


The Loch Ness







 The Loch Ness
A lake in scotland Facts about Loch Ness
is in the Scotland Highlands
is situated in the north of Scotland
is the second larg
 The Loch Ness
A lake in scotland Facts about Loch Ness
is in the Scotland Highlands
is situated in the north of Scotland
is the second larg
 The Loch Ness
A lake in scotland Facts about Loch Ness
is in the Scotland Highlands
is situated in the north of Scotland
is the second larg
 The Loch Ness
A lake in scotland Facts about Loch Ness
is in the Scotland Highlands
is situated in the north of Scotland
is the second larg
 The Loch Ness
A lake in scotland Facts about Loch Ness
is in the Scotland Highlands
is situated in the north of Scotland
is the second larg
 The Loch Ness
A lake in scotland Facts about Loch Ness
is in the Scotland Highlands
is situated in the north of Scotland
is the second larg
 The Loch Ness
A lake in scotland Facts about Loch Ness
is in the Scotland Highlands
is situated in the north of Scotland
is the second larg
 The Loch Ness
A lake in scotland Facts about Loch Ness
is in the Scotland Highlands
is situated in the north of Scotland
is the second larg
 The Loch Ness
A lake in scotland Facts about Loch Ness
is in the Scotland Highlands
is situated in the north of Scotland
is the second larg

The Loch Ness A lake in scotland Facts about Loch Ness is in the Scotland Highlands is situated in the north of Scotland is the second largest lake in Scotland, but the deepest it has the most water of all lakes in Scotland is 37 km long Formation of Loch Ness How Loch Ness was formed ? by Vulcanos by the Ice Age by a meteorite Formation of Loch Ness 12.000 years ago Loch Ness was a bay * a glacier put stones on the bay maybe like this: The monster of Loch Ness AA OCH AYE! IT'S NESSY! pour NeSSI™ and Nessie 565 A.C. a monk saw a „strange fish" 14. April 1933 a couple saw a big animal in the water Another couple saw a creature with a long neck and flippers crossing the road. The first picture of Nessi is from Hugh Gray What is Nessie ? some scientifics say that Nessie is a Plesiosaur that live in the Loch Ness 2003 a BBC-Team dicover Loch ness with Sonar and found nothing Anta Keep Object Get camera Show Camera 20 meters above surface Peter Jolly / Splash News <<< >>> Left Forward Backwants Right

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