


Zusammenfassung Of mice and men







Of mice and men
George and Lennie. are two poor migrant workers in the Depression - era in the United States.
The friendship of George + Len
Of mice and men
George and Lennie. are two poor migrant workers in the Depression - era in the United States.
The friendship of George + Len
Of mice and men
George and Lennie. are two poor migrant workers in the Depression - era in the United States.
The friendship of George + Len
Of mice and men
George and Lennie. are two poor migrant workers in the Depression - era in the United States.
The friendship of George + Len
Of mice and men
George and Lennie. are two poor migrant workers in the Depression - era in the United States.
The friendship of George + Len
Of mice and men
George and Lennie. are two poor migrant workers in the Depression - era in the United States.
The friendship of George + Len
Of mice and men
George and Lennie. are two poor migrant workers in the Depression - era in the United States.
The friendship of George + Len
Of mice and men
George and Lennie. are two poor migrant workers in the Depression - era in the United States.
The friendship of George + Len
Of mice and men
George and Lennie. are two poor migrant workers in the Depression - era in the United States.
The friendship of George + Len

Of mice and men George and Lennie. are two poor migrant workers in the Depression - era in the United States. The friendship of George + Lennie is extraordinary, which is pointed out by other characters. in the novella. However, their friendship is tested by the isolating + predatory reality of their life. Their biggest struggle: surviving their oppressive impoverished circumstances Their biggest dream: becoming financially stable enough to own their own land / farm. Character relationships George (Migrant worker who looks out and is living with Lennie) supports Slim (ranch hand, considered the leader + respected by all) protects Lennie + plans a life with him close friends for a long time, unique relationship trust. relys on George Carlson (ranch hand) plan to buy a canch together candy (Old Swamper who also dreams of having his own farm until he dies) kills his dog have longer conversation Crooks (Black ranch worker who is isolated from the others because of his skin colour, also dreams of own ranch), makes fun of fascinated by her tunintentionally manipulates BY JOHN STEINBECK Soledad, California Lennie (strong but mentally handicapped man who can't stay out of trouble) OF MICE AND MEN Pick's on/provokes Curley's wife (flirts with ranch workers out of boredom loneliness) breaks his hand Curley (Ranch Owner's son who targets Lennie to pick on) CHAPTER ONE Summary Reading log description of the setting at the salinas River, south of Soledad, california 4 slow, peaceful and beautiful atmosphere in nature. Two men walk...

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along the path → the two main characters. are introduced George: small, wiry, sharp-featured, avergyly smart man. 4 Lennie: big/+all + strong, mentally-nandicapped man. dressed in farmhand attire (they are kind of poor) After a while they stop + have a conversation about water from the river. 4 their dynamic & Lennies mental disability become more visible George looks out for Lennie, even tho cennie is a lot stronger but George is smarter · George Keeps talking until he sees. dead mouse in Lennie's hand 4 George takes the mouse away + Lennie insists that he isn't responsible for it's death. → Lennie explains that he just wanted to pet the mouse but George gets angry. George explains to Lennie that they are going to a farm to work. u tells Lennie he must behave in front of the boss because he doesn't want trouble they prepare for the night & Lennie recovers the body of the death mouse u Lennie's aunt clara used to give Lennie mice to pet but when Lennie is showing. affection he unintentionally kills them because he can't control his strength when they eat dinner Lennie asks for ketchup which results in George calling Lennie ungrateful & George says he'd be better off by himself (explains incident in weed) George feels sorry for getting mad + explains their dream future of having a farm to Lennie explains ne and Lennie nove each other when they have enough money they'll buy a farm, live together, grow their own food, have animals + rabbits for vennie to pet. The chapter ends with George explaining that if lennie gets in trouble on the farm he has to come back to this place, nide and wait for George. Thoughts/Analysis the description of the surroundings romanticises the dream of farm life from George + Lennie the beginning of the story establishs the thought of purity, innocence, happiness and perfection • later it will show that the world is a lot worse + cruel but Lennies mind stays innocent. ·becomes clear that George and