


Values and Beliefs USA







- Christian fundamentalists believe that the biblical story of Creation should be taught in

Values and beliefs Religion Fundamentalism: - Christian fundamentalists believe that the biblical story of Creation should be taught in science classes as an alternative to the theory of evolution - all fundamentalists regard the bible as literally true - fundamentalists deny most critical scientific insights - almost 45 percent who have no education beyond high school believe in the literal truth of the Bible, 29 % with some college, 19% of college graduates - Secularism, skepticism, acceptance of mainstream science rises with education America is a Religion: - American soldiers are no longer merely (bloß) combatants (Kämpfer), they have become missionaries - throughout history Americans had now become the chosen people, with a divine duty to deliver the world to God's dominion. - presidency is turning into priesthood - if one criticizes Religion, one is a blasphemer Patriotism - Definition: devotion to a particular place and a particular way of life, which one believes to be the best in the world but has no wish to force upon other people - Importance of national symbols (Statue of liberty) - strong identification with ones nation, feeling of belonging somewhere, feeling affection towards a place - 4th of July: Independence day - Nationalfeiertag - connection to patriotism, because there are a lot of people on that day celebrating to be American, national holiday (such as Thanksgiving etc.) -...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

deeply connected to the concept of Manifest Destiny Puritanism - work ethic - with hard work, discipline and responsibility you can achieve everything - belief of being a member of the God-chosen people The American Dream - belief in rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - dream of a land where everybody has the chance, caused by their abilities to live a better life - dream of a better life based on equal rights and chances - dream to be able to achieve everything through hard work An open and dynamic society - being open to new ideas (progress) -being open to immigrants => America is a strongly religious country with many different religions (75% Christian)