


U.S. History - American Dream







- U.S.
40.000 B.C.
first setters
13 British colonies
on the northeastern
the Boston Massacre
- U.S.
40.000 B.C.
first setters
13 British colonies
on the northeastern
the Boston Massacre

TIMELINE US HISTORY - U.S. 40.000 B.C. first setters 1770 13 British colonies on the northeastern seabord the Boston Massacre 1787 Constitution 1870 voting rights for black people 1492 columbus discovers America 1773 Boston Tea Party 1791 Bill of Rights added to Constitution 1920 voting rights for women 1600 European colonists mainly from England arrived, be they were Looking for religious freedom 1775 start of the American Revolutionary War 1812-1814 War of 1812 1960 Civil Rights Movement 1776 Declaration of Independence 1620 Plymouth Colony 1965 chance of immigration laws 1783 the Treaty of Paris 1861-1865 American Civil War between North and South (bc of slavery) 1865 abolishment of slavery through the 13th Amud. went 1970 idea of a multi- cultural & diverse America THE AMERICAN DREAM The American Dream is a concept finding it's origin in the immigration of settlers to the US, promoting prosperity and a fresh start to all people, no matter the social status or heritage. It describes inde- pendence and freedom of the individual, only hard work matters to achieve success. The concept is under harsh criticism, because it cannot be achieved by everyone, just by some who are lucky. -"from dishwasher to millionaire! - THE PURITANS AND THE NEW CANAAN - 16th & 17th century, cleanse the Church of England influence of Roman - Catholic Papism to abolish traditional mass, ornaments, decorations, ceremonies 6 1620-1640: emigration to New England o founding of Ply- Colony (1620), Massachusetts Bay (1630) mouth believed that America was the promised land & the new Canaan VERY RELIGIOUS! builded small towns with townmeetings, elections, church & state were inseperable, followed English traditions and trated a lot, ! education! gods chosen people first Puritano: PILGRIM FATHERS came with the Mayflower in 1620 from wrote Mayflower King James Compact to THE DECLERATION OF INDEPENDENCE 4th July 1776 #t We...

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hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness (1 Thomas Jefferson Benjamin Franklin • announce and explain the seperation of the 13 colonies from Independence Englaud AMERICAS FOUNDING FATHERS: THE BIG SIX James Madison George Washington John Adams Alexander Hamilton drafted