Lennie have a special relationship they talk in very easy, unedoutated language but with a lot of emotions their dynamic becomes clear very fast + Lennie is very innocent but adores George, George is very strict, loses his patience with Lennie sometimes but also very protective of him OF MICE AND MEN => these characteristics don't really change throughout the story and are their major traits. I don't know if I think the characters are too flat or just the perfect opposite of eachother we.g. George is very hass in while Lennie is very soft Since the characters are so different from their outward - inward appereance, Steinbeck shows that things aren't always just as they seem like can also be compared to racism, sexism, nomophobia etc. the bond of friendship between the two men is very special because they both seem dependent on each other → live together, work together, have the same dream In this chapter the dream of George and Lennie gets introduced → we will hear many more. times from this ut it becomes clear that the dream offers great comfort (especially to lennie) us they look nopeful into the future → hope that this job brings them enough money to fullf!!!. their aream · George seems a lot more worried, especially that Lennie will get in trouble and already. thought about a plan in case he does get problems CHAPTER TWO Summary Lennie George reach the ranch house they are greeted by candy. ↳ Candy: older swamper / handyman who's lost his right hand. Reading log •the workers sleep in a bunkhouse with their belongings in apple boxes on the wall ·George finds lice powder in his bunk + is womed. but candy calms him down George asks about the boss (Curley). 4 the boss is angry that George + Lennie didn't arrive the night before as expected. 4 Curley however can be a "pretty nice fella" => gave the men a gallon of whiskey for Christmas (George is impressed) curley appears + questions them. about their late arrival → George blames it on the bus driver (lied about how long it takes) the boss asks about George's Lennie's skills + previous employement ↳ George talks for Lennie + tells him about Lennies mental disability Lennie forgers George's instruction + talks → George gets nervous ·curley is suspicious → why does George feel like taking care of Lennie? wonders if George takes advantage of Lennie. → George's reply: Lennie is his cousin who was kicked by a horse in the head => now George looks out for him to curley is still suspicious & warns George to not trick him when the conversation ends George + Lennie get assigned one of the grain teams George is mad at Lennie for talking + tells him he's glad they aren't related. 4 candy overnears + George gets mad but candy tells him he's not interested in their affairs ·candy has an old, half-bolind sheepdog which he raised since he was a puppy. Curley, the boss's son appears. ↳ Curley: small man (wearing high-heeled boots), aggressive + malicious ex-boxer Curley immediately starts to provoke Lennie. + demands that "the big guy taik" •Curley leaves + candy explains that curley loves beating up big guys because he isn't big/tall Curley got angrier since he's married because she flirts with ranch-hands Candy leaves + George tells Lennie to stay away from Curley because he's trouble → Lennie explains he wants no trovible Curley's wife appears, searches her husband + flirts with George, Lennie + Slim Lennie speaks about curley's wife + George tells him to stay away from her Lennie's scared. + wants to leave the ranch but George tells him about their dream again Slim enters the bunkhouse → one of the most respected men on the ranch. because of his talents, everyone listens to him when he speaks. Slim is impressed by George + Lennie's friendship Thoughts / Analysis The housing they will live in for the next time shows that there'll be difficulties 4 it's clear they're poor: there are barely any comforts & they bovely own anything. •George's deep fear for getting lice shows how afraid he is of losing his job oppurtunities. ↳ shows the struggles of a ranch-hands life + now cruel / predatory the world is carison wanting to replace candy's old dog with a new one could also be used on numans: "Humans are only worth something when they're able to work" the weak aren't worthy. of protection → rescources are limited & only the strongest will survive => almost all OF MICE AND MEN characters will be confronted with this reality (e.g. Curley's wife, cennie, the dog..). •While the boss seems to be fair, his son who has big authority, is a big asshole (sorry). ↳ Curley has a lot more power + likes to snow it curley is a very emotional men who shows aggressive behaviour contrast to the other characters because Lennie is gentle & Slim self-assured while curiey is self-doubted · Slim is also seen highly of by the other ranch workers → they ask him for advice. George + Lennie immediately feel infinidated by curley → know he's trouble Everyone seems to be impressed by George + Lennie's friendship. 