


useful phrases







The (Textsorte) (Titel) written by (Autor) in the year (Datum) informs about /
deals with / is about (Hauptthema)
• T
The (Textsorte) (Titel) written by (Autor) in the year (Datum) informs about /
deals with / is about (Hauptthema)
• T
The (Textsorte) (Titel) written by (Autor) in the year (Datum) informs about /
deals with / is about (Hauptthema)
• T
The (Textsorte) (Titel) written by (Autor) in the year (Datum) informs about /
deals with / is about (Hauptthema)
• T
The (Textsorte) (Titel) written by (Autor) in the year (Datum) informs about /
deals with / is about (Hauptthema)
• T
The (Textsorte) (Titel) written by (Autor) in the year (Datum) informs about /
deals with / is about (Hauptthema)
• T

Introduction: Summary: The (Textsorte) (Titel) written by (Autor) in the year (Datum) informs about / deals with / is about (Hauptthema) • The main message of the (Textsorte) (Titel) written by (Autor) in the year (Datum) is that (Hauptthema) The text shows / presents information about... and concludes that... ● useful words Mediation: ● Hello (Name), how are you? I hope you are doing well. Since you wanted to know whether/if (Hauptthema), I looked it up/did some research and found an article called (Title), written by (Autor) in (Datum) (The title translated would be "...".) Analysis: • In the following, (Thema: z.B. the behaviour of and its justification by the narrator) will be analysed. Characterization: The narrator of the short story (Titel) behaves (...). In the following, the narrator will be analysed/characterized. [...throughout the story...] Comment: Lots of people discuss whether... and that question will be commented ● It will be commented (on the question) whether... Discussion: The given question, whether (Hauptthema). But what is true? Stating your opinion: (Comment, Discussion) • in my opinion • in my view • • ● ● • • • . from my point of view in my point of view to my mind for me for my part i think / feel / believe that iam convinced / sure / certain that i (do not) support • according to my view • with regard to an author's opinion in a text ● his argument does not hold good i (dis-)approve i (dis-)agree i have the...

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same opinion he overlooks the fact that the author's proposals/arguments are convincing, but he fails to take into account that... • when discussing problems in a comment ● to weigh the pros and cons ● as far as I can see ● I like to emphasize the fact personally Listing facts, arguments, examples, etc: (all) Start: • • firstly / secondly first of all to begin with to start with in the first place the first point I would like first and foremost to start off • the first argument that promotes... is... Entwicklung: ● Besides • Surely In the second place ● Even if . Although / Tough ● Above all ● In addition / additionally Furthermore Moreover Not only... but also... • Regarding it is important ● the importance • that is why ● since nevertheless • especially • specifically ● more precisely • therefore ● as a consequence • consequently ● it should be considered ● it should be taken into consideration • other factors to be taken in account are we must also take into account that we should also consider the fact that in order to Schluss: • finally • after all • eventually ● in conclusion • last of all the final point is • there is only one point left Contrasting: (all) it may be argued that... but on the one hand... on the other on the contrary in contrast • whereas ● instead apart from that • however ● yet in spite of/ despite of one could argue that / one might think / say that Comparing: (all) • similarly in the same way • both ● likewise • equally ● as well as Bedingung: (all) . if unless • provided that in case that Giving Examples: (all) ● for example • for instance • such as ● to give an example ● this argument can be exemplified by Generalizing: (all) As a rule as a result on the whole • generally speaking • in general • usually • basically ● in fact ● as a matter of fact the authors' arguments: (Summary, Mediation/Comment, Discussion) the author... • claims ● states • suggests • implies ● refers to ● alludes to ● deals with discusses ● puts forward the thesis that • presents/develops/defends the thesis that ● expresses his point of view ● holds the view that agrees to/with, approves (of), is in favour of ● ● emphasizes/highlights/stresses • supports/sides with/sympathizes with ● criticizes/blames sb. for/ reproaches sb with sb. ● accuses sb. of having done sth. • questions sb. ● raises objections to/opposes sb. objects by pointing out argues that comments on ● assumes a critical attitude towards sb. argues for against ● • points out that ● bases his arguments on • supports/illustrates his arguments Conclusion: Summary, Analysis, etc... all in all ● in conclusion ● to sum up • taking everything into account ● after looking at / considering both sides ● all facts considered... ● in brief in short ● ● on the whole • consequently therefore as a result • hence • accordingly Mediation • I (opinion). I hope I was able to help you find the right information. I am looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. Bye, (Name).