


The World of Work







The New Centry Career Guide
·some Americans have normal traditionals jobs with regular hours,
benefits and retirements.
The New Centry Career Guide
·some Americans have normal traditionals jobs with regular hours,
benefits and retirements.
The New Centry Career Guide
·some Americans have normal traditionals jobs with regular hours,
benefits and retirements.
The New Centry Career Guide
·some Americans have normal traditionals jobs with regular hours,
benefits and retirements.
The New Centry Career Guide
·some Americans have normal traditionals jobs with regular hours,
benefits and retirements.
The New Centry Career Guide
·some Americans have normal traditionals jobs with regular hours,
benefits and retirements.
The New Centry Career Guide
·some Americans have normal traditionals jobs with regular hours,
benefits and retirements.
The New Centry Career Guide
·some Americans have normal traditionals jobs with regular hours,
benefits and retirements.
The New Centry Career Guide
·some Americans have normal traditionals jobs with regular hours,
benefits and retirements.

E THE WORLD OF WORK The New Centry Career Guide ·some Americans have normal traditionals jobs with regular hours, benefits and retirements. Some Americans have new century jobs that means they created their own work /business. - America will be in new century jobs. Employment trends -new business rises up - temporary employee is now the best way to full-time work - temporary employee work for a particular period. The World of Work terms flextime work → Employees can choose their own starting and beginning times teleworking → It means working from home or using modern technology and telecommunications to remain in touch with the employer or company temporary contract → It's an agreement to work for an employer for a specific time. During the summer or for another work season. lifelong learning → Learning from other people. Always ready to learn something new. At the work, school or street. It does not matter. meaningful work life → Employees perform meaningfully work. to be promoted → You get it from the employer if you get a better and higher position. You have to be a perfect employer. permanent job → A permanent employee is one who has a unlimited work contract. to quit → It means to leave the job from yourself or from employer. salary/ wages → Salaries and wages are being paid for the work done. to retire shift work → Shift...

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work means that the employees work in the aftermath. That means outside of normal working hours. 08:00 - 18:00. workaholic → A workaholic is a person who works compulsively. If a person doesn't enjoy their work, it can mean that they simply feel compelled to do it. survival skill → Survival Skills is very important at work. For example, feeling fit, organization skills, read, write and speak right. technical ability → To have technical ability is very important. This includes marketing, graphic design, tipping quick, understanding from Microsoft Word. self-confidence → To be self-confidence is very good. You are knowing what you do well. to make redundant → Redundancy is when an employer reduces their workforce because a job or jobs are no longer needed. skilled/unskilled worker → Skilled workers need specialized training whereas unskilled workers don't. The employers take of course the better employee. to expel/to fire → It means the terminated of employment. workplace bullying → unwelcome verbal or physical behavior that is based on race, color, religion, sex, age works council → Represents the interests of employees. And they do the best for employees. → Make your application easy to read → Make sure you have the perfect grammar → What are your top skills? Teamwork or Communication → Explain why they should take you? Because of education → Sell yourself - that means present yourself well → Include a CV Good Application Tipps Application Example Your name Your address Your email address Your phone number Date Company name Company address Salutation [Dear Mr./Ms.], Outline where you saw the job posting and explain your interest about his job. Discuss some of your qualifications that would make you a good fit for the job. Describe your past experience. Describe your personality and skills. Finish the letter very politely. Closing [Sincerely, Best] Your signature Your name (printed) What makes a good job? loyalty dependability ● ● Teamwork ● flexibility ● ● security safety clean workplace ● ● Health and Safety Safe workplace Physical comfort Job stress Job Content friendly Co-Workers and boss Interesting work Meaningful work Autonomy/initiative Resources to do the job ● ● What makes a bad job? no teamwork no helping each other ● Job Satisfaction Material Benefits Earnings (cash + benefits) Having enough work Fair/equitable pay What makes a "Good Job"? ● unclean workplace unfriendly boss tell rumors cyber bullying Career Opportunities Advancement prospects Learning opportunities Networking Security Income security Job security Certainty of hours Relationships Work/life balance, fit with family/personal priorities Friends and colleagues Fair treatment, trust, voice Identity, belonging unnecessary saisonal workers salary. I wages Survival skill work addict self confidence work mates The world of work überflüssig knowledge entry level salary beginner in the Job on apprentice employee interviewe an apprentisship. bear responsibilily an applicant a vacancy. toot hache a ruler a ruller waste paper basket obtain defensive Saisonale Mitarbeiter Gehalt überlebensfähigkeit Arbeitsüchtig selbstbewusstsein Arbeitskollegen Wissen Anfangsgehalt Anfänger im Job Lehrling. Arbeitgeber der Intervierte Lehre Verantwortung übernehmen Bewerber eine Stelle Zahnweh Lineal Herrscher Papierkorb erhalten Defensive to bellite to take slay serious talk behinde one's back an aplication to gossip gossip a health harming sleep eating disorders threatening humili cating humilicate indimi dating loss of self confidence impact digestive system. prepetrators to treat target victim abusive conduct threat loss of self esteem to interfere with something verbal abuse you call somebody nickname to fancy herabsetzen Jemand nicht ernst nehmen hinterm Rücken reden Bewerbung Tratsch ein Tratsch / Klatsch gesundheitsschädlich Schlafsstörungen Esstörungen bedrohen erniedrigen einschüchtern Selbstvertrauen verlieren Auswirkungen auf das Verdlaungs. Täter behandeln Zielscheibe Opfer missbrauchen Bedrohung Selbstgefühl verlieren etwas stören Beschimfungen Jmol. beschimpfen Spitzname erfinden chember of labour prejudice stigmatizing Infurious sick leave expulsion to stander divergent herasment subordinates suborlors aparent rumour mongoing holding upto heaning ful glances. social citrumstances the breadwinner a contradiction | contradictory entire Arbeiterkammer. Vorurtal Brondmarken verletzend Krankenstand Entlassung 2u starren. abweichend Belästigung Untergeordnete Obergeordnete offensichtlich Gerüchte werden verbreitet Jmd. lächerlich machen bedeutungsvolle Blicke Soziale Umstände Brot verdiener wiedersprüchlich ganz / gesamt / vollständig