


Celtic tiger (economy of Ireland)







Celtic Tiger
Irelands economic boom in the 1990s and 2000s ist referred to as the Celtic Tiger". The Republic of
Ireland went from

Celtic Tiger Defintion Irelands economic boom in the 1990s and 2000s ist referred to as the Celtic Tiger". The Republic of Ireland went from one of the poorest countries to one of the richest in the EU -> Celtic Tiger" is an analogy to the ,,East Asian Tigers", which was applied to rapid economic growth in various Asian countries like Singapore, South Korea & Hong Kong between the 1980s and 1990s How did it happen? - Ireland became a member of the European. Union - high-tech companies are lured by the lowest corporate taxes -> Ireland is an english speaking country, therefore many companies want to go there - Education: Ireland has invested in education since the 1960s-> sent qualified workers to work - church is not in its traditional Irish sense anymore - Many Companies need many employees -> new buildings build Reasons why Irish economy failed - baking system failed - long term effect on the employees - banks were in trouble because of the loans in real estate - banks couldn't finance themselves - construction slowed down because no finances where available construction of too many buildings - pay loans no more income banking crisis - real estate prices go down - lack of customers, shops lay of staff, close down Timeline from Celtic Tiger to economic downturn in Ireland. 1995-2004: economic boom - increasing personal income, exports, trade surpluses, consumer...

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spending, employment and immigration 2004-2007: slower growth due to rising wages and inflation, poor infrastructure, entry of new lower-wage states to EU 2008: global economic downturn combined with banking speculations leading too property boom and then a bust November 2010: 85 billion Euro rescue package from EU and IMF February 2011: collation government loses general election April 2011: Ireland downgraded to junk status by Moody's credit rating agency July 2011: unemployment 14.3% rising taxes, shrinking economy, threat of bankruptcy.