


“The Perks of Being A Wallflower“







introduction title, author, date, topic
The given extract from the epistolary novel "The
Perks of Being a Wallflower" written in 199

SUMMARY introduction title, author, date, topic The given extract from the epistolary novel "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" written in 1999 by Stephen Chloosky deals with... main part relevant facts in Own words First of all, Charlie mentions/claims/stresses/states... According to... It is xy belief that... conclusion what happened before/after, sum up results In the letter before... All in all, the text is about... Round 00 O MAIN PART:round / flat, characteristic >Another important fact is... >From this one can conclude that... >This behavior clearly indicates that... >This shows/reveals that... >xy also seems to be... is... he/she... >However, even if xy i >xy is described/portrayed as... CONCLUSION: Sum up the results To sum it up.... Finally... Without any doubt... characterization English INTRODUCTION title, author,date, topic.character The excerpt from the epistolary novel "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" in 1999 by Stephen Chloosky is about xy who... PARAGRAPH: general information (name, basics, first overview, situation, appearance) thesis statement Although xy normally behaves like... feature Flat 00 Y what can you infer from that ? Round Flat - they have a-they are complex uncomplicated character-they remain -they under the same go a change-you can -you can describe them describe them with 1/2 traits with many traits - they are pretty dynamic/ static/pre- surprising dictable - they are •Present tense. Quoles No albbrevia Hons From Outward to inward Adjectives ambitious bossy clever COMMENT INTRODUCTION Tell something about the topic xy has become an important topic This raises the questions whether... impulsive reliable tough outgoing easy-going ignorant responsible understanding wise aggressive egoistic impatient rude arrogant shy strict quiet faithful nasty Stiff forgiving polite stubborn thoughtful selfish compassionate honest powerful sociable...

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intimidating dishonest humorous pessimistic talkative unfriendly dominant insensitive protective tactless trustworthy MAIN PART: 2 arguments from the other side, then 2 from your side, include evidence (expert opinion,...) On the one hand it can be said..... But on the other hand... Another point... Something to consider.... CONCLUSION: State your own opinion, sum up personally agree/disagree.. 1 weak emotional naive sensitive proud tolerant PATRICK faithful, honest, lighthearted, spontaneous, forgiving, understanding, happy, funny, but after the breakup more serious, depressed SAM pretty, caring, mature, lovely, easy-going, forgiving, - judgemental, kind, static, but also round, genuine, non-i supportive ME edgy, static, flat, talkative,self-determined, funny, confident, powerful, rebellious BILL knowledgeable, talkative, kind, caring, thoughtful, well-educated, responsible, supportive, motivational, passionate