


Washington D.C







Washington D.C. Index
Basic Information
• History
• Lincoln Memorial
The White House
• United States Capitol
• Wash
Washington D.C. Index
Basic Information
• History
• Lincoln Memorial
The White House
• United States Capitol
• Wash
Washington D.C. Index
Basic Information
• History
• Lincoln Memorial
The White House
• United States Capitol
• Wash
Washington D.C. Index
Basic Information
• History
• Lincoln Memorial
The White House
• United States Capitol
• Wash
Washington D.C. Index
Basic Information
• History
• Lincoln Memorial
The White House
• United States Capitol
• Wash
Washington D.C. Index
Basic Information
• History
• Lincoln Memorial
The White House
• United States Capitol
• Wash
Washington D.C. Index
Basic Information
• History
• Lincoln Memorial
The White House
• United States Capitol
• Wash
Washington D.C. Index
Basic Information
• History
• Lincoln Memorial
The White House
• United States Capitol
• Wash
Washington D.C. Index
Basic Information
• History
• Lincoln Memorial
The White House
• United States Capitol
• Wash
Washington D.C. Index
Basic Information
• History
• Lincoln Memorial
The White House
• United States Capitol
• Wash

Washington D.C. Index Basic Information • History ● Economy Politics • Lincoln Memorial ● ● ● The White House • United States Capitol • Washington Monument ● ● Fall T RAGGA Basic Information established 16 July 1790 residents: 672,228 (2015) / 705,749 (2019) -> metropolitan area: 6,131,977 (2016) • area: 177 square kilometres ● • mayor: Muriel Bower • gross domestic product: 442,212 million $ Olympia WASHINGTON Salem OREGON IDAHO Boise Carson City Sacramento NEVADA MONTANA Helena UTAH WYOMING .. Salt Lake City Cheyenne Denver COLORADO NORTH DAKOTA Bismarck SOUTH DAKOTA . Pierre MINNESOTA St. Paul NEBRASKA -Superior KANSAS Huron WISCONSIN MICHIGAN Madison .. Lansing LE INDIANA Indianapolis PENNSYLVANIA Taton Harrisburg NEW JERSEY OHIO Annapolis Dover DELAWARE 10WA Des Moines ILLINOIS Columbus WASHINGTON D.C. MARYLAND Springfield Lincoln Topeka Charleston Richmond WEST.. Top Jeferson City MAINE Montpelie Augusta VERMONT N.HAMPSHIRE Albany Bostor HUSETTS Ontario NEW YORK Hardlord RHODE ISLAND CONNECTICUT KENTUCKY Frankort v VIRGINIA Raleigh History • Alexandria was the first city which was founded in the later area of Washington DC in the year 1749 • since 1800 seat of the government • named after George Washington Washington was chosen as capital (New York was just a interim solution (1788-1790). Philadelphia was the capital for ten years (1790-1800)) Economy the gdp of the city is higher than the gdp of the States • most important sectors of the local economy are: tourism, finance, education, research unemolyment rate: 6.4% (2017) / 6.0% (March 2020) ● • grade 49 of the worldwide most important financial centres (2018) ● • 18.9% of the population are living in poverty (2013) ● ● the city has a high crime rate gross G'D domestic product Politics 1802-1871: municipal administration 1871: reformation through the congress • 1874-1975: conduct through a threeman commission (Board of Commissioners) 1967-1975: City Council appointed from the president since 1975: common elections ● ● Lincoln...

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Memorial • built between 1915 and 1922 Abraham Lincoln was the 16. President of the USA • he was the first president of the republican party ● • was short by the actor John Booth in April 1865 • 1963 Martin Luther King hold his famous speech I have a dream in front of the building JUCCO COD The White House seat of the president officially named by Theodore Roosevlt in 1901 laying in the cornerstone in 1792 -> first use in 1800 • was burned down in 1814 and rebuilt 1819 ● United States Capitol built from 1793-1823 • seat of the congress proceedings of the Senate and the House of the Representives house is also important pieces of american art • 3-5 million visitors each year ● TERRANHUNG Washington Monument • located on the National Mall between the United States Capitol and the Lincoln Memorial build 1848-1884 • monument in honor for George Washington ●