


Types of a newspaper







Non-fictional text types
expository texts: news artcile/news report; essay;
interview; scientific paper; ...
descriptive texts: feature stor

Non-fictional text types expository texts: news artcile/news report; essay; interview; scientific paper; ... descriptive texts: feature story; biography; travel writing;... argumentative/persuasive texts: argumentative essay; comment; editorial; leader; letter to the editor; review; speech; instructive texts: manual; recipe; ... Text type/purpose broadsheet newspaper article (quality paper) structure headline: main information lead: most important point body: 1. important information 2. further details tabloid headline: sensationalised, short, snappy newspaper article lead: most exciting point (popular paper) body: Short, simple, superficial Language, style objective, strong adjectives clear, to the point no repetitions dates, examples, quotes narrative, vivid description person as a hero, victim, criminal mixes fact and opinion emotive language:colloquial Types of newspaper article News report: short article; presenting facts; recent event; essential information in the first line; following paragraphs -> details, figures, statements; News story/feature story: longer article; recent event; provides analysis and backround information; for interested people; story-like introduction; personal or emotional style; Editorial/column: views and opinions; current events; represents newspapers position(editorial); journalists opinion (column); Letter to the editor: personal opinion on articles; criticise; "Dear Sir/ Madam";

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