









O P 1 A
"nonexistent place"
good place
Socialist ideas →egalitarian distribution of goods.
• global utopia of world peace

U T O P 1 A "nonexistent place" good place Socialist ideas →egalitarian distribution of goods. • global utopia of world peace UTOPIA/DYSTOPIA religious utopia → garden of delights. scientific /technological utopia → absence of death, Illiness, suffering (through technology) Dy 3 T O A D P totalitarian government social inequality no privacy, constant surveillance destructed /destructive environment invasions advanced technology pro I A V A N CE D no employees leave due to pregnancy move job options can concentrate on career no Stress finding a partner T E better healthcare longer lives. less hunger /starvation (manipulated seeds) renewable energy с rebellion, revolution ignorance of their situation false information, lack of education · after/before / during war, natural disaster, man-made disaster FUTURE SOCIAL FREEZING H N 0 L O no new employees through family members pricey women are forced to freeze their eggs no guarantee, miscarriages painful procedures, psychological problems progress in Al → takes away human jolos, might become superior global warming → bad living conditions on earth designer babies and human clones

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Knowunity ist die #1 unter den Bildungs-Apps in fünf europäischen Ländern

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Ich liebe diese App so sehr, ich benutze sie auch täglich. Ich empfehle Knowunity jedem!! Ich bin damit von einer 4 auf eine 1 gekommen :D

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Die App ist sehr einfach und gut gestaltet. Bis jetzt habe ich immer alles gefunden, was ich gesucht habe :D

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Ich liebe diese App ❤️, ich benutze sie eigentlich immer, wenn ich lerne.