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5 10 15 20 Q2 Vorabitur Klausur, Vorschlag Name: Si Englisch LKSehr Part A: Mediation „Wie der junge Goethe: Warum gerade ausgerechnet auf Instagram Gedichte ganz groß sind" (30 %.) Part B: Reading & Writing "Shakespeare: How do I compare thee to hip-hop?" (70 %) Task Part A: Mediation You are a German exchange student spending one year in Straford upon Avon, Shakespeare's birthplace. Your literature teacher has asked you to deliver a speech in your English class on the topic ,,poetry - from Shakespearean times till now". In the course of your research on the topic you come across the German text ,,Wie der junge Goethe: Warum gerade ausgerechnet auf Intagram Gedichte ganz groß sind". Write a speech script in which you compare and comment on this and other modern approaches to poetry and Shakespeare's work and love concept. Wie der junge Goethe: Warum gerade ausgerechnet auf Instagram Gedichte ganz groß sind von Eileen Breuer 30.08.2019 Instagram hat den Ruf, oberflächlich zu sein, materialistisch und neiderzeugend. Doch zwischen Strandfotos und beworbenen Kosmetikprodukten tauchen dort nun immer mehr Schreibmaschinen auf. Aus ihnen ragen mit Zweizeilern beschriebene Zettel. Unter dem Hashtag Instapoetry finden sich dort fast drei Millionen Beiträge, tippt man die deutsche Entsprechung Instalyrik ins Suchfeld ein, werden einem mehr als 6000 Treffer angezeigt. In Shakespears Heimat Großbritannien revolutionieren die Insta-Poeten mit ihren Gedichten derzeit sogar die Buchmärkte - doch...
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warum sind die Gedichte auf Instagram so erfolgreich? Eine der bekanntesten deutschsprachigen Poetinnen auf Instagam ist Clara Louise, 26 Jahre alt. Ihr folgen dort mehr als 166.000 Menschen. Sie hat mit etwa 13 Jahren begonnen, Gedichte zu verfassen: "Ich habe einfach alles niedergeschrieben, was mich belastet hat oder was in meinem Kopf vorgegangen ist", erzählt sie (...). Die Poetin schreibt meistens über Liebe - die zu anderen und die zu sich selbst. Clara wollte die Gedanken nicht mehr nur für ihre heimische Schublade aufschreiben, also fing sie an, Ausschnitte auf Instagram zu veröffentlichen. Manchmal in Retrooptik auf der Schreibmaschine getippt, manchmal in verschnörkelter Handschrift. Es sollte ein Testlauf für einen Gedichtband sein. Die Likes und steigenden Followerzahlen gaben ihr recht: Als Clara anfing, lag sie bei gut tausend Followern, heute zählt sie 160 mal so viele. Obwohl sie ihre Ideen lieber ins Handy tippt als zum Notizblock zu greifen und Verse in den sozialen Medien postet, will Clara nicht als Insta-Poetin bezeichnet werden. "Ich verstehe nicht, was es für einen Unterschied macht, ob man etwas auf Instagram veröffentlicht oder nicht. Es ist nur ein Medium, wo man sich und das, was man macht, präsentieren kann. Es ist aber keine andere Form von Lyrik", sagt Clara Louise. 1 25 to SER lagu 2 Q2 Vorabitur Klausur, Vorschlag Englisch LK/ Literaturwissenschaftler Niels Penke ist anderer Meinung. Er arbeitet am Germanistischen Seminar der Universität Siegen und setzt sich unter anderem mit Popkultur auseinander. Seiner Ansicht nach zeichnen sich die Gedichte auf Instagram durch andere Charakteristika aus als konventionelle Lyrik. Während Gedichte der zeitgenössischen Lyrik oft irritieren und Fragen aufwerfen, könne dies auf Instagram nicht funktionieren, sagt Penke: "Hier geht es darum, nicht zu irritieren, sondern ohne große Voraussetzungen verständlich zu sein. Nicht formal komplex, sondern formal einfach." just changes-2 new source: (Spiegel online) Tangu Sedway's - Falest somets dsondifferent 570d093c-4f8f-48f6-b356-5ccab2d44969 (13.2.22) Task Part B: Reading & Writing 1. Point out the situation Andrew Emery describes. (comprehension, 12 points) 2. Examine the author's opinion and analyse how he conveys his opinion to the reader. Take into account structure, language, stylistic devices and other argumentative techniques. (analysis, 16 points) 3. Choose one of the following tasks: 3.1. Against the background of your experience and work with Shakespeare in class, comment on whether the approach presented in Emery's article is successful. 