4 their love for each other seems to be very strong even if it's just platonic the book seems to be all about men + their bond to eachother we only get to know 2 female characters (Aunt Clara + Curley's wife, one of them obviously unnamed) female characters have no importance → Curley's wife only mentioned in reference to her husband women can only exist to serve a men's purpose. as women in the book only have two function: caretakers or sex objects (nella sexist) •However, women in the story have dreams & the ability to think. ceorge Lennie barely care about women they only bring them trouble. carison arrives + asks about Slim's dog 4 dog has given birth to nine puppies → drowned four of them aready carison wants to shoot Candy's old dog. The men leave for dinner Lennie is exited for having a puppy. Curley appears, boking for his wife + leaves angry. 4 George explains he dislikes Curley. CHAPTER THREE Summary Reading log At the end of the workday Slim & George return to the bunkhouse. Silm agreed to give Lennie a puppy because he isn't crazy or mean. Slim appreciates George + Lennie's friendship George tells Slim the story now he + Lennie met (grew up in the same town, took care of him, Lennie almost drowned and George felt guilty, since then he protected Lennie → e.g. in weed when Lennie touched the fabric of a girl's dress → accused of rape + they had to flee). ·Lennie comes into the house with his new puppy → then takes it back to the litter because George tells him to Candy + Carlson appear → carison urges candy to shoot the dog. 4 Slim + Carison. pressure candy into killing the dog fast with a shot in the head. crooks, a black stable-hand, comes in, talks with Slim + they leave •The other men play cards + discuss Curley's wife all agreeing she's trovide whit invites George to the local whorehouse but George says he can't afford to lose money because of his + Lennie's dream ·Lennie + Corison come in → Carlson clears his gun + avoids looking at candy ·Curley appears looking for his wife → jealous suspicious tasks where Slim is. · Slim is in the barn, curley storms of followed by whit + Carison George tells cennie about the form they aream about → candy listens. + wants to contribute his life savings if he can live on the farm too to form a plan about affording the ranch (working one month at the farm) is they agree to keep it a secret. Slim, Curley, Carlson + whit return, Curley apologizes to Slim - other men mock him Curley is mad and attacks cennie ↳ Curley hits Lennie & leaves his face bloody → George urges Lenvie to fight back u Lennie breaks Curley's hand. Slim leads curiey to a doctor + warns him to not fire George + Lennie → Curley agrees. George comfort's Lennie telling him the fight isn't his fault Co Lennie's fear is not being allowed to tend the rabbits Thoughts/Analysis ·Lennie being so exited about a puppy shows his gentle innocent nature. once again we learn how special the relationship between George & Lennie is → we also get to know the backstory of their meeting beginning in their childhood and growing into a special adult friendship their friendship started out in an inbalance + George bullying Lennie until Lennie almost OF MICE AND MEN dies + George has a moral awakening => doesn't bully the "weak" anymore · George + candy aren't part of the whole the weak are worthless-thing > George loves + protects Lennie and candy's dog is of great importance to him even if he's useless 4 However, no matter how important Lennie + the dog are to them they can't survive in the cruel world everyone else agrees that the dog has to die → little hope for everyone who's not conventionally strong None of the characters in the book are fully strong → all of them have a weak point 4 physical or intellectual weakness, age, race, gender, financially all of them struggle in some kind. ↳ there are rules which sort out the weak => the ranch is definetely not a dream place. The only comfort in the whole novella is the dream of their own place almost everyone eve wants to join in on their plan. us it's the bright light that helps the characters in harder times => comforts + calms them. ·candy joining in on the plan makes it realer + closer than ever before. 