


The Pushcart Peddlers







The Pusheart Peddlers
At I
effects created in the play
repetitions why should I know you?
Are you...?
absurd (situation)
▷ obvious: Shiminel
The Pusheart Peddlers
At I
effects created in the play
repetitions why should I know you?
Are you...?
absurd (situation)
▷ obvious: Shiminel
The Pusheart Peddlers
At I
effects created in the play
repetitions why should I know you?
Are you...?
absurd (situation)
▷ obvious: Shiminel
The Pusheart Peddlers
At I
effects created in the play
repetitions why should I know you?
Are you...?
absurd (situation)
▷ obvious: Shiminel

The Pusheart Peddlers At I effects created in the play repetitions why should I know you? Are you...? absurd (situation) ▷ obvious: Shiminel talented" banana sausman dramatic irony Awords / topics: bananas > names Shimmel Shitzman / Elias Crapavarmisukes "kovno- Vilna", "Minsk-Pinsk", "Ozrokow- Pruszkow P Cornelius manipulative /scheming (- intrigant) mean (?) D mischieverous é e C e é e se references to the American Dream The characters: cheeky plays tricks on Skil egoistic one cares about himself and his advantages ▷ ambitious wants to be successful economic aspect > a man who owned two factories.. before he sat down to lunch (p.7. 17 ff) philosophical aspect things happen fast in this country' (p.9.18) "I told you I was busy!" (p.3.34) nobody comes to this country to look for a job... (p.9.1 ff) But did I us tais stop me?' (p.9,9) Shimmel self-conscious / excited thankful/friendly / loyal / polite ▸ naive belives everything Cornelius tells him easily manipulated > "green" / unexperienced hopeful/optimistic / neutral • Child-like / innocent. dumb (?)/Stupid (?) of uim arrogant looks down on Shimmel, makes fun. sarcastic 03 NOV 2021 possible situs: unfair business > The Pusheart Peddler's (PU) > the agreement friendly or still mean / manipulative O 00 DO How could their relationship be characterized? > Cornelius uses Shimmel for nis ams · Shimmel trusts Cornelius a 10%. Cornelius is like a Parasite Cornelius as a dominant part of the > relationsuip > feels like a typical good guy - bad guy ・ relationship 04 NOV 2021 what does this passage m reveal about Cornelius and Shimmel's characters? Cornelius is manipulative >...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

Shimmel is hard-working and wants 'peace between them > Cornelius is egoistic Shimmel is Stupid > Shimmel is under pressure. > Cornelius dominant > Charakter developments -D from friendly to manipulative and mean real Character of Cornelius is shown helped Shimmel at the end but only because he had to begg for it The Pushcart Padillors How do Cornelius. Suimmel and Maggie react to each other? > Suimmel feels pity for Maggie. Maggie gas mad at Shimmel > Cornelius is polite > Maggie is ok with Cornelius > Shimmel embarassed and afraid of Maggie Maggle makes fun of Shimmels name Shimmel is sheepish Part 3 → wants to keep her with giving her a banana > looks innocent lout is very agressive > She is mistrustful / distrustful > a little rude .> looks very kind, angelic and innocent from the outside angelic us. nasty, insulting ambignous > • fake > street girl. • self-confidents > Short-tempered/quick-tempered zwei deutig 666666 What kind of character is Maggie? منها ignorant. > selfish/egoistic tough. possible titles. > - Maggie the flowergire > beautiful girl > the flowergire > some otever sellers 06 NOV 2021 ambiguity/ambivalence The Pusheart Peddless Assignment Read the last part of the play (p 17 1.7-end). what other stages of development can you find here? what rofes do Cornelius and Maggie play / how do special scenes represent the idea of 'development in this scene =D Just mark text paragraphs / take short notes Part 4 the play can be understood as a reflection of typical steps of the process of Americanisation or integration of immigrants into American society: Suimmel represents a stereotypical character who goes through different stages of development. He learus how to: • sell things from a pusucart (-finds a job) - start his own business (= start making a career) > learn how to negotiate (= work hard) - changes / accept a new identity (-integrate) deal with people / benave American (-lead, be successfull) 06 NOV 2021 宜