3.2. Write a letter to the editor in which you respond to this article from the point of view of a German student who studied Shakespeare's work in class. Argue if Shakespeare's plays and sonnets either should or should not be part of the national curriculum, not only in the UK. (Evaluation: Re-creation of text 14 points) Shakespeare: How do I compare thee to hip-hop? by Andrew Emery use of Shakespearest for Quage 15th April 2009 Mobo award-winning rapper Akala is running a series of workshops for teenagers on the links between Shakespeare and hip-hop intro Contrast In a community hall in Hoxton, London, a small piece of alchemy is taking place. A group of teenagers who only minutes before were fidgeting with their mobile phones, are up on stage reciting one of Shakespeare's best known sonnets in rap. It's on a damp spring morning that they're comparing thee to a summer's day, but how did they get here? rhetorical question Well, it seems they're a part of the burgeoning hip-hop theatre scene. But this isn't We Will Rock exp You for rap fans, it's a rapidly growing exploration of hip-hop as a performance culture being undertaken by at least nine different theatre companies around the UK. (...) Mobo award-winning rapper Akala (...), meanwhile, is running a series of workshops that tease out the links between hip-hop and Shakespeare. But why? "I actually did a song called rhetorical questions 2 Q2 Vorabitur Klausur, Vorschlag Englisch LK/ 19th cory-2022 Shakespeare three or four years ago," says Akala, "It was a comedic parody that I was the rapping reincarnation of Shakespeare. Not that I am, but there is a genuine relationship between poetry of all forms and that song made me ask - if Shakespeare was alive today, would he have been a rapper?" My kneejerk reaction would normally be to reply: wouldn't he just be a playwright? We do still have those. But Akala makes a compelling case: "Rap gets a hard time based on this new school of MCs from America who only rap about tits and arse and jewellery. parallelism, But if you look at real hip-hop, (...) it's poetry, it's social commentary, it's documenting history. And enumerate стр. in three or 400 years, people will probably look upon it as such. There were those who frowned upon Shakespeare's work in his time, but it was a reflection of reality." from Mlipse The nine teenagers at today's workshop aren't here because of their love for the Bard. In a Q&A session, only two of them say they'd have come if today hadn't involved rapping. That begins to change when Akala engages them in a series of exercises that explore the close relationship between the rhythms of modern hip-hop and the iambic pentameter of Shakespeare. He hands out cards printed with a couple of lines. We have to decide whether they're the work of the Sire playwright or a rapper. It's harder than you'd think. The kids are adamant that certain words and phrases are those of a rapper, but they're actually from Shakespeare. And vice versa. It's a hook, and it's only half an hour later that they're translating Sonnet 18 into hip-hop verse. Some of the kids tell me that they hate how Shakespeare is taught at school - how boring the approach is. But will this send them scuttling back to Othello with a fresh eye? Akala says the aim o isn't that limited: "It's about showing them what's attainable. And if Shakespeare is presented as the most unattainable, highbrow entity, but then it's made relevant to them, what else might be? It's part of a wider effort to open kids up to what they wouldn't traditionally be interested in." Chanelle Newman, project manager for the Hip-Hop Shakespeare company, is already seeing the effects. "By the end of the workshops you get to see that it opens their mind up to other things such as theatre acting or going to see more Shakespeare plays. " ・refering korgen The danger - if there is one - in such an approach, is that it might be seen as both patronising and naff to use hip-hop as a backdoor to introducing young people to what is often viewed as spl 35 No "high culture". Is turning Sonnet 18 into a rap the equivalent of turning children's food into funny companson animal shapes in order to get them to swallow something unpalatable? Keith Saha runs the innovative 20 Stories High theatre group in Liverpool and he thinks it can be if it's handled wrongly. "All sorts of industries use hip-hop as a branding tool to sell to a yoof market that they don't understand