4 However, no matter how close they got, their plan will get crioned by tragic events. -The backstory of Lennie fore shadows the ending of the novella us the fight with curley also shows Lennie's tendency to not know his strength also reacting badly when he's scarea or confused underlining this is also that Lennie always kills mice on accident •The dog also gets killed in the same "gentle" way Lennie gets killed in the end ∞ Lennie the dog's death have many similarities e.g. candy + George vonowing them for a long time. The other men seem to be very loyal to eachother + all together hate Curley because they are "protecting" George + Lennie. CHAPTER FOUR Summary Reading log •Next evening, saturday, Crooks is in the barn in the harness room. crooks: black stable-hand, got the nickname because he has a crooked back, spends a lot of his time reading Lennie appears in the doorway → he spend lots of time in the barn because of his pup ↳ Lennie's looking for company → crooks tells him to go away (black men aren't. allowed in white quarters, so Lennie, a white man, isn't allowed in his space). ·•Lennie doesn't understand + tells crooks that everyone else went into town. ↳ Saw Crooks light on, came in for company => crooks finally invites him in Lennie forgets about keeping the farm a secret. begins telling crooks about George his plan → crooks assumes the cream is part of Lennie's mental disability. •Crooks tells Lennie about his own life 4 lived on a chicken farm, white children played with him nowever he still felt alone. ranch → due to unfair social rules (racism) he has to sleep alone in the barn. ·crooks implys that George might never return from the town enjoys "hurting" Lennie ↳ Lennie gets angry + threatens crooks → crook DOCKS down, telling George'll return ·crooks says that every ranch-hand has the same dream → owning a piece of land but all of them fail owning land is harder than they expect candy joins them, entering crooks room for the first time → both men are uncomfy. but candy is respectful + crooks enjoys the company. ·candy talks to Lennie about the rabbits on the farm & now to make money with them. Crooks Still thinks it's just a stupid dream until candy says he has already picked out land → that interest Crooks + he suggests he could be in the plan with them. ·curley's wife comes in + interrupts them. ·Curley's wife asks about her husband, knowing they went into town implying that they. left the week ores on the farm → Crooks + candy tell her to go away but she starts because his family was the only black one got told to be careful with write people ·crooks makes it clear that not only the strong attack the weak but also the weak fight them talking about her unhappy marriage + loneliness 4 as a child he didn't understand but now he gets it being the only black men on the us if the world was less cruel the weak (Lennle, crooks, Curley's wife) would've worked together ·candy tells her to leave again + that even if they'd get fired they'd buy their own ranch → Curley's wife laughs at him. · Curley's wife complains about her husband → sums up her situation, saying she feels. pathetic for wanting company + talking to them + asics what happened to her husband's hand does not believe their story usne makes jokes about Lennie's bruised face, implys he got them fighting with cuney Crooks want Curley's wife to leave or he'll tell the boss her ways →→she says she can get him in more trouble → implying she could have him lynched → she leaves because the men Thoughts /Analysis are coming back but tells Lennie she's glad he beat curley. ·George returns, mad at candy for talking about the farm + crook changes his mind about the form •Crooks gets introduced → he's a very lonely character due to his race (has to sleep in the bam) ↳ crooks is probably the lonelinest of them all + has the hardest backstory (forced from society). => he's not only lovely but fully isolated also makes him bitter + unhappy. crooks character shows how horrible racism is/was crooks isn't weak because of a real weaknesses but because of society rules / Standards immediately → however this is so important that when Curley's wife says she could get him lynched he's quiet is harder to figure out than the other characters because he's so ambivalent. ne seems very real complex -> thinks the plan of the farm is novesense but dreams of it crooks isn't sure what to marce out of Lennie's company he's afraid + angry but also enjoys it to scare him by talking about his weak point: George Although crooks craves the company + friendship he can't stand cennie's "happiness" + tries. => the world however makes them fight eachother too : OF MICE AND MEN => also adas onto the cruelness scores, wim George Lennie candy crooks /threatens /physical valm " threatens accuses she covia have nim lynched a tramp crooks flirts with him tries to stay away from her -Currey's wife. •Curley's wife attacks Lennie's + crooks' weaknesses but also makes herself winerable by talking about her problems & confessing her loneliness + unhappiness. Cuney's wife Lennie CHAPTER FIVE Summary Reading log Sunday afternoon: Lennie is alone in the barn, sitting in the hay petting his dead puppy. ↳ talks to himself about why the pup dled → doesn't understand because it's not so small Lennie's worried that George will be mad + he won't be allowed