


To Kill a Mockingbird







English 2020
Summary of "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee
"To Kill a Mockingbird takes place between 1933 and 1935 in Maycomb, a fiction
English 2020
Summary of "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee
"To Kill a Mockingbird takes place between 1933 and 1935 in Maycomb, a fiction

English 2020 Summary of "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee "To Kill a Mockingbird takes place between 1933 and 1935 in Maycomb, a fictional town in Alabama. The main characters are Scout (Jean Louise Finch) who is 6 years old in the beginning and the protagonist of the novel, her older brother Jem (Jeremey Atticus), her father Atticus Finch who is a lawyer and a friend of hers and her brothers Dill. Scout lives together with her brother, her father and their cook Calpurnia. The first thing we get to know in the novel is that Jem gets his arm badly broken, but not how and why. One summer Scout and Jem become friends with Dill, who spends his summer in Maycomb. From then on, the three of them always spend their time together. On the street Scout and Jem live, there is a spooky house in which Boo Radley lives. The Radley Family is a known family in Maycomb. Especially Boo Radley who hasn't left the house in years and is believed to eat rats, kill children and other spooky things. Since his parents died, he lives there with his older brother Nathan Radley. Dill becomes very fascinated with the story and the house, so he, Scout and Jem spend a lot of...

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time around the house. A very important part of the novel is Tom Robinsons trial. He is one of the towns black residents and is accused of the rape of Mayella Ewell, a white woman. Atticus agrees to be Toms lawyer. Because of their father defending a black man, Scout and Jem get teased at school. Even though Atticus` defense is good and there is proof that Tom is innocent, he loses the trial. Scout, Dill and Jem learn here that the world is not fair and they learn about their racist community. Bob Ewell, Mayella's father, is very upset because Atticus makes a fool of him in court and accuses him of assaulting his daughter. He attacks Scout and Jem on their way home on Halloween. Jem tries to defend him and Scout and ends up breaking his arm (In the beginning we learn that Jem breaks his arm and here we find out how and why). But Boo Radley (Arthur Radley) sees it and comes out of his house to save the children and kills Bob Ewell. The sheriff decides to let the people in Maycomb think Bob's death was an accident, so Arthur Radley doesn't get too much attention which he wouldn't like. The novel ends with Scout reflecting everything that has happened the past two years and understanding the lessons of life which she learns. Amelie Sina Azmand Important life lessons in "To Kill a Mockingbird" English 2020 Put yourself in someone else's shoes (metaphorical meaning) This is a metaphor, meaning you don't understand someone until you look at things from their point of view and try to understand them. "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." - Atticus Finch It's a sin to kill a mockingbird (metaphorical meaning) Mockingbirds are very innocent birds, they don't harm anything or anyone, all they do is sing. That is why it would be a sin to kill one. This is a metaphor which means you should never hurt the innocent, weak or defenseless people. It means to take advantage of someone who is weaker than you. Keep fighting even if you know you'll lose (literal meaning) True bravery is when you keep fighting even though you know you will lose or don't even have a chance of winning. In the novel Atticus Finch agrees to defend a black man, Tom Robinson, and fights for him even though he knows he'll never win because of racism. The world is very unfair (literal meaning) This is taught when Atticus loses the trial, not because his defense was bad, he even had proof that Tom was innocent, he loses because of racism. Racism is a one of the main issues in the novel and shows how unfair the world is, how people act different when it comes to different ethnical backgrounds. Amelie Sina Azmand