and can't connect with," he says. "Unfortunately, the arts, and theatre in particular, is one of them. Akala is a great example of a genuine artist who has a passion for both hip-hop and Shakespeare and what he does really works. But a lot of the time big arts organisations are clueless in how to attract young people to their venues; they have boxes to tick in terms of attracting new audiences and the results can be embarrassing, misguided and often offensive." neg connotations 10 15 very long time diste 20 25 30 40 54 45 3 metopher Q2 Vorabitur Klausur, Vorschlag Englisch LK/ metophor Saha points to innovators such as physical theatre pioneers Benji Reid and Jonzi D as people who are making a difference in bringing these seemingly disparate strands of culture together - largely because they're from a hip-hop background. Akala feels that people might see it as patronising, but if they do it's because they don't understand the cultural import of hip-hop. "By calling things 'high culture', we're viewing something as having more value because of the way it's presented. Shakespeare isn't any more of a high culture than hip-hop," he says. "The most sacred histories of ancient African nations were recorded by a man known as a Griot, who was effectively a rapper. He would recite the nation's history over a beat of a drum. So when hip-hop is put back 55 in its proper cultural context as a tradition that dates back hundreds if not thousands of years, you Simo realise that it is the same as The Iliad. Sir Ian McKellen said he didn't fully understand the metaphor connection, but after seeing the workshop, he did. He's one of the most respected Shakespearean actors of our time, and to have someone like that take what you're doing seriously, shows how much of a genuine parallel there is." exper Akala has convinced at least one of our teenage attendees, AJ, who is busy exploring the thematic similarities - love and desire, wealth and poverty - between rap and Shakespeare. AJ says: "Because hip-hop tells stories, Shakespeare is a good subject. And with the music and the beats and the rapping, it makes an old subject brand new." He's also made a convert out of this rythcynic. As a former teenage rapper (...), and a writer about hip-hop for the last 18 years, I was convinced such a project would manage to demean both Shakespeare and my beloved music by pon softening their more difficult edges in order to slot them together. But it's precisely their spikiness, their engagement with real life, their playfulness with language, that makes them such perfect Mbedfellows. Hip-hop and Shakespeare might seem like madness, "yet there is method in't". own 50 60 65 scource: (The Guardian online) SE2 (10.2.22) one had more interst students Shak other... make hip hop more recogniced /accepted Annotations: Q&A - question and answer, adamant- determined not to change your opinion or a decision that you have made, naff-something that is naff seems silly, especially because it is unfashionable or shows a lack of good taste (informal), venue - a place where an organized meeting, concert etc takes place Good luck! 4 Vorabi-Klausur Vorschlag Englisch LK many *| 2 Hello, today I'll talk about the topic nr. A # "poetry - from Shakespearean times. "till now"*Shakespeare probably is the most known poet in the world. He lived during the Elizabethan Age, approx. around the 16th century. It also was the time of the Renaissance, where many new inventions were made and the economy of the British Empire was strong. Shakespeare wrote an unbelievable high number of literary texts. Some Hence, some people think he couldn't done This indicentes. it alone and had help. Anyways, realized that you next to many tragic theatre plays dipressed and other works he wrote about 150 somers. They all follow. a specific rhyme pattern. They consist of 3 stanzas with 4 lines. and cross rhyme and of one with. 2 lines and the pair rhyme. Also, every piece has the iambic pentameter. Until now, there are written countless other poems. Some are similar to Shakespeare's but also very different and you are quess Qd you all know Shakespear, especially because you live in his birthtown. 