to have rabbits. => Lennie gets angry, not knowing how to lie to George → hur's the dead body across the room, retrieving + stroking it. and coming to the conclusion George might not be mad. Curley's wife comes in while Lennie is talking to himself → Lennie hides the puppy. + says George ordered him not to spears to her ·Curley's wife assures him it's safe to talk to her + saying the other men are busy. She discovers the body of the puppy + consoles him about it's death. She complains about her loneliness & the cold treatment from the other ranch honas tells Lennie about her dream of being an actress but now her opportunity was denied by her mom then. she married curley (she doesn't like him). Lennie continues to talk about rabbits she asks why he's so obsessed with animals. 4 answers he likes to touch soft things + she says she does too. ·Curley's wife offers Lennie to let him Stroke her hair Lennie becomes too exited + quickly holds on too tight which scares her •Curley's wife cries out + Lennie panics → puts his hand over her mouth to keep her quiet sne struggles more + Lennie holds tigther + snakes her until her body goes limp. => Lennie broke her neck - she diea ·Barn goes silent → Lennie realizes what he has done + tries to hide the body in the nay. he's worried George will be angry so he fiees, taking the dead puppy with him 4 goes to the place George told him to flee in the beginning ·candy comes looking for Lemie + finds the body + calls George → he immediately knows what happened George hopes that Lennie will only get locked up but candy tells him curley'll lynch him candy still wants to buy the farm but George is now hopeters + doesn't want to the explains he only believed in it because Lennie loved the idea · George is scared the other men will think he got something to do with the murder + tells candy to inform them → George will pretend he hasn't seen the body & act suprised George exits + candy curses Cuney's wife for ruining their dream of a farm. ·candy goes to giert the rest → a crowd gathers + George comes last curley demands that they find Lennie + kill him. · Carison says his gun is missing & Lennie migty've taken it •The group takes off to kill Lennie with crook's shotgun. Thoughts / Analysis Lennie petting the dead puppy in the beginning sets the tone for the chapter. the strength - dangerous nature of Lennie takes away the hope that they'll achieve their dream OF MICE AND MEN curley's wife appears with her the trouble → Lemnie doesn't wanna take with her because ne senses the trouble → Curley's wife nowever wants company to flirt with him. •the chapter gives the reader more background information about curley's wife •She also has dreams, wishes + thoughts her loneliness is the focus of the chapter ·Curley's wife has an idea of "paradise"/ a dream that her circumstances denied her other and George's dream are similiar → they both help them + they desperately hold onto it. ·Curley's wife tells Lennie practically everything about her life + feelings. She fails to see that Lennie can be dangerous & her flirty altitude gets her killed ·Only when she's dead she's described as pretty, simple, sweet + young → before the focus was on wer prostems not outward appearance her death brings ver peace ↳ the whole novella focused on troublesome + seductive natures of women. => Steinback implys that the only way a women can be good is in her death (wtf) After the murder cennie's thoughts immediately move to George → he trusts him. George realises what vennie has done → Slim makes it clear that Lennie will be murdered by Currey. 4 seorge decides that he has to kill Lennie in a "gentle" way before Curley will lynch him. The dream of the farm is now completely gone → the atmosphere is sad + hopeless => George realizes there is no room for dreaming about a better future. when he kills Lennie, he'll also kill his dream. CHAPTER SIX summary The setting is the same as when the story began. Reading log ·Lennie comes + kneels by the water to drink → he's proud of himself for re- membering to come were + wait for George Out of Lennie's head two people appear talking to him. ↳ Aunt clara. berates him for not listening to George + getting himself in trouble. ↳ Giant rabbit: saying George will probably beat him + abandon him · George appears → uncommonly quiet, he doesn't berate Lennie even when he insists ↳ George just repeats his usual words without emotion ·Lennie asks him to tell the story of the farm & George does so 4 George also talks about their companionship + how they have each other. Noises of men coming closer → George +ells Lennie to take his not off + look across the river while he talks about the farm he says no one will ever be mean again to him + they decide to buy the form right now · George raises carison's gun & shoots Lennie in the back of the head ·Lennie's