


Useful verbs and phrases for a mediation and an analysis »💂«







Study note
Topic: Useful verbs and phrases for a mediation and an analysis
Useful verbs:
The author...
• makes use of...
• u

Study note Abitur Englisch Topic: Useful verbs and phrases for a mediation and an analysis Useful verbs: The author... • makes use of... • underlines... • presents... emphasizes... • illustrates... ● • expresses... outlines... • takes advantage of... points out... • Main Part: ● • Ending: ● • examines... • uses...to... Phrases for a mediation and an analysis: • Introduction: supports... • mentions... • convinces... The article... • is about... • deals with... symbolizes... • associates [with]... • encourages... • shows... • outweighs... represents... → Dear,... / Hello..., → Thank you for the ... (letter) → How are you doing? You asked me to help you with... and of course I can help you! Therefore, I have found a very well-written German article about..., which I want to present you. (Not all sentences can be used in an analysis or a mediation) → First and foremost, it is important to know that... → As I see from the article,... → The main factor/aspect is... → It is necessary to mention that... → One the one hand, but on the other hand,... → Besides,... Moreover,.../ Furthermore,.../ What is more,.../ Additionally,... →Due to... / because of... → Nevertheless,... / Currently,... / Nowadays,... →At the end,... → From my point of view,... / As for me,... → What do you think about ...? → I would be very interested in hearing your comments on... ➜ I hope that I could help you with your ... about .... → Let me know if your ... was successful! ➜ I wish you a...

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