6 Fin trage & Poeler. ед. don't have any rhyme scheme. As times have changed, the ways of distibution are quite different to those of some centuries ago. Maybe you yourselves have seen & poet on Instagram. Only ust with the hashta "Instapoetry" you can find more than three million posts. I came doss about this topic Thange German text it mentions that there are about 6000 German poets on instagram * The author Eileen Breverers the story of the German "Insta-poet" Clara Louise who has more than 116,000 followers. She started writing poems at the age of 13 and decided to not just write & poety for herself but to publish some extrads as well. Actually, it should be test how other people like it and if there was a chance to book publish ta book but because of her success she stayed on Instagram Clara Couise gen confirms there is no difference to other eat Instagram of ways. publication. She dislikes being called a "Insta-Poet" because it's just a medium to publish your texts. The German text also This topic got quite successful over. last the offer about love, not like shakespear did. The concept of love still is quite spoiler to his times, thes why his works are, in many coles, s Nevertheless literature scientist who thinks. mentions that poems on Instagram have other characteristics. He states that contemporary poetry often raises questions and" initates whereas poems on Instagram are rather easy to understand and not formally complex. In my opinion this is a certain extent. true to But nevertheless I'd say that there are very many different possibilities for poetry. I don't think they have to be very complex &c. q. just to fit into g. the categorisation "contemporary poetry". guess in a few decades or even centuries there will be a name for this kind of poetry just like the "Renaissance" for Shakespeare's L that so believe that everything is poetry for it's author. should also be seen as poetry because it's a kind of art and can be unique. Thanks for listening. Do you have any questions? Language always has changed and in the P R etw. unstallier: The article "Shakespeare: How do I compare thee" to hip-hop "* deals with the connection of hip-hop is about workshops and Shakespeare in you make to mit more that use hip hop do relevant for teenagers and to open up a means to move their minds up to Aheatre) acting or going to see more Shakespare play First, the author explains that a group of teenagers in London is attending workshops on the connections between hip-hop" and Shakespeare. to F He states that nine different theatre companies from the UK have explored hip-hop as a performance culture that is rapidly growing. The texts tells that the rapper Akala started those workshops because he wondered if Shakespeare was rapper dive nowadays he would have been a rapper and to he saw a connection between Shakespeare's poetry and real hip-hop. He came up with the idea due to & song about his a comedic parody of Shakespeare. He also assumes that hip-hop is a documentation of history and in a few hundred years it will be seen similar to the way like Shakespeare's work. today A *published by Andrew Emery on the 15th April 2b0s in the Guardian Online, and publisher آجا which Emery describes that most of the teenagers only attend the workshops. because of the rapping. They Nevertheless, it's hard for them to fade lines are from Shakespeare and which ore from raps due to the close links between iambic pentameter and hip-hop chythms. Furthermore, the author claims that the teenagers think it is boring how Shakespeare is taught at school But the project aims at making them more open for topics that they normaty would not normally be interested in. The project morger says she already sees effects like that they go watching Shakespeare plays. prebribs) In the next paragraph, Andrew. Emery mentions it could be dangerous. to use hip-hop to make traditional works more interesting to young people. Especially if it is used for & marketing to a group they do not understand and just because of money it con be difficult. other Next, the text points out that the head of a theatre group critisizes. that Shakespeare is seen as it would have more value and culture. He out clow: start sentence. a new Freem? 