









Summary "The Performance Space"
at thas
Charlotte is talking all time about a play where she had
played a boy
Summary "The Performance Space"
at thas
Charlotte is talking all time about a play where she had
played a boy
Summary "The Performance Space"
at thas
Charlotte is talking all time about a play where she had
played a boy
Summary "The Performance Space"
at thas
Charlotte is talking all time about a play where she had
played a boy
Summary "The Performance Space"
at thas
Charlotte is talking all time about a play where she had
played a boy

Elisa no.1 *1 Summary "The Performance Space" at thas Charlotte is talking all time about a play where she had even played a boy Julian though she is a girl." "While she is 50 talking nº stares at August and wants to be cool. Charlotte explains that August t makes that the science elective is says can be in the theplay too, without being really in the play. He can do the lighting or paint the backdrops. Also she felt hing about all the other electives, but August says that he had tay the science elective. Julian suppasably the hardest elective of all, and that August isn't smart enough for it, shear he neve he never been in a school before. Charlotte explains that he was homeschooled by his mum and that August will do fine in science. Jack / wants: them to go to the library. Julian ashed rude things. about August, like why his hair is so long and what yas happened to his face. So now they to the library. August feels good and have to smile, because Jack gives him a good feeling. Jach go * Ito August, that Julian is So August more. a jerk and that August should talk 1 Julian makes 1 go, corrects Julian, because he said 'supposably but the word is supposedly'. When they want to August stumble, but he wasn't really sorry for this. W/ 242 Sugust notices. U "In the chapter The Performance Space' Julian, Charlotte and Jach are showing August the school. 242 18.3.19 *2 When...

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they gr. are in the econd floor spr. gr. "whispers Gri Elisa no. 2 When August is outside people stare at him fond o feels like the north pole and the people are compass needles. When kids him they run away and scream, sometimes they start crying, too. In school he is called freak and when somebody touch's him, he has the plaque they like 'urgh'. pest and On the school event everybody stares at him, so he feels good like the parents and students are compass (needles and he 300 see is the North Pole. Some more examples from 1309. the book. World have been wid вак 416 18.3.19 Фобр exp ображ gr. type Elisa no. 3 When I would see a person with a disability I would first stare for a moment, but when t the person sees höfeld, not that I'm staring I would smile to the person and don't big deal, because these people have enough make a 350 cude about them. problems and don't need some sayings Maybe when I smile to them they would be a little bit them before. 375 happies as 375 words 314 14. = 3,700 = 7/10 18.3.19 gr. gr. English Test No 3 Topic: R.J. Palacio ,,Wonder" RI Palacio Wonder Klett Elisa Tasks: 1. Give a summary of the chapter "The Performance Space" pages 34-37. Count the words, please. 2. Explain which problems August faces because of classmates and people outside of school. 3. Describe how you should react to a person with a disability. Don't forget to check your writing carefully. 18.3.15 Feedbackbogen Englisch Textproduktion Kriterien 1 Inhalt 1.1 Summary 1.1.1 - umbrella sentence umfassend - korrekte Wiedergabe des Textes - alle wesentlichen Aspekte werden genannt Summary entspricht den Anforderungen umfassend 1.1.2.Summary entspricht weitestgehend den Anforderungen - umbrella sentence bezieht sich auf Textstelle - weitgehend korrekte Wiedergabe der Thesen jedoch zu ausführlich d.h. unwesentliche Aspekte werden aufgegriffen bzw. wesentliche Aspekte vernachlässigt 1.1.3 Summary enthält Defizite - umbrella sentence unvollständig und nicht korrekt - Text wurde in wesentlichen Teilen nicht korrekt wiedergegeben oder ist aufgrund sprachlicher Mängel unverständlich 1.2 No 2 August's Problems viele Aspekte des Texts werden aufgegriffen und detailliert, sowie strukturiert erklärt im Hinblick auf Augusts Probleme - weniger ausführliche Erläuterung - unpräzise Erläuterung 1.3 No 3 How to react - strukturierte, gut begründete Meinung, ausführlich - weniger strukturierte, wenig begründete Meinung, eher kurz 2 Sprachliche Mitttel 2.1 Angemessene abwechslungsreiche Ausdrucksweise -angemessene Bindewörter, abwechslungsreich und eigenständig im idiomatischen Ausdruck - Verwendung von Nebensatzkonstruktionen 2.2 Aneinanderreihung einfach strukturierter, weitgehend korrekter Sätze - Verwendung von korrekten, jedoch eher simplen Bindewörtern 2.3 Schwächen im idiomatischen Ausdruck und Wortschatz - Fehler im Ausdruck, Slang 3 Grammatik/Syntax/Rechtschreibung Erreichte Punkte gemäß Fehlerindex FVSS Erreichte Punkte insgesamt Punkte/Note 1 Name: 41-38 37,5-32 31,5-26 25,5-20 19,5 12 11,5-0 5 3 Ø 2,9 4 2 6 3 MA im März 2019 4 5 6 Elisa 1 Punkte max. 25 11-15 6-10 0-5 Note: 6-4 2-3 0-1 2-4 0-1 max. 6 5-6 2-4 0-1 max. 10 max 41 Erreichte Punkte 13 4 3 کی F 32 2 M