


Vocabulary Crooked Letter







white trash (coll.)
Bible Belt
to ridicule
Vocabulary List
white trash (coll.)
Bible Belt
to ridicule
Vocabulary List
white trash (coll.)
Bible Belt
to ridicule
Vocabulary List
white trash (coll.)
Bible Belt
to ridicule
Vocabulary List

English redneck hillbilly white trash (coll.) inge adversity kudzu crooked rural despair Bible Belt to ridicule appreciation Vocabulary List - The American South, Crooked Letter 1 German Weißer Arbeiter aus den Amerikanischen Südstaaten Hinterwäldler 'weißer Abschaum' (ugs.) Zusammenzucken, erschaudern Widrigkeit, Missgeschick Kopoubohne schief, krumm ländlich Verzweiflung Word in context a poor white person without education, especially one living in the countryside in the southern US, who has prejudiced (= unfair and unreasonable) ideas and beliefs Bibelgürtel (redneck because farm workers often get a red neck from the sun) a person from a mountainous area of the US who has a simple way of life and is considered to be slightly stupid by people living in towns and cities an insulting way of referring to white people who are poor and badly educated to suddenly move away from someone or something because you are frightened I cringed at the sight of my dad dancing. difficult or unlucky situation or event: The road to happiness is paved with adversities. a wild plant that spreads easily, quickly covering an area and often growing over other plants and killing them not forming a straight line, or having many bends: You have to drive slowly on these crooked country roads. His front teeth are crooked. in, of, or like the country (= land not in cities): She grew up in rural Utah. the feeling that there is no hope and that you can do nothing to improve a difficult or worrying situation: Their fourth year without rain drove many farmers to despair. informal region...

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in the Southern United States in which socially conservative evangelical Protestantism plays a strong role verhöhnen, sich lustig you tend to ridicule something that you do not take machen seriously Anerkennung If you appreciate something you are glad to have it barn bobwire (coll.) to ostracize ostracism witness clue victim perpetrator social rejection to feel confident to be adamant to be agonized to be defeated to be distraught to be elated to be gullible Scheune Stacheldraht ausgrenzen Ausgrenzung Zeuge/ Zeugin Hinweis, Spur, Indiz Opfer Täter Soziale Ablehnung/ Zurückweisung Sich zuuversichtlich/ selbstbewusst fühlen Hartnäckig, unnachgiebig sein Gequält sein Besiegt, bezwungen sein sein large farm building for animals or animal food → barbed wire, wire with spikes, to keep cows from leaving a farm Leichtgläubig, gutgläubig, naiv sein to avoid someone intentionally, or to prevent someone from taking part in the activities of a group: His colleagues ostracized him after he criticized the company in public. Bankrupts often have to face the ostracism of their friends. According to (eye) witnesses, the robbery was carried out by two teenage boys. Police are still looking for clues in their search for the missing girl. victims of crime The children are the innocent/helpless victims of the fighting. someone who has committed a crime or a violent or harmful act: The perpetrators of the massacre must be brought to justice as war criminals the act of not giving someone the love and attention they want and expect: He never asked her to marry him out of fear of rejection. The police are confident that this new line of inquiry will lead them to the murderer. The most important rule in life is always to appear confident. She begged me to change my mind, but I remained adamant. Aufgelöst, außer sich, Casey was totally distraught that they were throwing him bestürzt sein out of school. Beschwingt, ermutigt When I told her the news I thought she'd be elated. An agonized scream. Let's have a quick word with the two defeated finalists. Plastic replicas of the Greek pottery are sold to gullible tourists. to be inquisitive to be lighthearted to be maudlin to be obnoxious to be petrified to be quarrelsome to be spiteful to be sympathetic to be taciturn to be tenacious to be vivacious Vocabulary List - The American South, Crooked Letter 1.2 Neugierig, wissbegierig I'd have asked more questions, but I didn't want to seem sein inquisitive. Fröhlich, unbeschwert, a light-hearted/lighthearted comedy. heiter sein weinerlich sentimental rührselig sein Widerlich, unausstehlich, anstößig sein extremely frightened, She just stood there, petrified at the thought of especially so frightened the crowds waiting outside. that you cannot move or think Sir Ralph was becoming maudlin after his third glass of claret. Eddie is an obnoxious, insecure creep. Streitsüchtig sein Gehässig, boshaft sein Failure had made him bitter and spiteful. Mitfühlend, verständnisvoll sein Schweigsam, wortkarg, einsilbig sein Hartnäckig, beharrlich sein Lebhaft, temperamentvoll, aufgeweckt sein He became quarrelsome after drinking too much. My friends were very sympathetic when I lost my job. The ship's captain was a taciturn man who spoke only to give orders. As a reporter, David was tougher and more tenacious than the other three. a vivacious and outgoing personality Chapter 1 crime detection detective investigator perpetrator victim evidence to question sb. firearm appeal to reveal suspense red herring assault homicide foreboding to hold sb. accountable annoyed desperate determined devious (im)patient ostracized remorseless vulnerable upright to ridicule sb. Chapter 2 constable the sole law enforcement police work swamp disappearance to regret reputation occasional setting bleak Verbrechen Aufdeckung Detektiv Ermittler off the beaten track to be reminiscent of ambitious Täter Opfer Beweis jdn. befragen Schusswaffe Reiz aufdecken Spannung falsche Fährte Angriff Mord Vorahnung jdn. zur Rechenschaft ziehen verärgert verzweifelt bestimmt, entschlossen hinterhältig, verschlagen (un)geduldig ausgegrenzt erbarmungslos, gnadenlos verletzlich aufrichtig sich über jdn. lustig machen Polizist hier: der einzige Polizist gelegentlich Umgebung trostios abgelegen sein an etwas erinnern ehrgeizig to be prone to violence zu Gewalt neigen Polizeiarbeit Sumpf verschwinden bereuen, bedauern Ruf to solve a crime, a noteworthy crime the detection of a crime →investigation the perpetrator of the devious murder → to fall victim to a crime to gather evidence to be allowed to display firearms Crime novels have a great appeal to readers because... to reveal violent details to create heart-pounding suspense to place a red herring a brutal assault on sb. cold-blooded homicide/murder a sense of foreboding The perpetrator was held accountable by the judge. extremely/thoroughly annoyed to feel/look/seem/sound utterly desperate, → desperation to be more determined than ever by devious means to remain incredibly patient → to be ostracized by others for doing sth. a remorseless killer to become increasingly vulnerable to reveal an upright posture = to make fun of sb. to work as a constable Silas is the sole law enforcement in Chabot. The land gave over to swamp. to investigate a mysterious disappearance Silas regretted saying sth. to acquire a reputation as Occasionally Silas passed the house. a secluded/remote/rural/tranquil/intimate setting The place is rather bleak. The town is off the beaten track. the town is reminiscent of sth. to be a highly ambitious character Wallace is prone to violence.