


The hate you give - chapter summary







Chapter 1
Starr and Kenya visit a Party
Starr meets Khalil
She gets that he is a drag dealer
She also finds out that his grandma
Chapter 1
Starr and Kenya visit a Party
Starr meets Khalil
She gets that he is a drag dealer
She also finds out that his grandma
Chapter 1
Starr and Kenya visit a Party
Starr meets Khalil
She gets that he is a drag dealer
She also finds out that his grandma
Chapter 1
Starr and Kenya visit a Party
Starr meets Khalil
She gets that he is a drag dealer
She also finds out that his grandma

Summary Chapter 1 ● ● Starr and Kenya visit a Party Starr meets Khalil She gets that he is a drag dealer She also finds out that his grandma lost her job and that she is Ill. so Khalil has to get the money They talk until there are some Shots They escape from the Party in the car A police officer stops them. Chapter 3 Starr's parents pick her up On the way home she vomits In the night she has nightmares (Natasha's & Khalils death). Next morning: they have breakfast Starr and Maverick go to the Shop Kenya comes along and they go eating King comes along and he and Maverick have a Conversation Chapter 5 Chapter 2 Lisa drives Starr to the school Their friends talk about the Springbreak travel Starr doesn't want to talk to her boyfriend Chris Starr is thinking about Khalil's death and that she hasn't taked to Chris Chapter 4 After school, Seven drives the kids to the hospital They eat with Lisa; Brenda comes Hailey says something racist; Starr is attacked Hailey and Maya ask Starr about the shooting and Khalil Starr calls Uncle Carlos to pick her up from school Starr and Carlos have a deep conversation (Carlos knows one-fifteen) Chapter 7 Starr, Hailey and Maya are playing basketball at schol The officer wants to see Khalils papers Khalil does not immidiately follow the police officers instructions Starr is nervous, because she memorizes the advices of her father The...

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policeman has the badge number one-fifteen" Khalil has to get out of the car, on the ground Khalil is going to look for Starr The officer shoots Khalil Starr is awake after a nightmare She hears a Conversation between her Parents ad Uncle Carlos She agree to make a statement at the Paice The Carter's Visit Ms Rosalie and talk about Brenda, Khalil, Garden H. - Maverick give them money to support them Chapter 9 In Garden Heights are violent protests; The Carter's are hiding There are news about Khalil in TV Next day seven and Starr want to play basketball; meeting De Vante Maverick picks them up and Lisa sent them to Uncle Car Chris cames along and Starr decides to tell him nothing Chapter 6 Starr and Lisa arrive at the Paice Station the interrogation: starr tells everything the officer wants to mislead Starr Chapter 8 Starr and her family visits Khalils funeral Ms Ofrah tells every everyone that one- fifteen doesn't get arrested ● The people are shooked: Ms Ofrah wants everyone to demonstrate Some King Lords come and want to pay their last respect Ms Rosalie declined that and Maverick ask them to leave (what they do) Ms Ofrah offers Starr to represent her Chapter 10 On Sunday, Maverick takes Starr out for a drive They discuss Tupac's music and the lack of opportunities for African Americans. Maverick says Thug Life means "a system designed against [African Americans]." He claims the only way to force change is to speak up Back at the store, De Vante begs to be let in and claims that the other King Lords are after him Maverick agrees to help him hide and let him work at the store . ● . ● . Starr's mother tells Maverick she no longer wants to live in Garden Heights. Chapter 11 On Monday, Starr's classmates at Williamson Prep decide to protest Khalil's murder in order to get out of class While Hailey and Maya join in, Starr and Chris refuse along with a few others, including Jess, the basketball team's cocaptain After school, Starr goes to help Maverick at the store and hears Mr. Lewis, an African American who works at a barbershop, telling reporters that King is a drug kingpin Maverick confronts Mr. Lewis, and two police officers frisk Maverick in front of his kids Starr discovers that the neighborhood knows she is the witness to Khalil's murder. Kenya encourages her to defend Khalil and says she is a coward if she does not With these incidents, Starr grows more uncomfortable with the idea of staying silent to protect herself. Chapter 14 Starr plays video games with Maya and Hailey at Maya's house Hailey refuses to apologize to Starr for joining in the fake protest. Instead, she demands Starr apologize for calling her racist The girls watch One-Fifteen's father give an interview on television. In it, he paints One-Fifteen as a victim who is being harassed because he "always wanted to make a difference" in Garden Heights. When Hailey defends One-Fifteen, Starr confronts her and Hailey storms out Maya admits that Hailey unfollowed Starr's Tumblr because she did not