5 6 explains that hiphop is maybe even doler than Shakespeare's work and is therefore a part of culture, too. Moreover, the author writes about a participant that found out about the similarities of Shakespeare and rap regarding the themes. He thinks that hip-hop is a used to tell stones and Shakespeare can be one of them. In the end, Emery talks about his own opinion, that the project to nix Shakespeare and hip-hop. seems to be perfect since it makes it easier to understand, more interesting and shows their connections, despite it might seem strange in the byiming. To contude, the article points out the situation to make shakespeare more interesting and relevant for a younger audience through the link to hip-hop very well. He emphasizes why. this idea came up, how it is done and what possible effects and threats. could be After Summarising Emery's article, it will Bor.2 be analyzed in the following how he uses language and argumentative tech- niques to make clear how and why. there is a connection between Shakespeare and hip-hop. arouses Alread by the headling the article the readers interest. He uses the persond pronoun "thee" that was 6 used in Early Modern English and in Shakespeare's time. I allusion Next Emery teasers his story by mentioning the workshops "on the links between Shakespeare ad hip-hop" In the first paragraph, the authorstels illustration of the context of the workshop what creates the feeling. that the reder directly is catched, because he can imagine the situation better. He also mentions the contrast of the teenagers with of playing on their mobles and shortly after working with Shakespeare's works Then, By saying "they're comparing Summer's day he refers. back to a sonnet and makes his article thee to a more interesting. It also shows he is well informedt. A: The article start aux the He raises a chetorical question. to make the reader feel personally adressed. areux readers interest with. its headline. Gickujet detai detailed. description one of the most favor somets (C). R sentence structure 6. 6 and to make him think why teenagers would like to spend their time with Shakespeare. Every mentions the example of "We will rock you" (1. s) which makes it gain more interested for the re alle and shows hip-hop is seriously coming to theatres. (what of the By using rather informal language you can seek. g. (in the short forms the author adapts to he topic article what is to modernice. Shakespeare and connects better to his target group, youger people, who use colloquial forms more frequently. In Line 8 Andrew Emery refers back to his first rhetorical question which increases the tension and e The author makes use of several quotations that make sure expert knowledge is shown and the does not article not just illustrates the opinion. of Emery (cf. ll. 9-12, 13-17, 324, 35-45-7 The two rhetorical questions. in 11.11-13 ollow the reader to make their own thoughts and emphasizes that hip-hop also is part of culture and art. Furthermore, the statement of the rapper makes clear the contrast betwee vilgor "American rap" and "real hip-hop" (146) , (eur It stresses that he criticises the rap and that it is misused. This is supported by the parallelism and enumere tion that highlights the actual aims and functions of hip-hop and that it should become like that again if By the comparison with Shake- speare and the very lone time distance he wants to express that his works and hip-hop in general should be seen with more volue and respect (cf. 16.15-17). * In line 23 Every personally adresses the reader by using the pronoun "you". It catches his attention and emphosices that the works of rappers should be more recognized. Furthermore, from lines 26 to 45 many words are more negatively connotated to highlight the bad representation of Shakespeare in schools and the possible danger of using. hip-hop as marketing. The term "Othello with a fresh eye "4 refors back to "Othello and the green eyed monster" and means it is questionable if the project really is that * Next, the ellipse "And vice versa "Lay shows how similar Shakespeare and rap are. Bez. 45? R next sentence. This kind of effective. This is already confirmed in the. suppressing Contra-arguments leads to a better convincing of the reader. the The fact that the dangers one pointed out by the theatre, group endas the impression that this theatre wart to seen the best and to market the sche because they are critisizing others. To illustrate this there are metopors applied as well (<f#13 $, 43f). Emery uses a simile in ll.36-37 to stress the danger that could