


Mae Holland, The Circle, Characterized







Anna Boesen
12EN2 Adt
Characterization of Mae Holland
Mae, Maebellin Renner, Holland is the protagonist in Dave Eggers' dystopia
Anna Boesen
12EN2 Adt
Characterization of Mae Holland
Mae, Maebellin Renner, Holland is the protagonist in Dave Eggers' dystopia

Anna Boesen 12EN2 Adt Characterization of Mae Holland 29.06.2022 Mae, Maebellin Renner, Holland is the protagonist in Dave Eggers' dystopia "The Circle" which explores the idea of a seemingly utopian tech company called the circle that turns out to control the world by having extreme surveillance throughout the world. Even the employees are brainwashed to believe in the circles lies and therefore join the occult like company that enforces devastating harm around the world. Mae is an aspiring and motivated college graduate aged twenty-four who can fulfil her dream of working at "the Circle." The young woman is described as having "wide mouth...thin lips...olive skin...black hair...brown eyes" (pg. 5) She attributes her job chance to her old friend Annie who she met while in college. They are very close friends and remain that way throughout the novel. At the beginning of the novel, she appears dreamy, full of empathy caring deeply about the company's mission to find a community for everyone and attain their dreams, as well as just making the world a seemingly better place. Mae might be ambitious, but it seems she also is naïve towards her job and boss. During this time, she worries about her family, especially her dad and his MS diagnosis and tries to make as much time for them as possible. One...

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could say, she finds comfort while being with her family. Her childhood is two sided, filled with good memories of her parents, as well as time´s of financial trouble and tense family dynamics. However, this behaviour changes as time goes an. Her work at "the Circle" becomes her all, it is so time consuming, that she finds spending time with her parents wasteful, since she could be productive at her job. During a dinner with her parents Mae meets her ex-boyfriend Mercer again who is like the opposite of Mae since he is extremely critical of "the Circle" and their work. He was the one who introduced Mae to kayaking. Her parents like the young man and they have a good relationship with him which is upsetting to Mae. She does not like the fact that he is helping her parents. This could be because her own ego is hurt, feeling replaced by her parents. The dinner is also considered a waste of her time by Mae. When Mae is kayaking it is the only time she sticks to herself and remains private, not posting what she is doing like usually. It gives her the needed space to think and process the events of the days and weeks. Also, kayaking is the only time Mae is not influenced by "the Circle." The sport reveals Mae inner personality even more as one can now see her adventurous and rebellious side. Another important relationship is between Mae and "Kalden" (who really is TY) that forms over the course of several events. Even though Mae doubts "Kalden" many times, she still forms an emotional and physical relationship revealing once more her trust towards authoritative figures and consequently her naivety. Overall, Mae Holland is an intelligent and ambitious woman who has more than just one side to her, however she is prone to naivety and trusting her authoritative figures, adapting to their ideology, not even questioning the morals. Instead, she reacts Anna Boesen 12EN2 Adt 29.06.2022 negative towards critic as seen when Mercer confronts her. Her need to please the company destroys her relationships outside of the campus as seen with her parents. With our current knowledge of Mae and "the Circle" one could theorise about the future of Mae at the tech company that will most likely reveal more horrors ominous company is doing around the world in which Mae could play a highly active part in.