want to see "all the 'black' stuff," and confesses that Hailey has said racist things about her Chinese family as well Maya and Starr agree to form a "minority alliance." Later, Starr has a talk with Uncle Carlos and finds out he is on disciplinary leave from the police force because he punched One- Fifteen in the face. Chapter 12 Police drive tanks into Garden Heights Seven fixes Starr's old computer to give to DeVante The DA (District Attorney) calls and asks for a meeting with Starr Starr's mother takes her to meet with Ms. Ofrah, who agrees to represent Starr pro bono Ms. Ofrah informs them that One-Fifteen is claiming he thought Khalil's hairbrush was a gun Chapter 13 Mr. Lewis is beaten up by King Lords for snitching on King Mr. Lewis reveals that King wants DeVante dead more than he wants Lewis dead ● . Devante confesses that he stole $5,000 from King to get his mother and sisters bus tickets out of town after his brother's murder on the night of the spring break party when shots were fired Maverick takes De Vante to stay with Uncle Carlos Chris visits and Starr admits to Maverick that they are dating, which angers Maverick De Vante criticizes Starr for dating a white boy Devante also reveals that Khalil was not a King Lord but that he sold drugs only because his mother, Brenda, owed King money Chapter 15 Starr's mother takes her to breakfast before they visit the DA. She tells Starr that Khalil had a crush on Starr and that she does not like the way Starr follows Hailey's orders. She tells Starr that Starr is allowed to decide whether to continue being friends with Hailey. If the good in their friendship does not outweigh the bad, then Starr can let Hailey go After telling her story to the DA, Starr vomits. Later at the store, Starr tells Maverick that he has set a good exampie for her about what a man should be. King comes by to ask about De Vante, and Maverick lies about his whereabouts. King warns Starr, "People gotta be careful when they talking to the DA." Maverick later promises his family they can move out of Garden Heights. Chapter 16 Weeks later, Starr prepares to do a television interview with her face blurred out. The interviewer, Mrs. Carey, asks Starr to describe who Khalil was to her. Starr relates how they were best friends, how he had a "big heart," and how "he wasn't a bad person." She criticizes the way the media makes Khalil complicit in his own death; "I didn't know a dead person could be charged in his own murder," she says. Despite Ms. Ofrah advising her not to, Starr explains that Khalil dealt drugs only to help his mom pay off "the biggest drug dealer and gang leader in the neighborhood.". She also confesses that One-Fifteen pointed his gun at her, too. Chapter 18 Starr's parents take her and her brothers to visit a house they want to buy in Brook Falls. Starr's mother informs them she got a new job, and Maverick is forced to admit that "living in the suburbs don't make you any less black than living in the hood." After visiting the house, Starr and her family return to their home in Garden Heights and watch an NBA playoff game. During the game, shots are fired at their house and a brick is thrown through a window. Uncle Carlos comes over and argues with Maverick about possible police involvement. Cedar Grove King Lords arrive to offer security, but Uncle Carlos criticizes Maverick for working with gangbangers. Maverick insinuates that Uncle Carlos is a sellout who sides with corrupt police so he can live a comfortable life. Uncle Carlos thinks it is irresponsible to work with gangs and rails at Maverick for taking the fall for King and leaving his kids in a vulnerable position when they were young. Chapter 17 After the interview airs, Starr gains both supporters and detractors. She attends prom with Chris, who gives her the cold shoulder most of the night. When she confronts him about his behavior, he admits he could tell that Starr gave the interview, and he is hurt she did not confide in him. She finally tells him about the trauma of Natasha's shooting and how her family used to live in the projects. They make up and make out and then return to the dance floor to have a fun night. Chapter 19 Starr's mother leads the charge to feed the Cedar Grove King Lords breakfast. Maverick and Uncle Carlos have talked out their differences and formed a truce. Starr reflects on how neighbors living in Garden Heights try their best to take care of one another. Although her parents can watch her grand jury appearance on a closed-circuit television, Starr must enter the courtroom alone. She tells the grand jury her story and hopes it is enough. Chapter 20 Over two weeks later, Starr recalls how she testified before the grand jury for three hours, giving "every single detail." At school, Hailey calls Starr out for lying to them about knowing Khalil. She demands an apology and refuses to apologize for the racist things she has said because they were only jokes. Both Maya and Starr try to sensitize Hailey to the