


Vortrag Traditionen UK







Uk traditions
Every nation and country has its own traditions and customs
What makes a nation special in its own way
Uk traditions
Every nation and country has its own traditions and customs
What makes a nation special in its own way

Uk traditions Hello... Structure Every nation and country has its own traditions and customs What makes a nation special in its own way Although especially some of the british traditions have been around for a very long time, and they may be old fashioned, many people living there still follow these traditions when for others, they are not that important The following customs are more common and well known in Britain Britains love talking about their stormy rainy weather, no one exactly knows why that is Furthermore → comment on weather is a nice way to start smalltalk in gb When being in gb, make sure to have some simple phrases about the fantastic weather conditions ready Yes, the British love to queue up and they take it very seriously. Whether you are in a shop, at the post office, or at the bus stop, you will see that the British are always in a neat queue. This ensures that the person who arrives first also gets there first. If you want to avoid a contemptuous look from Londoners, it's best to always stand in the back and wait until it's your turn ... >>> Even when willing to use the toilet they stand in line When you arrive in the UK, you will likely notice everyone apologizing to everyone. According to...

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a survey, the average Brit apologizes around eight times a day - and some even up to twenty times! If you ask a stranger for help, a well-behaved Briton will likely start with 'Sorry to bother you'. The British are known to apologize in almost any situation. Even if you walk into someone in the UK, he or she will most likely respond with a quick 'So sorry!', Even if it's not their fault. As you may have guessed, the weather in Great Britain is very changeable. You never know how long good weather will last. Therefore, as soon as the sun comes out, the British buy meat, bread and drinks quickly to celebrate a spontaneous barbecue in their backyard or one of the parks. Among other things, you can see them drinking Pimms or lying on the numerous British beaches while they hang their toes in the cold water! Britons tend to be rather reserved and appreciate their personal zone. For example, if you get on a bus and there are free seats, it is more normal to take one of these seats than to sit next to someone. This is not something to take personally and the British are usually pretty nice to get to know! Brittains love their puns and wordplays, although it is questionable wether they are funny or not Examples ! A traditional food in England is fish and chips. I think everyone has heard about it before. Fish and chips consist of a fried fish filet- normally cod and chips. But these chips are thicker than chips in germany. Some supplements are mushy peas- that's a puree of peas, onions, pickles and baked beans. Fish And Chips is normally not prepared at home. It's classified as a street food. There are many special Fish and Chips restaurants. The typical English breakfast consists of different courses. At first they have some fruits and fruit juice- normally orange juice. The main course consists of warm meals like fried bacon, sausages, scrambled or fried egg. More often English people eat baked beans or hash browns- that are potato dishes. British breakfast without warm dishes is often called continental breakfast. After that they often eat toast with marmalade or jam.. For breakfast they mostly drink coffee and tea The British love affair with tea is known worldwide. In fact, they drink over 60 trillion cups of tea a year! 'Tea breaks' are common all day across the UK and when a crisis is underway, the best medicine is to make a pot of tea. Brits can be pretty specific about how their tea is made, so do double-checking before making tea for a Londoner! Samples, tea with milk and sugar