


Frankenstein: Justine‘s conviction







Justine s conviction.
In the novel "Frankenstein", written by Mary Shelley, the
reader does not learn much about the girl Justine Moritz.

Justine s conviction. In the novel "Frankenstein", written by Mary Shelley, the reader does not learn much about the girl Justine Moritz. Nevertheless its clear that Victor Frankensteins family took her in to save her from her own mother, who was an imposition for her. When it is discovered that Victor s brother has been murdered, she is accused because she was carrying the photo he usually wore around his neck. Victor and Elisabeth try to prove her innocence, but in the end she is sentenced to death. Justine is described in many ways in the letters between Victor Frankenstein and his sister Elizabeth, but also by himself. However, it is always emphasised how amiable and cordial she is (p.73, L.7, p.61, LL.12), but never that she is even remotely mean and capable of committing such a crime (p. 73, Ll.6). From the way he describes her, or even talks about her himself, it would not be possible to conclude that one day such a fate would befall her. Nevertheless, after the members of her biological family died little by little, it was to be assumed that death would also catch up with her. First her father died, who loved her more than anything and whose favourite she was (p.60, LL.41). After Living with the Frankenstein family for a while, her brothers...

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and sister also died (p.61, L.28). Then, after her mother took her back home, she died too (p.61, L.44). She was the only one who remained and from whom her name is derived from the word "justice", it was injustice that ended her life. However, due to her position in the Frankenstein family, apart from her good relationship with Victor and Elizabeth (p.61, LL.9), it was to be assumed that it would be her being framed for the murder. She was neither a "real" member of the family, nor was there any exculpatory evidence of her alleged crime. Thus, it could be said that she had a tellingname throughout the course of the story, although this would have to be considered wihtout the meaning of her name. If Victor had only testified on her behalf, it might have steered her fate in a different direction. Thus, Victor did not testify for Justine in order to continue to keep his scary creature a secret. Because, since he created this monster, the responsibility for his brother s death Lies squarely with him. So if his enthusiasm for artificial life had been less, his brother might still be alive and there would be no guilt plaguing him. 21.02.21 Alina C.