


Vokabeln Shakespeare







Q2 LK/E Abitur 2022
In lines ... trochees are used
The recurring use of iambs provides the
In this poem
This poem is based on a regular rhym

Q2 LK/E Abitur 2022 In lines ... trochees are used The recurring use of iambs provides the In this poem This poem is based on a regular rhyme scheme, namely aabcbc The rhyme the rhythmical pattern appealing sound the humorous effect The poet A special effect is achieved by the use of internal rhymes. This poem is an example of unrhymed verse free verse Shakespeare in the 21st century reinforces contributes greatly to the The poem to provide variety to vary the iambic pattern to avoid monotony Emotive language and imagery The word "sea" The poet contributes to the accounts for the The poet achieves special sound effects repetition. alliteration. assonance. consonance. internal rhymes. In lines..., the recurrence of the letters ... contributes to evoke the roar of the sea. In this poem, the poetical effect arises from the perfect fusion of sound and sense a fascinating sound effect In this poem, (the) ... is loaded with a number of lines do not rhyme at all the author makes use of imperfect rhymes in lines ... does not stick to any rhyme scheme. refers to addresses connects associates "the sea" with the idea of freedom, is associated with suggests implies gentle jerky implications connotations galloping heavy movement of the .... as if it by making use of date: rhythm of ... freedom independence loneliness of this poem is presented as a human being personified endowed with human qualities in the poet's mind. had a life on its own. were a living creature.

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