occur In the next paragraph, the buther reports about the need of more understanding and value for hiphop. The metaphor "bringing those seemingly dispaate strands of culture toer shows that cult also hip-hop is part of culture, that is later supported by the story of the Griot" (Fill. 52-56 If also highlights that the project is a great idea especially by mentioning them as "inovations" and "pioneers" (4) - By refering to the most respected @ Shakespearean actor the article seeme and the workshops seem more. reliable and it is again told that hip-hop has little respect to many This is even more emphasized by the quotation of a participant. In the end, the author explains. that with the use of metaphors, that he thinks the workshops are very effective and great project. One can we also see that he is kind of biased because of his background ((f. 4.60-68). C To put it in a nutshell, Every successfully brings his message across to the reader that the work- shops are as effective way of on. the one hand making shakespeare more interesting and relevant for young people but on the other hand to make hip-hop more recognized and accepted. He points out the situation to be that schools can't make. Shakespeare interesting end that there is. less respect for hip-hop despite it => is apellenzents in is ever older than Shakespeare's f~ valuable effore. that criteria maybe works. Therefore he suge ose workshops. everyone should attend n Dear Sir or Madam I read compare thee to 15th April 2009 and fand it really interesting. How shall I hip-hop?" from dm a German student and studied Shakespeare's work in class. I would like to write you about my opinion on duding with shakespeare in the national curriculum, not only in the UK. In my opinion, students should not deal with his workss have to in class. But I think, inspired from your article it could be beneficial oblise then the attendence of those workshops trey. to your article & "Shakesper Right now the studying of Shakespeare is just a shallow Fradition. ritual without meaning. tis Rex For most of the teenages it is difficult to understand, not only the oldfashioned language but also the context sometimes. This causes a lack of interest in some cases. also a lack of interest in the English language generally. to Even though one can say it makes students ded better with minor difficulties there are no real benefits It will not improve their individud writing and they wit probably will this kind of language never use again. stage, not Furthermore, it was meant for for literary analysis. Shake- speare wrote a (tragic) plays - comedios esvel Therefore I think it would more beneficial to visit workshops and perform the play on staye. also guess believe hip-hop is very suiting since in that way be modernized and still contain original elements. In that way, students can get in touch with Shakespeare through a topics they dready know and often also like the class unity and teamwork.con also bets strengthened. it In my opinion, Shakespear relevent because they deat with timeless and univesal topics. like is still love, war or jedory. His works still influence contemporary times and concern people in the 21st century. He is responsible for development of many sayings. and words and it is interesting where they come from. I think his works also have an influence on almost every country, Also because of the British Empire the 1 Therefore, I suggest that students all over the world should attend thowe workshops. I schools there could be invited be ar focus on other works about similar topics but more moden and easier to understand. E Furthermore, schools could the development of teach about language in general and not just about these from the Elizabethon Age. I hope you can understand. my opinion and I would appreciate you published another article on this topic soon if So there would attention from the society also the politics. Yours faithfully, Melissa Stuttgen Q2 Vorabitur, Vorschlag 1 Klausurteil A (Sprachmittlung) Inhaltliche Leistung Die Schülerin/ Der Schüler gibt die wesentlichen Inhalte im Sinne der Aufgabenstellung sinngemäß zusammenfassend wieder. 