


The Pushcart Peddlers - Part 1







first impression:
by Murray Shisgal (1980)
- weird. →
selling bananas, give yourself a new name.
- compli
first impression:
by Murray Shisgal (1980)
- weird. →
selling bananas, give yourself a new name.
- compli
first impression:
by Murray Shisgal (1980)
- weird. →
selling bananas, give yourself a new name.
- compli
first impression:
by Murray Shisgal (1980)
- weird. →
selling bananas, give yourself a new name.
- compli

THE PUSHCART PEDDLERS first impression: by Murray Shisgal (1980) -interesting - weird. → selling bananas, give yourself a new name. - complicated → no time reference (not exactly) - funny: bananas.. fresh bananas (repetition of it) formal to informal style · way of talking buying a new name · Cornelius. pretends that he has been BUT: he has only been. there one day clash between reality and make believe what do the protagonists desire ? appearance location. business reality/ truth. poor > $43.75 (p. 14 ll. 32 f 32 f.) p. 91. 18 (C) → simple clothes. 1.21 (S) bettered suitcase, treadbare suit waterfront NYC, trashcans (p. 9 1l. 13 f.) $૫૩,₨_p. ૫0, 32 4. ) → poor / penniless p. 19 no customers. jobless first (p. 142.26) social status homeless (p. 18 ll. 10 f.) imigrants in the us How do they judge their situation ? ت VS. desire (pretends p.11 1.21 great country. p. 1012 beautiful day p. 11 excellent business his whole life p. 11 1.5 rush hour American names rich → beeing smth better summary of Part 1 task: Write a summary of the first part of the play. Use the following expressions: The V The play 'Pushcard Peddlers' is written by Murrau Schisgal. years ago. The play opens talk with words: 85 the meet of (the plau) opens (it is) set to be in business. to negotiate protagonists good stule subject matter to engage in offers. maybe good in about how to be in good business in the The protagonists Shimmel and Cornelius negotiate to share...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

the banana business. Cornelius gets 60%. and Shimmel gets 40%.. The subject matter of the play. is the immigration situation in the United States. numbers too much information this sentence It is set at Waterfront, New York City many Comelius 3 Hollingsworth III. and Shimmel Shiteman. They United States, while Cornelius sells. bananas. Maggie - Characterization - direct personality → says everything that comes to her mind (p. 20 l. 7f.) (p. 20 (childish) nicht passend vivid/angru / aggressive 6₂ impulsiv, lebhaft - self-confident Lp. 20 el. 20 ff ↳ not hungru, - she has a dream: to become a famous actress - profession (several): actress,... (p. 21 ll. 11.f.) - job: sells flowels (p. 19 le. 20 ff.). behaviour towards others → changes by Shimmel. insulting (p. 20 1.30) "shouts" (p. 20 1.7) 3 choice of words "fucking" (p. 20 l. 7) conclusion knows how to help / take care of herself (p. 21 e. 11) Maggie is a charakter with a direct personality, what means she says everything that comes to her She is very vivid and uses words like 'fucking' (p. 20 l. 7). Maggie is not hungry and is self-confident. She take care of herself. Her dream. is to become a famous actress, because her profession is to be an actress. But for the moment, she is selling flowers. Maggie gots behaviors. towards other characters. → you always need an introduction! All in one, you can say that Maggie is a very direct person who wants to follow her dreams. mind. Maggie and ner dream of success public behavior: angelic / uses sweet voice blind looks beautiful = evokes sympathy conclusion innocent friendly = pretend to be smth. /so. characters goals → Shimmel: wants Maggie to fall in love with him Comelius : wants become a business man Maggie: want become. a famous actress. fulfilling their own AD " suits to her dream of becoming an actress → "plays" a role → pretends to be something she is not in order to be successful →yellow marker in the text intention of the writer success private behavior: which part of the text refer to the concept of the AD? by the comic effect Don't pretend to be someone you ace not. "big" business the ace not to get there wealth see first lesson (reality vs. desire) aggressive, rude informal languade cursed words. ·self-confident, strong, knows how to take care of herself • unfriendly to Shimmel • Shisgal criticizes the concept of the AD + the protagonists who naivly believe in it