


The Pushcart Peddlers







The Pushcart Peddlers
task 1: write a consise summary of the play 1o comprehension)
In the play 'The Pushcart Peddlers' Shimmel Shitzman, fr
The Pushcart Peddlers
task 1: write a consise summary of the play 1o comprehension)
In the play 'The Pushcart Peddlers' Shimmel Shitzman, fr

The Pushcart Peddlers task 1: write a consise summary of the play 1o comprehension) In the play 'The Pushcart Peddlers' Shimmel Shitzman, fresh from the old country, meets the wise Cornelius J. Hollingsworth III, who introduces Shimmel to his banana business. Cornelius tells Shimmel, in order to earn much money he had to change his name into a more english one and that he had to go in business himself. Shimmel takes his advice and buys the pushcart full of bananas, which takes up all his money. As soon as Shimmel. starts to sell his bananas, Cornelius rolls in a second pushcart with bananas and trys to sell them in the same. place. After a while they both agree, that they can't sell the same products at the same location Because neither of them want to move, they go into a partnership. After some time of denied offers and counter-offers they agree on Cornelius getting 60% and Shimmel getting 40% of their business. Next, a young, flower selling, woman named Maggie Curtwell, comes up to them. Shimmel is very impressed. by the beauty of Maggie and trys to flirt with her, but Maggie dosen't like that. As soon as Maggie tells them her plan of becoming an actress in a musical, Shimmel...

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changes his name and decides to become a theatrical producer. location task 2, a): What is funny about the play? What made you smile? I really enjoyed reading the play, because of the many unpredictable turns. I really had to smile when Cornelius called his banana pushcart his 'business' for the first time. Also I really liked how Cornelius presented himself as a wise businessman, but in reality he arrived only a day before Shimmel. Personally I like the apperance of Maggie, how she speaks her mind. Of cause it can be considered as rude, bout it's rather funny, I think. task 2, 6) In a table, note down the clash between reality and make believe for the different characters: on top you write reality/truth; pretense / desire and then on the left you note apperance, location, business and social status - fill in the table for each characters of the play. CORNELIUS reality / truth appearance business social status has a pushcart full of bananas lives for one day in the new country' does know how to negotiate. somewhere on the streets two pushearts of bananas (60%) sells bananas poor, working class 17.12.2020 pretense/desir wise, busy business man, who knows anything. everybody wants his advice. a highly frequented selling place. highly profitable business. built through hard working. rich man with an own business. entrepreneur, upper middle class SHIMMEL appearance location business social status MAGGIE appearance location business. social status new to the country knows nothing reality/truth somewhere on the streets two pushcarts with bananas (40%) poor reality/truth speaks her mind' beautiful girl, who sells flowes to fullfill her dream of becoming an actress somewhere on the streets poor sells flowers. pretense/ desire I wants to be like Corneliuso (rich) a highly frequented selling place. two pushcarts with bananas middle class, because of business? pretense / desire ·beautiful (blind) girl, who sells flowes to fullfill her dream of becoming an actress would never harm sombody somewhere on the streets sells flowers. poor task 2, c): Now compare the image the different characters have of America to their reality. The three charactes all have a different image of America Cornelius sees America as a land, where all his whishes come true. He sees himself as a successful entrepreneur, everybody admires. Although he came to America just one day ago, he thinks he knows everything. But his reality is, that he has to sell bananas on the street. Though to his negotiating-talent I think he will make it, he is very confident and has a strong will Shimmel also grew up in another country and came in his adulthood to America. He also believes in the American Dream. But in contrast to Cornelius, he doesn't think it is ment for him (he don't wanted a business at first) I think he is very easy to influence, because after Cornelius talked him into buying the pushcart, he believes everything Cornelius. says. On the other hand there is Maggie, who grew up in America, and now sells flowers. She has a more realistic view on things. than the two man have. She believes, in some kind of way, in the American Dream, because she wants to be an actress. Maggie knows, that she have to work really hard to fullfill her dream, so she started selling flowers. Her determination I will help her to achieve her goals.