2 1 3 Darstellungsleistung 2 Die Schülerin/ Der Schüler fasst die Informationen situations- und adressatenbezogen sinngemäß zusammen, z.8. publishing poetry on Instagram becomes Increasingly popular and also the audience resonates very well with it Clara Louise is one of those content creators that use Instagram to publish their work as she started to write poems about anything that was important to her from an early age on konzentriert sich dabel-bezogen auf den situativen Kontext-auf wesentliche Inhalte. fügt ggf. für das Verstehen erforderliche detaillierte Erläuterungen hinzu. 8. weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium (2) 1 Clara Louise used Instagram to test the reactions to her poems initially and publishes about love and self-love predominantly She believes this kind of poetry is not fundamentally different to traditional poetry You could also say that poetry on Instagram is meant to be easily accessible and not to Irritate in contrast to more traditional forms of poetry (Shakespeare's sonnets were not meant to irritate in the first place) Kommunikative Textgestaltung Die Schülerin/ Der Schüler Enlisch LK / SK Name des Schülers/der Schülerin: Wie der junge Goethe: Warum gerade ausgerechnet auf Instagram Gedichte ganz groß sind • richtet ihren/ seinen Text konsequent und explizit auf die Intention und den/ die Adressaten im Sinne der Aufgabenstellung aus. berücksichtigt den situativen Kontext. beachtet die Textsortenmerkmale des geforderten Zieltextformats. • erstellt einen sachgerecht strukturierten Text • gestaltet ihren/ seinen Text hinreichend ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige Wiederholungen und Umständlichkeiten. Ausdrucksvermögen/ Verfügen über sprachliche Mittel Die Schülerin/ Der Schüler • löst sich vom Wortlaut des Ausgangstextes und formuliert eigenständig., ggf. unter Verwendung von Kompensationsstrategien und differenzierten allgemeinen und thematischen Wortschatz verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch and differenzierten Funktionswortschatz • verwendet funktional einen sachlich wie stilistisch • verwendet einen variablen und dem jeweiligen Zieltextformat angemessenen Satzbau Sprachrichtigkeit Die Schülerin/Der Schüler beachtet die Normen der sprachlichen Korrektheit im Sinne einer gelingenden Kommunikation: Wortschatz Grammatik Orthographie Klausurteil B (Leseverstehen und Schreiben) 1. Bereich Inhalt- online Artikel: Shakespeare: How do I compare thee to hip-hop? Anforderungen Teilaufgabe 1 (comprehension) Die Schülerin/Der Schüler 1 stellt einleitend dar, dass es sich bei dem Ausgangstext um einen Online-Artikel handelt, der 2009 erschienen ist; nennt den Autor und benennt zentrale Themen. fasst wesentliche Inhalte des Artikels zusammen: presenting projects that combine Shakespeare and hip-hop Teilaufgabe 2 (analysis) • giving examples what they are doing in the workshop, e.g. exploring rhythm and rhymes, give young people an understanding of Shakespeare criticizing the approach of teaching Shakespeare at school reflecting on the difference between high culture and hip-hop or other types of culture and the "real" hip-hop referring to the history/tradition/cultural background of hip-hop 3 erfüllt ggf. weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium: Die Schülerin/Der Schüler Summe analysiert die Struktur, die Wortwahl, die Stilmittel des Autors und Wirkung auf den Leser, z.B. Struktur: . arbeitet die grundlegende Haltung des Autors heraus: presenting the workshops that bring together Shakespeares' work and hip-hop to make young people experience sth new/ broaden their view in general a critical approach towards the current view about Shakespearean work as "high culture and the way it is taught at school . headline/introduction: presentation of the topic and how what they are doing in the workshops (II. 1-7) main part: connection of Shakespeare and hip-hop (11.8 -17), explaining what the workshops are about/giving examples,(II. 18-25), refering to teaching Shakespeare at school, (II.26-33), dangers of the approach (II. 34-45), how is high culture defined and how does hip-hop come in here?, reflecting on the history of hip-hop(ll. 47-59) conclusion: showing the results of the approach by quoting a participant (1.60-68) Sprache: Informal language: (123) connects to the reader, shows the atmosphere of the workshops and the aim of the author/workshops details description/explanation creates a clear picture and makes the reader feel as if he/she were max. (2) s the reader directly (1. 