


Visions of future







• non-existing place"
• perfect life
defines a society, where everyone is happy
of life
Visions of the future
Definition "Utopia"
• non-existing place"
• perfect life
defines a society, where everyone is happy
of life
Visions of the future
Definition "Utopia"

• non-existing place" • perfect life • defines a society, where everyone is happy of life d Visions of the future Definition "Utopia" way too good to be true • equality and peace • people are healthy sustainable lifestyle. 0 Definition • des cribes a night more world • Worst-case development of a • difficult life a "1 "dystopia" society • inequality and war, violence, criminals • not desirable to live in unsustainable lifestyle with bad consequence ices Genetic engineering • improvement of science and technology. • breakthroughs in medicine and physics Clive longer and healthier • biotechnology: questioned by ethics, no knowledge about long-term effects, unforeseen consequences. Designer babies Babies whose genetic makeup has been artificially selected to ensure presence characteristics the or absence of certain. ~pro •parents have the chance to choose *opportunity to stop suffering from genetic defects • scientific research could offer new medical opportunities. •structure of family is more important than sexual process contra • moral obligation to give children the best life possible • will lead to improvement of damaged the whole species. • family, faith, moral, religion (import and values) • bioethical codes condemn with human experience beings • hunian gene pool may be •rich people would be at an advantage дар between rich and, • humans should not intervene with nature and play god •inmoral and in violation of god's laws 0 • feelings of clones one neglected = treated as objects • future consequence on health. not dear

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