body falls to the ground + George tosses the gun away + sits down. ·The other men come to the riverbank → carison questions George George tells them he took the gun from Lennie + shot him Lennie offers to go away + live in a cave → George tells him to stay, comforting Lennie Now he'll love the only thing that made George different than the other men: Lennie + they were close + George was never alone due to their companionship. The ending shouls that dreams have no place in a world which is ruled by injustice - money. Only Slim understands what really happened + tells George he had to kill Lennie ↳ they leave the scene → George griefing Carlson + Curley watch them + wondering what's wrong. whining Thoughts / Analysis •The scene starting in the same place as the novella started setting the vibe for the novel to end. 4 still idyllic even though something tragic will happen. ↳ the beautiful world is also cruel but just hiding it very well OF MICE AND MEN Lennie comes into the picture with a lot of innocence → due to the foreshadowing his fate is dear The death scene is packed with heaviness + sadness but this is one sided → Lennie is guilty & angry. with himself but he doesn't see how the scene is going to end looking at it with innocence George realizes his plays & dreams are now completely lost everyone believing they couldn't do it were right. ↳ There's not a single men (or person) in the story who got to fulfill their dream The other men see lennie as someone who deserved to die + not as a gentle soul. Only Slim understands George's grief + loss. -LENNIE one of the main characters but the least dynamic. undergoes no significant changes, developement or growth => remains just as the reader viewed him in the opening of the story. Lennie loves to pet soft things, is blindly devoted to George their dream of a farm. incredible physical strength Characters => these are practically his only characteristics. •very flat character → doesn't learn but is very gentle (tries to) + loving + innocent. · earns the readers sympathy due to his helplessness → he's defenceress even though he's strong. ·cannot avoid dangers / trouble Lennie's innocence makes him good but more in a poetic than in a literal sense his enthusiasm for their future farm is contagious nopetul. GEORGE short-tempered, loving + devoted friend → even though he says his life will be easier without Lennie, he never stops protecting him & doesn't wanna leave him • he's worrying & protecting caregiver" to cennie George's easily angry + impatient but never stops projecting + working towards their dream George is a dynamic character → changes throughout the story. Ⓒ reader learns he's capable of growth + change => once abused cennie for his own amusement but now projects him & kills him to save him. learnt his moral lesson: it's wrong to take advantage of the weak ·learns throughout the story that the world is cruel-designed to prey on the weare. beginning: George is kind of an idealist - even though his harsh appereance => believes in the dream of the farm even though it's unlikely in the end with. Lennie's death his dream of safety, freedom and comfort dies ·senses the trouble coming curley - his wife. George sacrifices his dream to save Lennie from getting lynched by Curley. -CROOKS sharp-witted, black stable-hand, his name origined from his crooked back he's extremely lonely like most of the characters he's scared & wants to be alone ave to his fear to be lynored, nowever still happy when he realises cennie doesn't wanna burt him → enjoys the company. due to society's rules he's not allowed in a white men's house bitter, attacks people who are even weaker than him, he's angry + provoking Lennie. · even though he is a mean character, he evokes sympathy in the reader due to his unfair / bad situation ·Crooks dream: lot more complicated sense of belonging for some time ne wants to be included in George's + Lennie's dream but later drops it because he doesn't want to give himself farse nope →still sees the cruel world CANDY old handyman, left with only one hand as the result of an accident 4 worries that the boss will declare him useless + he'll has to leave the ranch. has an ad, toothiess dog who's declared useless + gets killed => supports Candy's fear of replacement → the past matters litte the dream of George + Lennie distracts him from his harsh life he tries to believe in a kinder world Clings to the dream of freedom → even after Lennie is killed -SLIM · jerkline skinner" → natural authority / leader ↳ commands the respect of the man through his professional skill • strength of character. → everyone stops talking when we talks OF MICE AND MEN contrasted to Curiey who has authority ave to being the boss's son but he doesn't get their respect. Slim Source of moral authority. - he knows people + Lennie aint mean one of the only men