


Understanding Different Types of Narrators in Stories







<p>The I-narrator in the text "The rain missed my face and fell straight so my shoes" is a character named Samir. He is an illegal immigran

<p>The I-narrator in the text "The rain missed my face and fell straight so my shoes" is a character named Samir. He is an illegal immigran

The I-narrator in the text "The rain missed my face and fell straight so my shoes" is a character named Samir. He is an illegal immigrant from Cairo, living in London without any legal papers or documentation. Samir has to work several low-wage jobs, including in the kitchen of a café, at underground stations, and at the cinema. Due to his poverty, he is homeless and sleeps behind warehouses and old factories in South London. His outer appearance is scruffy and poor, with a hole in his left shoe. Samir is Muslim, speaks Arabic and English, and places great importance on his family, especially his mother. He is determined to take care of her, even risking his job by stealing money to fly her to London for treatment.

Personal Connection and Moral Code

The narrator is deeply connected to his mother, wanting her to be properly buried in Cairo regardless of the consequences for himself. He feels insecure and shy, concerned about how he is perceived by others and fears that they see something in him that isn't true. Despite his circumstances, the narrator holds a strong moral code and sense of justice, feeling guilty and wishing to be honorable.

Escapism and Optimism

In an attempt to escape his own reality, the narrator turns to drinking, smoking weed, and constantly watching films in the cinema. Despite his misery, he remains optimistic, believing in the chances and hope he can find in the world around him. His friendship with Youssef has a significant impact on him, as he becomes submissive and is influenced to do things he never wanted to do, such as stealing and drinking.

Postcolonial Experience and Criticism

The author of the text makes documentaries about human rights issues and criticizes cross-cultural media for fulfilling the prejudices of the viewers. The characters in the story struggle with poverty, trying to make a living as illegal immigrants. They feel lonely, illegitimate, and like criminals due to their precarious living conditions.

Key Quotes and Criticisms

The narrator expresses the loss and self-sacrifice he experiences, as well as the feeling of being pushed around and oppressed. He also highlights the discrepancy between the dream of life in the UK and the harsh reality of inhumane conditions. The concept of illegal immigrants and the criminal actions they are forced to take due to poverty is criticized, portraying the struggle of barely getting by and the lack of ambition.

In conclusion, the characteristics of an I-narrator are clearly portrayed in the text, "The rain missed my face and fell straight so my shoes." The narrator's personal connection, moral code, escapism, and criticism of societal issues make for a compelling and complex perspective.

Zusammenfassung - Englisch

  • The text "The rain missed my face and fell straight so my shoes" features an I-narrator named Samir
  • Samir is an illegal immigrant living in London, working multiple low-wage jobs to support himself and his family
  • The narrator is deeply connected to his mother and holds a strong moral code despite his circumstances
  • He turns to escapism through drinking, smoking, and watching films, but remains optimistic
  • The text criticizes the struggles of illegal immigrants and the harsh reality they face in society
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Häufig gestellte Fragen zum Thema Englisch

Q: What are the main characteristics of an I-narrator in a story?

A: The main characteristics of an I-narrator include a personal connection to the events and characters, a strong moral code, and a perspective limited to their own experiences and knowledge.

Q: How does the I-narrator in the text express a personal connection and moral code?

A: The I-narrator in the text is deeply connected to his mother, wanting her to be properly buried in Cairo regardless of the consequences for himself. He holds a strong moral code and sense of justice, feeling guilty and wishing to be honorable.

Q: What is the role of escapism and optimism in the I-narrator's perspective?

A: The I-narrator turns to drinking, smoking weed, and constantly watching films in an attempt to escape his own reality. Despite his misery, he remains optimistic, believing in the chances and hope he can find in the world around him.

Q: How does the I-narrator in the text critique societal issues and experiences as an illegal immigrant?

A: The I-narrator highlights the discrepancy between the dream of life in the UK and the harsh reality of inhumane conditions. The concept of illegal immigrants and the criminal actions they are forced to take due to poverty is criticized.

Q: What are the key quotes and criticisms expressed by the I-narrator in the text?

A: The narrator expresses the loss and self-sacrifice he experiences, as well as the feeling of being pushed around and oppressed. He also highlights the struggle of barely getting by and the lack of ambition among illegal immigrants.

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