


USA-A fading superpower?







+military power
economic power
a lot of influence on other countries.
has a lot of ressources
-other "superpowers" former USSR,

"superpower" +military power economic power a lot of influence on other countries. has a lot of ressources -other "superpowers" former USSR, China verloren gehen →USA: A fading superpower? ehemaliger How did the USA became a 'superpower' ? -immigration (prototypical immigration country) →➜ diversity → people started from scratch and tried to be successful (→ ambition → prosperity) →very dynamic economic system → promise to rise "from rags to ricles" vom Tellerwäscher zum Millionar Challenges for the US economy -industries moved to other countries leg. cotton industry - wages). -global competition (China, Germany) -stock markets benefit those who already have money -climate change affects the economy → to fulfill the American Dream is much harder difficult job market (low wages) → a strong belief that they can not fail (American exceptisucclism) → they become a leader in medicine and science → military power The end of the American Dream? Economic dream? practically limitless resources diverse and dynamic population Prelatively stable political system ▷ innovative technological capabilities usa-a facking superpower nightmare ? wealthiest Americans are outpacing their global peers Social advancements fools out of reach ► decline of American middle class Ostentations wealth of the richs (1%) economic anxiety-growing number of poor Americans government failed to look at the vulnerable people in the society but also the obligation to create jobs, grow the economy and construct a social safety, failed Americans didn't want to be specialists Plbecause the government reglected its responsibilities the economy tilled towards the...

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rich people people in their 20s 30s don't have a high education "Are the US facing an economic nightmare ?" CON -limitless ressources - dynamic & diverse population -stable political system leader of technological process PRO -Social advancement harder middle class in decline economic instability - only the rich have governments attention - American dream only for the "17" -Americans do not want to be socialist Education worse lack of qualified workers -Education less important → fewer Skilled/ educated workers -government does not live up to their responsibility-rich people have advantage -money is distributed unjustly Background Information who were the first settlers and what were their reasons for emigrating? → The first settlers were Puritans and they came to seek a new life and their belief in hard work, religious faith and religious and political freedom Explain what happened on these dates: 17605, 1776, 1787. → In the 1760s, the thirteen original colonies on America's eastern coast started to protest against unpopular British taxes and other laws. → In 1776 representatives of the colonies signed the Declaration of independence which started that "all men are created equal. → In 1787 the author of the Declaration and the Constitution became known as the Founding Fathers of the United States, Americans won the revolution; Constitution was written 3 How did the USA aquire land in the West in the 19th century? → The USA aquired land in the West in the 19th century by fighting over it with the Mexicans, by buying it from other countries, or by stealing it from the Native Americans. 4. Explain the reasons for the Civil War. →The Civil Was happened because the Southern states wanted to keep slavery and the Nothern States wanted to abolish it. 5 Name the main reasons why immigrants left their native countries in the 19th and 20th centuries. → Immigrants left their native countries in the 19th and 20th century because they wanted to escape poverty and famine or they were fleeing from religious persecution, people came after WWII to chase after American Dream How has 9/11 affected the USA? →a terrorist attack on the us (the Twin Towers, NY); as a superpower the USA were attacked on their own soil that led to insecurity and fear →a longer war, ensued → mass surveillance at home in the us →distrust against muslims in the US (and the UK)