. 25) "Will you at least consider letting Starr speak" (p.52, I. 13) "We will have to investigat..."(p.50, I 24), "The sooner..."(p.52, l. 25) Maverick (Starr's Dad) "Y'all wanna justify what that pig did" (p.51, l. 1) "You don't have to do it if you don't want."(p.53, I. 29) "You really think we fon' let them talk to our daughter and twist her words around [...]" (p. 52, I. 19.20) "We know the truth, that's not what we want, 'says Daddy. 'We want justice.""(p. 52, II.23-24) Lisa (Starr's Mother) "We should probably get her an attorney first, Carlos" (p.52, l. 15) "Why can't they wait" (p.50, 1.21) "We don't want anyone zo know Starr was there" (p.52, l. 29) Starr decides to talk to the policer officer only if Khalil will get justice and if the officer One-Fifteen won't be there. Thug: Reading log The Hate U Give, Chapter 5 What happend: Lisa, Starrs mother, drives Starr to school. After she arrived, she hears how they talked about the springbreak travel. Starr doesn't want to talk to her boyfriend Chris. She only thinks about Khalil's death and how...

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she hasn't talked to Chris. After school, seven arrives the kids to the hospital so they can have lunch with Lisa and then Brenda comes. What I reacted most strongly to: when khalils mother cried and said " they killed my baby" (p.81, I. 23) i cried with her How i feel about Starr: Starr blames herself for not being there for khalil prior to his death but it is not her fault and never will be. This breaks my heart. These questions popped up while reading: When will Starr tell her parents about Chris? Word, expression and phrases to remember: killed him Memorable quotes: crying My short Opinion: sadness memory "Once you've seen how broken someone it's like seeing then naked- you can't look at them the same anymore"(p. 75, II. 23-25) 5 There were a lot of emotions involved in this chapter and i got goosebumps reading it. Thug: Reading log The Hate U Give, Chapter 6 What happend: Starr and Lisa arrived at the police station, where she got interrogated. She tells them everything but the officer tries to mislead starr. Lisa almost decides to bring Starr home, but Starr insists she wants to continue What I reacted most strongly to: When the Police officer asked Starr if she knew if Khalil sold narcotics, like they're making him look like he was killed for being a drug dealer? How i feel about Starr: This poor girl is traumatized after witnessing the fatal shooting of her friend khalil and the cops don't even try to accommodate her. I felt so sorry for her. These questions popped up while reading: Is this how cops behave in the real world? Word, expression and phrases to remember: 'One-Fifteen killed him' Memorable quotes: You're nervous "Are y'all putting Khalil and Starr on trail or the cop who killed him"(p. 92, II.1-2) 6 My short Opinion: This book, especially this and chapter two, gives a strong example of police brutality on the Black community. This book gives one insight on the struggles of being black in a world full of ignorance, and inspires one to help make a change. #THUG- short Tweet Seeing someone die in real time really give you a different view of life. That's what's happening with Starr right now. Whether it will bring justice or not. There are circumstances where the testimony of certain individuals may not be enough to sustain a conviction. But Testimony is evidence, so she can be sure that she has done everything in her power to help Khalil get Justice. If she stays quiet, because she is to afraid to speak out, she's gonna blame herself for not acting against the injustice. It doesn't matter if anyone knows that she is a witness, it is even more impotant that she know she's fighting fot Justice. The Hate U Give Part I: by Angie Thomas Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Relationship between the character's... Part II: All worksheets The Hate u give Khalil's death (CH2) • Interview • The Relationship between Starr; Kenya; Khalil • Caster's life in Garden heights #THUG Tweet Starr's conflicted identity The police interrogation • Intensions and feeling (meaning) The aftermath of the interrogation .1 ..2 .3 4 .5 6 .7 .8 .10 .11 Interview about the Incident N: Hello and good evening, this is Garden heights daily with some breaking-news, yesterday after a party a young African-American man got shot by the white police officer Nate Mc'lawerence It is just after 10 PM on July 17, The security camera of the local McDonals are rolling. 