


The pros and cons of Brexit







The pros and cons of Brexit
● Some proponents of leaving the EU claim that Britain can still have access to the
European market without
The pros and cons of Brexit
● Some proponents of leaving the EU claim that Britain can still have access to the
European market without

The pros and cons of Brexit Pro ● Some proponents of leaving the EU claim that Britain can still have access to the European market without being bound by EU rules. Britain could then negotiate trade agreements on her own. Politicians from UKIP claim they could follow Norway's example, which it not an EU member but does most of its trade with it. ● ● ● ● ● Con ● ● GB could free itself from restrictions imposed by Brussels and become economically more successful Campaigners for Brexit believe that London as a financial centre will retain its independence and global appeal and protect itself from trouble if the euro fails. Ther international investors would see London as a safe haven. Euro-sceptics believe that Europe's principle of free movement means too much immigration into the country and insecurity, perhaps even terrorism Smaller British companies do not trade with the EU and therefore would hardly be affected. GB has always been a close ally of the US and would continue to cultivate their traditional special relationship. Proponents of a Brexit claim that GB should get its sovereignty back since unelected officials in Brussels make rules that elected politicians like the local MP can do nothing about. Moreover, EU rules all too often hurt British interests. Free trade among member states benefits Britain as British companies face no trade barriers when trading with...

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other EU member states Europe is Britain's main trading partner Financial advantages outweigh the membership fees Britain has to pay Most economists are sceptical about Brexit and believe that Britain would lose her influence and suffer, both economically as well as politically Emulating the Norwegian or Swiss models would require new negotiating with former EU partners who would not want to encourage more countries to leave Britain's influence on financial markets might suffer as well as the City of London's reputation as Europe's biggest financial centre. International banks are already thinking of leaving London because the consequences of Brexit would be unpredictable and bankers hate insecurity ● Membership in the EU allows EU-citizens to move freely to GB and work there, and vice versa. - Hundreds of British expats living in Spain and France might not have easy access to health services there anymore. British farmers might lose out on subsidies, jobs in international companies might be moved and millions of British workers could lose their jobs ● ● The US prefer the UK to remain a strong member of Europe economically, politically and militarily. GB would lose influence and be an outsider in Europe, with fewer friends and very little chance of rejoining the EU. In a globalized world isolationism is simply not possible. Global challenges such as climate change affect all countries, and as an EU member, Britain has much more influence than as a middle-ranking country on the fringes On top of that, there are plenty of international treaties and laws GB is already subject to In this age of globalisation, economies and societies are becoming so interconnected and interdependent that the idea that GB could be completely autonomous and regain the "splendid isolation" it enjoyed when it still had its Empire, sounds phony.