


The war between the classes







mr. sumoto
my name is Mr. Sumoto. I live in a humble middle class
neighborhood with my wife and two children: Emiko and
mr. sumoto
my name is Mr. Sumoto. I live in a humble middle class
neighborhood with my wife and two children: Emiko and

AUTOBIOGRAPHY mr. sumoto Hello, my name is Mr. Sumoto. I live in a humble middle class neighborhood with my wife and two children: Emiko and Hideo. my Because of my previous experiences, I think that white people can be very racist and have a lot of prejudices against people who have to never a Hakliyin, someone who doesn't have our cutture and my daughter date was raised strictly with rules where older people where always respected more and therefore I also think that things like that My son really disapointed ry important. I work at a print shop and like playing me by marrying a non- Japane girl without me even knowing. was worried alot because Army didn't have a role model after that. She is supposed to respect her parents and study, a rules which obviously means that see She was our house that rich Boy has very bad influence on her. are chess. any SHIMOTO Gloria 12. Miklowitz' novel, the war between the classes " examines the challenges individuals and societies face in overcoming racial and economic prejudices. The first-person narrator of the story is Amy Sumoto. As the main character, she plays a big role in the developement of the events. throughout the book, taking you through ups and downs in her life from her point of as a 17 y/o At the beginning of the book, Amy describes herself girl, with long straight hair (pg....

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7, Oe 5-6), almond-shaped eyes (p.7, e.fland tall slender legs (p.7, l.13). She also describes herself as bright, popular, pretty and smart. Her real name is Emiko". As a daughter of working-class Japanese immigrals, she is raised with traditional family and respect. Amy grows up in a multi-cultural middle- class neighborhood. With her strict parents thrusting her into their Japanese traditions and ideals, she is being expected to be together with someone with their culture. They don't want her to end up like her brother. His name is Hideo and he is married with Sue, a non-Japanese. However, Hony dates Adam, a white rich boy. As a privilegected American hipocrat, Adan is the complete opposite of Amy, which keeps causing conflicts between her and her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Sumoto had had experiences with white people, which led to them distrusting anyone who isn't like them. Amy isn't happy about her parents not accepting fidam, but deep in- side she still loves and respects them. The first impression I got when reading I the book was that Amy was a non confident person who tries to suit everyone. But this chariges throughout the novel. She is also very friendly and polite towards others. Living in two worlds she is also able to under stand the lower colors in the color frame and therefore treats them with respect. Moreover, she does not treat any one badly only because of his color, which can be compared with the other participants of the blues, who felt posessed by their inferior high color. In conclusion, Amy can be charactenzed as a person who gradually wins her confidence throughout the book from beginning to end! Color Game made aturning point in her life making her revolve her qualities. as a leader, stating her own opinion without being afraid to speak her thoughts and stand up for herself. With the power she had in the Color Game, she decided to try on 1 and unite all, which in my opinion shows how important strong her character actually is. and