


Zusammenfassung für Klassenarbeit Jahrgang 12 Thema Science & Technology







Analysing a non-fictional text:
introduction: text type, title, author, date, topic
The [text type] "[title]", which was
Analysing a non-fictional text:
introduction: text type, title, author, date, topic
The [text type] "[title]", which was
Analysing a non-fictional text:
introduction: text type, title, author, date, topic
The [text type] "[title]", which was
Analysing a non-fictional text:
introduction: text type, title, author, date, topic
The [text type] "[title]", which was
Analysing a non-fictional text:
introduction: text type, title, author, date, topic
The [text type] "[title]", which was
Analysing a non-fictional text:
introduction: text type, title, author, date, topic
The [text type] "[title]", which was

ENGLISH Lernzettel. Analysing a non-fictional text: introduction: text type, title, author, date, topic The [text type] "[title]", which was written by [author] and published in [date], is about /deals with / is concerned with [main topic]. main part: 1short summary 2. analysis of structure and content. characteristics of the heading. Crelate to the heading later again) → line of argument →what part comes first and why? →what part comes last and why? determine the message of the text 3. stylistic devices, e.g.: colloquial /informal/ formal language plain artificial, snappy Style rhetorical devices (alliteration, metaphor, antithesis, neologism, Symbol, Simile, personification,...) •tone Chumorous, playful, depressive, serious, sarcastic, ...) ending: summarize the main results refer to your interpretation hypothesis from the beginning (something personal e.g. your opinion/conclusion) writing a discussion vs. a comment preparation know your line of argument brainstorm for your working thesis I write a thesis/statement. you want to prove introduc- tion. discussion main part • interesting sentence that presents the problem State the thesis/basic question. First line of argument look at the problem from one side →write paragraphs that Support your thesis second line of argument consider the problem. from a different side adress counterclaims comment know your line of argument brainstorm for your working thesis I write a thesis/statement you want to prove. interesting sentence that presents the problem State the thesis/basic question Your line of argument →look at the problem from your point of view. I give reasons for what you. think, give examples Other lines of argument (optional) →look at other positions, give counterclaims to prove your point and show how you deal with them reasonable,...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

with evidence Summary: before writing: →read, highlight important words/ sentences →divide into parts and find a keyword to summarize each part introduction: → author, text type, date, where was it published, topic, title main part: →connect highlighted parts focus on essentials, basic facts. present tense own words, formall language. use connectives good language: (1 no details, quotation, direct speech no personal opinion, interpretation BI. LLLLLLL written by..." "1 deals with... the text shows/presents/despicts/alludes to/ refers to/ criticizes/ comments on / exposes the fact that According to the author,... Satzanfänge: Firstly, Secondly,... Additionally in addition Furthermore moreo ver finally all in all The author believes/claims/emphasizes/states/points out From the author's point of view,.. in a nutshell In summary,:::. this is why, therefore as a result so that although nevertheless whereas either ...or / neither.... nor otherwise. unless I am certain I convinced that. I would like to emphasise that An example that illustrates this point particularly well is.... different words for, to say" to state to add to claim to suggest to announce to guess to mention - Undoubtedly,. As a matter of fact,. I concur with.. among other things to clarify to explain to discuss to address to describe to tell - to bring out content: - genetic engineering = the direct manipulation of an organism's genetic. make-up. hopes -Stem cell research stem cells can develop into any kind of cell -therapeutic cloning to develop new tissues or organs transplants easier partner choice out of genes -find out about the genes of a partner to know about disea- ses your child could have ·chance to stop genetic diseases fears - embrionic cells are often used because they are more pluripotent ethically controversial because cells are taken from left over' embryos in fertility Clinics. - embryo is destroyed reproductive cloning: cloned embryo is transplanted into uterus cloning on humans is forbidden because of ethically concerns should love be found through gene testing? babies with incurable diseases could be weeded out →morally problematic -risk of people misusing it to design their baby hopes -knowing of your childs diseases before birth -Costs are falling rapidly. can become common IVF: - people without a partner, lesbian/gay couples, infertile people can get pregnant life is less dangerous for infertile people in developing countries there are ideas to make IVF. cheaper develop treatments and supportive measures for those with genetic diseases egg freezing. •women can focus on their career first and can get pregnant when they want to career chances are good after getting pregnant can wait for the right partner Artificial Intelligence (AI) - - pros self-driving cars: -makes driving way easier, more related - more exact parcing - less stress fears risk of babies with illnesses being aborted robots in the job industry: - creates new jobs -cheap, reliable -more leisure time searching them out and destroying them before birth IVF: - not 100% succesful -very expensive -insurance doesn't often pay for it egg freezing: -the success rate is unknown →not 100% successful - risk of women feeling pressured to get children later not the ideal solution "Social egg freezing" Cons self-driving cars: ·can never be perfectly safe I can't solve dilemmas like in accidents - car can't decide things safer, cleaner, more fuel-efficient ethical questions who do you kill? the owner. or of people? a group - no one will buy cars that sacrifice their owner different decision with Children in the car? algorithmic morality robots in the job industry: -destroyes old jobs -military misuse of robots - estrangement pros -elimination of drudgery and danger -Al is super intelligent and can learn everything -digital life will soon engulf everything to explore the whole universe →expansion to other planets -Al has the possibility to create an awesome world -technology can safe the life in the future brain enhacing pill: -positive effects -treat sleeping disorders keep you awake - focus on work better ·don't get distracted -cheap each) get you through exam season -intelligence explosion " →human intelligence. needed -uncontrollable development of Al - not enough knowledge about unproved questions -development of Al takes very long →will it ever be accomplished -worries about Al are distracting - estrangement of humans - could be self-destructing -morally crucial is no longer negative -can make you unsociable, snappy it affects your health longterm illegal against the rule to sell it → can get you into prison -pills can have effects on the brain development - they don't ake you more intelligent