10 minutes later there is a impala car seen on the footage which was stopped by a police car. The camera showas that the driver had to stop in the middle of the street. After that, the police officers went to the Impala in which two young African-American sat. N: There is then seen that the police officer Mc'lawrence shines with his flashlight into the Impala. After that, the young man at the steering wheel aho is later identified as Khalil Harris gets out of the car because he was asked by Mac Lawerence to do so. It is seen that Mc'lawerence searches for something inside of Harris car, most likely for drugs, but does not find anything. The police officer then tells the young man to stay where he is. It is seen that after Mc'lawerence walks back to the police car door. He talks to the girl who is sitting in the passengers seat. Later on the young women tell NBC news that Harris opened the car door to ask her if she was okey. After that Harris got shot for three times in this back. He died directly on site. Now the question is: What this self defensive? Im having the criminal psychologist Kate Evans with me today in the studio. Kate, could you please introduce yourself. A: Hello, thank you for having me. My name is Kate Evans and i'm a criminal psychologist who works with sexual und violent offenders. My clients include rapists, murderers and child melesters. I co-investigated the tragic case of the young African-American man and i would like to share my thoughts with you guys N :So my first question would be: Was this an act of self defensive? A: No, I don't think that is a act of self defense, because the victim was shot three times in the back and you can clearly see on camera footage that he was unamred. And later on after examining the crime scene, it turned out that he was not carrying a weapon with him. N: So what do you think was the reason? A: I definitley think that the incident was racially motivated because NBC- News later revealt that there where not a specific reason why they got pulled over. N: So my last question would be: Do you think that charges will be pulled on Mc'lawrence? A: I hope so, i will do everything in my power to ensure that he gets his punishment. Khalil was a young man who hast his whole future before him and his deadth is a tragedy and the community in Garden heights will not forget him. N: Thank you for the Interview Miss Evans A: Your welcome Thug: Reading log The Hate U Give, Chapter 8 What happend: Starr and her family attend Khalil's funeral on Friday. Ms Ofrah, a activist at just Us for justice, stood up and tells everyone that One-Fifteen isn't get arrested. She also informs them that Khalil was unarmed. King Lords came over and attempt to claim khalil as King Lords. Ms. Rosalie declined that and Maverick ask them to leave. Ms Ofrah offers Starr to represent her. What I reacted most strongly to: The moment when Ms. Ofrah stood up and gave a speech about what happend to one-Fifteen after he shot khalil dead. I think that, that shows strength and Power. One can see, that she wants to fight for justice. How i feel about Starr: I felt sorry for her. It upset me a lot because it's not easy to see someone, you had a history with, dead in grave. When she cried, i cried with her. These questions popped up while reading: Did Angie Thomas wanted that Ofrah's activism to be inspirational? Word, expression and phrases to remember: unarmed Memorable quotes: crying justice for khalil activism "Funerals aren't for dead people. They're for the living" (p.107, l. 1) My short Opinion: One deserve justice and one will get it by any means necessary like protesting because one are right and the world is wrong. JUSTICE!! Thug: Reading log The Hate U Give, Chapter 7 What happend: Khalil's name appears for the first time in the news, but the report calls him a suspected druf dealer. Meanwhile, Starr, Hailey and Maya were playing basketballat the school. Hailey did a inpropriate statement, that offendet Starr. Starr has forgiven Chris but doesn't know how to handle Chris's whiteness. What I reacted most strongly to: when Hailey said "Pretend the ball is some fried chicken. Bet you'll stay on it then." (p.99, 11.3-4) while they were playing basketball. I was in shock because i personally thing that the comment was so racist How i feel about Starr: I know she has been gone through a lot of things but to say she cant handle his whiteness is just rude. Imagine someone would say something like that to a person of colour. These questions popped up while reading: Did Angie Thomas find the Statement of hailey racist oder not? Word, expression and phrases to remember: "mind your buisness Starr" Angry Memorable quotes: Weak My short Opinion: racist 7 News "You can say something racist and not be a racist!" (p.99, 11.32) Everyone should have the right to speak the truth even if they balck or white, we are all one. Let us be Starr Carter and hear our voices. This Chapter was intense. Thug: Reading log The Hate U Give, Chapter 10 What happend: The Next day, Maverick takes Starr out for a drive. On the way home, they pass a Police Checkpoint, where Starr becomes anxious and afraid. Maverick explains her the meaning of "Thug life" mentioned by Tupac. Back at the store, Devante begs maverick to let him in and claims that the other king lords are after him. Maverick offers to help, but only on one conditions, that he continues his education. He got hired to work in Mavericks store. Lisa told Maverick that she no longer wants to live in Garden Heights. What I reacted most strongly to: When Lisa told Maverick that she wants to move out from berlin. I can agree with her, it's