who ignores the racist prohibition. empathic understands why George kills Lennie + comforts him. good friend to George. CURLEY'S WIFE the only active woman in the story → still Unnamed women are troublemakers. in steinbeck's books who bring nothing good to the life of men. Curley's wife is a temptress on the ranen In the book are women only wearisome wifes, dead maternal figures or prostitutes ·complex + interesting character, even though her purpose is simple: to destroy the male rappiness → she's a tramp, tart or bitch (according to the novel) later we learn about her dream to become a movie star => makes her more human that she explains her feelings →loneliness, unhappiness, boredom. she doesn't get to fulfill her areams. ·to protect herself she's mean & discriminating to others CURLEY is the boss's son + because the boss only appears once, curley's the representative of the land-owning aDIES wears high-heeled boots to mark his wealth + status + hide that he's small he's insecure + constantly anxious about maintaining his dominance + authority 4 oflen picks fights with men twice his size, also is very jealous doesn't allow his wife to talk to the men on the ranch + thinks the men firt with her · Even though ourley's position is higher he's weaker thon eg. Slim / Lennie MEDIATION 1) Read the task carefully identify. 2) Reading the original text + note: ·text title type purpose of the text +intention the author's name + tone relevant information. 3) Preparing the mediation mark only task relevant key words. 4) Writing the mediation ·leave out any information you don't need Text Types -SUMMARY -CHARACTERIZATION use suitable language (Are you writing a letter, email etc.) the adressee mention the relevant points in your own words the purpose + text type / length required maybe rearrange the information to a suitable order your relationship with the addressee focus on the given tasks Check for: 10gic + length, register & style, + correctness 1) write an introduction. + mark only relevant things! flat characters + often twodimensional + do not change during the text round/dynamic characters + complex personalities, develop during the story + change 2) Focus on the main part implicit /indirect characterization up to interpretation (character in action) explicit/direct characterization → texs us about the character (background info). ↓↓ attitude (conversations + thoughts). presentation of the character (name, age, role...). 4 one sentence about personality (flat or round character. 3) End with a conclusion summarize all your findings ・outward appearance social background (physical appearance, social status) ·action & traits limportant ones eg. falling in love, resigning from a job, suicide) · developement throughout the story + relationship to other characters. 1) Read the text carefully, mark important things + make notes 2) use the five w's who? what? when? where? why? Only write down the most important information things people need to know to understand 3) Decide what can be left out → don't include exampies, numbers, comparison, quotes 4) write the summary in your own words. ↳ Introductory phrase mentioning: title, author, topic, main message & source of the text. (The text is about ... The text deals with... In the text the reader gets to know...) use the present tense 5) Check the summary! COMMENT 1) Read the question/statement carefully. corect facts/arguments. 2) write a short introduction → restate the message or action. a) start with a general statement (or a rethorical question) b) different ways to introduce your topic: (in the following I will deal with / discuss the problem /subject of.... This comment / text will be about.... It is an interesting question wheter../11 is a controversial issue wether...). 3) The main port is the most important part a) start with your opinion + give reasons /arguments afterwards. b) illustrate the pros and cons & give your personal opinion in the end (conclusion) provide the pros +cons of the issue + give examples +new paragraph per aspect (In my opinion... The main reason is that... Obviously, there are many reasons...) 4) conclusion give your final statement, no new aspects (To sum up... it has become clear... considering all these reasons...). 5) Read through it again + check your mistakes. -MONOLOGUE person who talks to himself →personal thoughts feelings 4 questions things, problems & conflicts, fears hopes, wishes, plans for the future, pasi situations, pros & cons to decide for something relationships to other people. can have ellipses, thougts jumping, not ending thougts. 4 stopping to think for a second 1 = thougts which aren't finished s strong feelings first-person perspective focus on thougts feelings orientated about the character → thoughts, ottitude, actions from the character end: future vision decision, hopes, worries