reality that they have been hurt by her comments, but like many white people, Hailey refuses to take responsibility for her actions. Instead, she doubles down, lashing out at Starr and insinuating that Khalil deserved to die, telling her "he was probably gonna end up dead anyway" because he was a drug dealer and gangbanger. When Hailey says that "the cop probably did everyone a favor," Starr can no longer contain the anger that has long been simmering between them. She punches Hailey in the face, starting a fight that Hailey's brother and Seven eventually join in on. All four end up with three-day suspensions from school. Starr's parents are disappointed that Starr and Seven got involved in a school brawl, but they also understand why it happened. "This is exactly what They expect you to do," Starr's mother admonishes. But by doling out an equal punishment to both the white instigators (Hailey and her brother) and the African American participants (Starr and Seven), the administration at Williamson is trying its best to handle the race issue sensitively Chapter 21 Starr's family and friends gather at Uncle Carlos's house for a Memorial Day barbecue. They also celebrate Seven's birthday and high school graduation. Starr is a bit nervous because it is a mix of people from her neighborhood, like DeVante and Kenya, as well as friends from Williamson Prep like Chris, Maya, and Jess. Everyone seems to get along, though, until Iesha, Seven's mother, shows up uninvited and causes a scene. Seven and Iesha argue, with Seven telling his mother that he is ashamed of her and Iesha threatening King's vengeance on Starr for dry snitching. Chapter 22 Three weeks later, Starr goes for a walk in her new neighborhood to prepare to hear the grand jury's decision. She has Chris pick her up and they talk in his bedroom. . ● Chapter 25 The trapped teens try to get out the back door, but it is locked. Fortunately, Starr is able to get Mr. Lewis's attention outside and neighbors attempt to free them. ● Starr confides her fears and initiates sex, but Chris refuses, saying she is "not in a good place." ● She cries in his arms until she falls asleep. They are awakened by Seven frantically calling because De Vante is missing. . They find De Vante, beaten and tied-up on the floor of King's bedroom. Iesha helps them escape by distracting King. As they drive away, they hear the announcement on the radio that One-Fifteen has not been indicted. Maverick arrives and unlocks the door just in time. King sits in his car and laughs at the scene and Maverick confronts him. Mr. Lewis tells the police that King set fire to Maverick's store, and other neighbors confirm this is the case. King is arrested for arson. Chris has earned Maverick's respect for surviving the 'hood. De Vante agrees to testify against King and reveal the location of King's drug stash. Chapter 23 Seven drops his sisters off at his grandmother's house. Seven, Starr, and DeVante talk about how the lack of justice for Khalil makes them want to riot. Chris protests that rioting "won't solve anything," but Starr asks him to consider her feelings. The four teens drive to the Just Us for Justice headquarters and join a crowd of protestors. The anger is palpable as people loot and destroy property. Police in riot gear demand that everyone disperse. Starr and her group drive away in Seven's car and decide to go to the store to help protect it. Chapter 24 The routes to the store are blocked and the car runs out of gas, so the teens must continue on foot. They make it to Carnation Street, where Khalil was shot. . The teens talk about "the trap of the white standard" and tease Chris for his whiteness. . Ms. Ofrah is standing on a police car with a bullhorn shouting: "A hairbrush is not a gun!" Ms. Ofrah sees Starr and lets her speak, exhorting her to "use [her] weapon." Starr publicly discloses that she is the witness to Khalil's murder and declares that One-Fifteen is the criminal, not Khalil. The riot police throw a can of tear gas at Starr and she picks it up and throws it back at them. Chapter 26 Back at home, Starr receives a text from Hailey who apologizes half-heartedly. Starr replies that "things will never be the way they used to be" and deletes her number. The newspaper features a photo of Starr throwing the can of tear gas. Maverick vows to help rebuild the Garden Heights neighborhood, even though he does not live there anymore. They go to clean up the store. Mr. Lewis gives them his land next to the store so they can expand. Starr admits to Kenya that she used to be ashamed of Garden Heights, but she no longer is, and apologizes. She vows to keep using her voice for Khalil and all the others killed by police violence. The teens run away and get picked up by one of the Cedar Grove King Lords, who drops them off at Maverick's store. Inside, they pour milk on their faces to decontaminate. Intending to call Starr's parents, they head for the office, but the store catches fire and they are trapped inside.