a dangerous area. How i feel about Starr: At this chapter i do not have much to say about starr. more like about maverick. These questions popped up while reading: Word, expression and phrases to remember: 'Exactly. We can't be silent' Thug Life King Lords-Gang Member Memorable quotes: Why is devante action so suspicious? My short Opinion: Anxious "It's easier to find some crack than it is the find a good school around here (p.144, II. 17-18) 10 This Chapter is well written and has a deeper meaning. I liked that very much. Part I Part II Thug: Reading log The Hate U Give, Chapter 9 What happend: In Garden heights are violence protest; The Carter's are hiding. The news shows angry people with signs, while Newscaster claim that Khaili mights have been a drug dealer and a gang member, that had a gun. Next day Seven and Starr wanted to play basketball, after arriving they were directly confronted by gang members. Maverick picks them up and Lisa sent them to uncle Carlos. Chris came along and Starr decides to tell him nothing. What I reacted most strongly to: The moment when starr and her brother seven arrived at the basketball court and the gang member "confronted" them, I was afraid something would happen to them. How i feel about Starr: Starr struggles with being herself, and i can relate to that. These questions popped up while reading: Why didn't the gang member just let starr and seven keep playing basketball? What was their problem? Word, expression and phrases to remember: "My neighborhood is a war zone" Basketball Memorable quotes: Attitude Gang member 9 "Sometimes you can do everything right and things will still go wrong. The key is to never stop doing right."(p.132, II. 20-22) My short Opinion: The reasons and motivations for gang life are handled well, and although there are obvious negative depictions of the police, it's handled with balance and diplomacy. Thug: Reading log The Hate U Give, Chapter 2 What happend: After they got pulled over, khalil does not immediately follow the officer's instructions. Starr was nervous because, she memorize the advice of her Father. So she notes that the Cop's badge number is "one-Fifteen" orders khalil to get out of the car. Khalil went back to Starr to check on her and the officer shoots him dead What I reacted most strongly to: When the officer one-fifty shoots Khalil three times in the back How i feel about Starr: I felt very sorry for Starr and i was afraid that something could happen to her too. These questions popped up while reading: How does Khaili's death affect Starr? Will she be able to handle it? Word, expression and phrases to remember: nervous Memorable quotes: scream hands up blood 2 "Starr-Starr, you do whatever they tell you to do,'he said 'Keep your hands visible. Don't make any sudden moves. Only speak when they speak to you" (p.26, II.11-13) My short Opinion: Khalil's death hit me hard because African-American are still victims of hate crimes than any other group. This Scene reflect reality and that hurts. Ascpect Starr and her mother both us a formal linguistic register Towrads the end of the interrogation Starr's mother uses slang words The officer's interrogation technique The officer's choice of words Examples "I choose every word carefully and make sure I pronounce them well. I can never, ever let anyone think i'm ghetto" (p. 85, II.31.32) "Dammit. Proper English." (p.87, 1.23) "whoa", "Y'all", "cap" (p. 92, II. 1-2) They start with polite smal talk: They introduce themselves politley and tell Starr that they have heard many nice things about her from Uncle Carlos The us tag questions: "Because Khalil was hesistant, right?" (p.89, 13)/ "Khalil didn't stay put, did he?" (1.17) They ask several questions which are nor related to the shooting (about Khalil sellings drugs or being a gang member They ask if Starr drank alcohol They use positive/euphemistic expessions: "night of incident" (p.86, 1.28; p.87, 1.2) Instead of e.g "night he was killed When Starr criticizes One-Fifteen they only say "I see" several times Meaning They want to be taken seriously She is upset and has faith in the officer's impartiality They want to gain Starr's trust. They want to impose their perspective on the shooting They are not interested in finding incriminating evidence against One-Fifteen They want to impose thei perspective on the shooting They are apperently not really intrested in hearing her story. Thug: Reading log The Hate U Give, Chapter 3 What happend: Starr's parents pick her up and on the way home she vomits. At night, she had a nightmare where she had Flashbacks of her old friend Natascha who got killed when they were younger. Starr und her dad go to the store where kenya comes along and they were eating snacks. King, Kenya's father, comes along and had a conversation with Maverick. What I reacted most strongly to: When Starr could barely breath and thought "I can't breathe" it reminded me of the George Floyd case, back in 2020 where he was murdered by a police officer. How i feel about Starr: I have symapathy with her. She is really trying but it's okey to not be okey. These questions popped up while reading: Why was Maverick in jail? Was he caught dealing drugs or did he maybe killed someone?. Word, expression and phrases to remember: "a black person gets killed just for being black" (p.37. 