


vorabi / abitur globalization







▸ Exchange of services, knowledge, cultural goods & languages
Linked and influence each other
➤ Worldwide coming t
▸ Exchange of services, knowledge, cultural goods & languages
Linked and influence each other
➤ Worldwide coming t
▸ Exchange of services, knowledge, cultural goods & languages
Linked and influence each other
➤ Worldwide coming t

Definition: ▸ Exchange of services, knowledge, cultural goods & languages Linked and influence each other Globalization ➤ Worldwide coming together of countries and nations People & countries can actively exchange information & goods more quickly > Mobile phones, airplanes, internet Made growth of transport & communication networks possible Effects on: ► Culture/society: education, language, shift of norms and values, westernization, tourism, change of lifestyle Environment: ecology, global warming, deforestation, pollution, plunder of resources ▸ Media: communication, information, surveillance > Population: decline (rich countries) vs. expansion (poor countries), migration/overpopulation, outsourcing > Technology: scientific & technological advance, modernization / health care > Economic development: production, work, trade, markets Pro / opportunities > Cheaper productions diffusion of new ideas, technologies, products, services and lifestyles new potential markets and customers Job opportunities Production in economically disadvantaged countries Increase of communication Deglobalization because of Covid? ➤ Virus puts entire system at Risk Corona killing globalization) O O O Con / risks ➤ Less money than industrialized countries No jobs in industrializes countries People & environment suffer No sufficient-, social- or health- insurance cover Production in economically disadvantaged countries Globalization reaching end of its circle Same as before -> high speed trade Green economy > World trade has been weakened US-China trade war not finished Ecological problems Ships, airplanes to transport internationally Constant increase, causes carbon dioxide Global warming climate change protect climate Virus has shaken us out of complacency towards nature O Threat to globalization not coming from pandemic itself but from policy changes that may follow Fast fashion: >...

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Average person buys 60 new pieces of clothing annually (amount has increased) > Amount has doubled from 2000 to 2010 Prices go down Sharing economy: amount of item produce rises → Not worn regularly BAD SALERY for the workers that produce in factories ➤ Fast fashion; quickly changing trends; available for all for little money; offers change up to 24 times per year →40% hasn't been worn at all Share/ lease clothes instead of buying new ones ➤ Lease: pay monthly; send back; clean; make-up, release Toddlers or special events; not worn al lot Brands like Tchibo are starting to sell second-hand clothes ▸ Meet with other people and exchange clothes -> Facebook groups/ friends/ ... Studying and working in a globalized world: Last century On job entire life Work is bond to one place ➤ 40-48 hours full time working week ‣ Weekly wage: 7.50 pounds ➤ 46% women were working ▸ More physical work and communication > 16 days' vacation per year ➤ High job security ➤ less inflation Manufacturing jobs: 8.7 Million + More knowledge-based jobs & home office English as a global Language: Today > ➤ > A A A ➤ people change jobs more often people are more mobile; spend time abroad 37 hours on average; hours more flexible Small businesses, start-ups, freelance Weekly wage: 500 pounds 66% women are working Better technology, communication, text messages, e mail, ... ➤ Manufacturing jobs: 2,5 million > Competition and recessions might force companies to downsize their workers from one day to another High inflammation Lingua franca: language of communication for people who do not share the same first language ELF: English as a foreign language Why English? Most widely learned language The most powerful nations speak it (-> British Empire, American imperialism) Possible problems for the language: many dialects/wording and grammar Impact of the Brexit ▸ British economy suffers-> regulations could make it hard to be part of the European market > Workers can't choose their workplace as freely anymore > Multinational corporations have their headquarters in London (40%) o Might consider moving -> loss of job in Britain > Free movement of people is restricted ➤ Issue with EU migrants; UK doesn't want them => long negotiations 1492-1800 7 Columbus set Jail 2 Primary ? Questions →where does my country fit into global competiton and opportunities? 1800-2000 →How can I go global and collaborate with others through my country? interrupted by the great Depression and Ene two world wars, Primary 2 Questions? Where does my company fit into the global economy? How does it take advantage of the opportunities → How can I go global and collaborate with others through my company? 2 Primary 2 Questions- from 2000 on countries from a size large to ↓ a size Globalisation 1.0 Globalisation 2.0 steam →where do I, as an individual fit into the global competition and opportunities of the day? How do I collaborate with others globally on my own! engine first half: transport Costs falling medium from a size medium to t a size small rail road all about ... falling telephones countrys muscles second half: → telecommunication costs from a size small to ↓ a size ting Globalization 3.0 ✓ mainframe computers all about... multinational Companies =dynamic force driving the globalisation industrial revolution key agent of change F all about... Companies - driven by the western + much more key agent of change Xx Individuals birth of the global economy Newfound power for individuals to colaborate and compete globally. key agent of change