60)... one of our teenage attendees." Includes 18 Summe 1. Teilaufgabe max 9 27 Stilmittel: • quotations: 1. 31-33 "Chanelle Newman, project manager... to see more Shakespeare plays." reinforces the author's opinion, gains credibility by quoting popular actors etc. rhetorical question: title "How do I compare thee to hip-hop?"; 11.4. but how did they get here?"Introduces/draws attention to the topic enumerations: II. 61. love and desire, wealth and poverty... strengthens the similarities between Shakespeare and hip-hop II. 15. it's poetry, it's social commentary, It's documenting history."→ documents the different layers of hip-hop use of pronouns: (1. 23) "It's harder than you'd think."addr reader to the workshop organisers/participants 2 10 max. Punkte (2) 12 max. 4 24 12 Punkte 17 Punkte 2 9 11 Punkte 3 12 the author reinforces the need to look at Shakespeares' work from a new perspective and resolve the gap between high culture and other cultural forms, he wants to encourage young people to participate the author wants to inform and fill the reader with enthusiasm for the workshops/the approach 3 erfüllt ggf. weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium: Teilaufgabe 3.1 (comment) Die Schülerin/Der Schüler nimmt einleitend Bezug auf Shakespeare/den Ansatz des Artikels/Möglichkeiten der Vermittlung von Dichtung 2 stellt den eigenen Standpunkt zum Thema dar und benennt Argumente, Beispiele oder Konsequenzen, um den eigenen Standpunkt zu stützen schließt mit einem Fazit 1 3 4 erfüllt ggf. weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium: Teilaufgabe 3.2 (re-creation of text) Die Schülerin/Der Schüler nimmt einleitend Bezug auf den Artikel/Thema des Artikels 1 2 arbeitet positive und/oder negative Aspekte heraus, stellt sie wertend gegenüber, führt die eigene Meinung sowie Problemungen an und ent Beispiele, z. B. Shakespeares Werk/die Vermittlung im Unterricht/andere Möglichkeiten der Vermittlung/Bedeutung von Dichtung schließt mit einem Fazit 4 erfüllt ggf. weiteres aufgabenbezogenes Kriterium: 3 Il Bereich Sprache Kommunikative Textgestaltung Die Schülerin/Der Schüler richtet seinen Text konsequent und explizit auf die Aufgabenstellung aus. beachtet die Konventionen der jeweils geforderten Zieltextformate. sachgerecht strukturierten Text. gestaltet seinen Text hinreichend ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige Wiederholungen und Umständlichkeiten. belegt seine Aussagen durch eine funktionale Verwendung von Verweisen und Zitaten, 1 2 3 4 5 erstellt Ausdrucksvermögen/Verfügbarkeit sprachlicher Mittel Die Schülerin/Der Schüler 6 löst sich vom Wortlaut des Ausgangstextes und formullert eigenständig bedient sich eines sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten allgemeinen und thematischen Wortschatres bedient sich eines sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten Textbesprechungs und Textproduation 9 bedient sich eines variablen und dem jeweiligen Zieltextformat angemessenen Satraus Sprachrichtigkeit Die Schülerin/Der Schülerbeachtet die Normen der sprachlichen Korrektheit. 10 Wortschatz 7 11 Grammatik Summe 2. Tellaufgabe 12 Orthographie (Rechtschreibung und Zeichensetzung) Klausurteil A (30%) Summe 3. Teilaufgabe Summe 3. Tellaufgabe (4) 16 max max. 6 . 4 4 max. 3 4 & (2) 4 7 2 14 6 4 14 8 4 max. 9 15 Punkte 2 7 4 13 Punkte 6 4 3 4 Punkte Punkte 4 3 3 6 Punkte 8 7 3 1. II. 1. Klausurteil B (70%) 11. Summe der Punkte im Bereich Inhalt Summe der Punkte im Bereich Sprache Punkte Gesamtsumme der Punkte Note Summe der Punkte im Bereich Inhalt Summe der Punkte im Bereich Sprache Klausurteil A+ Klausurteil B Gesamtsumme der Punkte Gesamtsumme aller Punkte: 150 142 134- 127- 119- 143 135 128 120 113 1- 2+ 1 112 104 105 98 2 2- 3+ Die Klausur wird mit der Notesehr gut bewertet. 97- 89- 82- 90 83 3 3- 74- 75 68 4+ 4 R 18 17 27 24 41 45 42 63 105 150 67- 57 48 58 49 40 4- 5+ 5 39 55 94 135 39- 29- 30 0 5- 6 24,22022 Du kannst die Aufgaben inhaltlich sehr gut beantworten und zeigst, dass du dich mit den Unterrichtsinhalten auseinandergesetzt hast, um eine persönlich Haltung differenziert auszubilden. In der Mediation schweifst du zu Beginn ab, kannst aber die wichtigen Aspekte des Textes gut wiedergeben. Sprachlich gestaltest du die Texte überwiegend elegant und teilweise idiomatisch.