11.20-21) hilarious Afraid My short Opinion: loudest voice Memorable quotes: "I always said that if I saw it happen to somebody, I would have the loudest voice, maki sure the world knew what went down. Now I am that person, and I'm too afraid to speak" (p 37,11.23-26) 3 Angie Thomas conveyed this chapter very authentically. Very close to Reality. Thug: Reading log The Hate U Give, Chapter 1 What happend: Starr Carter shows up at a Garden Heights party with kenya. She runs into her childhood friend,khalil. After a while Khalil reveals that his grandmother hast lost her job due to Cancer. Khalil didn't admit that he is drug dealer but Starr suspects him to do so as a way to provide for this family. After they hear gunshots, they escape the party. A police officer pulls them over. What I reacted most strongly to: I was in shock, when two shots rang out How i feel about Starr: She seemed to be annoyed because of the attitude of Kenya, so was I. I felt sorry for Starr These questions popped up while reading: How was Khalil and Starr's relationship? Did Starr had a crush on him? Word, expression and phrases to remember: Party Memorable quotes: blue flash light "It's dope to be black until it's hard to be black" (p.17, II.27-28 laughing "I shouldn't have come to this party" (p.11.1.1) 1 My short Opinion: I think it's a good beginning for a novel, because it's starts interesting. I always say: a good start = a good book WHATS THE POINT OF HAVING VOICE IF YOU'RE GOING TO BE SILENT WHEN YOU SHOULDN'T BE? THE HATE U GIVE ANGIE THOMAS Thug: Reading log The Hate U Give, Chapter 4 What happend: Starr wakes up because of another nightmare and she hears a conversation between her parents and her uncleCarlos. She agreed to make a statement at the Police station. The Carters visit ms.Rosalie and they talked about Khalil, garden hights and Brenda. Maverick gives Khalil's family money to support them. What I reacted most strongly to: When Maverick said that if khalil's name were Richard they wouldn't had this conversation, because its true. -> White privilege How i feel about Starr: I was so proud of her that she wants to talk to the cops but on the other side i'm afraid that they gonna put words in her mouth. These questions popped up while reading: Why doesn't Uncle Carlos want to see, that is was a racially morivated act? Word, expression and phrases to remember: "Don't let them put words in your mouth. God gave you a brain. You don't need theirs" Justice talk to the cops Memorable quotes: People like us in situations like this become hashtags, but they rarely get justice. I think we all wait for that one time though, that one time when it ends right." (p.56, II.26-28) My short Opinion: 4 I was a little annoyed with Carlos for trying to justify the incident, but it doesn't change the fact that this act was racially motivated. Starr's conflicted indentity Williamson mostly white kids; Only Starr and Ryan are Black -> White school; wear school uniforms; wealthy district; 45 min away from school ( in good days); in bad day 1 hour; has a cafeteria ; modern and well equipped Starr's friends: Maya: small, clumsy, playes basketball, boyfriend Ryan Hailey: White and rich; likes Luke, honey blond hair, I don't give a freak- girl; spent her vaccation on the bahamas Chris: "The fresh prince"= passion, basketball player, Starr's boyfriend, makes Starr feel like herself Example of how Starr speak and acts differently when she is in her school and not in Garden Heights -holds her tongue when people piss her off -> So nobody thinks she is the "angry black girl" -doesn't speak much, so people doesn't have agression to call her ghetto - She's not confrontational -No stank-eyes; No slang Starr goes to the Williamson Preparatory school. In the US colleges preparatory school are mostly private schools that demand school fees and have a good reputation. The prep school "prepare" students for higher educations (e.g. college) There is a reason why school quality and the composition of the student body differ greatly depending on the quarter the schools are situated in: school in the US are funded to a hug degree through "real estate transfer tex" (Grundsteuer) Therefore, school in areas with wealthier inhabitants are far bestter equipped than school in socially weaker areas like Garden Heights "Are y'all putting Khalil and Starr on trail or the cop who killed him" (p.92, II.1-2) What happens? -Starr talkes about the incident -Police tries to twist her words -Police only askes about khalil (if khalil ever sells drugs) and not about One- Fifteen BLACK IVES MATTER How does Starr experiences it ? -is overwelmed by emotions, annoyed about stupid questions -does not let it happen -Police manipulates her - puts her hand on the table -After the officer tries to puter words in her mouth -> She stopped crying SAY THE NAMES