


“(un)arranged marriage” - Bali Rai : summary, analysis







1) The text concerned is an extract of the novel "(un)arranged marriage", written by
Bali Rai and published by Transworld, which deals with

1) The text concerned is an extract of the novel "(un)arranged marriage", written by Bali Rai and published by Transworld, which deals with the story of the 17-year-old Manjit, who finds himself in a difficult situation, caused by his parents. Manjit and his family are of Punjabi origin and live in England. Manjit's parents have planned an arranged marriage with a girl from India for him. As his father tells him about the marriage, Manjit's reaction makes it clear that he's strongly against the idea. After seeing his reaction, his father and later on his mother too, proceed to give him a lecture on how he would be doing harm to his family if he would not marry the girl from India. 2) Manjit's parents put pressure on him by guilt tripping him. Especially his mother purposefully tries to make him guilty for not wanting the arranged marriage, by starting to cry and saying things like "Do you want to kill your mother?" (1.51). His father says that him being against the marriage would ruin the family's name and reputation (I. 25). His father also threatened to expel him from his school and send him to India, if he does not do what his parents say (I. 58-59). His parents put pressure on him to...

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make him agree to the arranged marriage, as it is important for them because the reputation of their family depends on it. 3) The use of the first-person-narrator in the text, has the effect on Manjit's reaction being explained more in detail, so that the reader can understand his emotions better. After his father tells him that next summer, he has to marry someone that he never met, Manjit gets upset, anxious and angry. He wants to run away but also to scream at him. With an example of his legs being frozen in place like "two sausages" (1.14), it is described that he cannot move an inch because he's so overwhelmed by his many emotions in that moment. After his mother put up a show of crying and saying things to make Manjit feel guilty for not wanting to marry the girl, he ended up crying too. Though he already knew that she was going to do this to him, he feels helpless and gives in to his emotions. His mother ended up making him feel upset, like she intended to. Manjit then gets thoughts about how he does not want to disappoint his parents and that he doesn't really have a choice to do something different from what they tell him to do. Through repeated short sentences and rhetorical questions, his feeling of helplessness and not knowing what to do becomes even clearer.